Wonder and Reflextion.

“And today I wonder... how will I bring more magic into my life.. more passion.. more me.” And as I reflect I realize that magic is in everything, that I bring the passion, and I get to choose to step into the shoes of me everyday.

And when I don’t feel the magic, the passion, or have a craving to be MORE me, it means I am not living in alignment. I am out of balance. And I have lost my sense of self somewhere.

Monday, July 23RD is the start of a 7 week class to support you in bringing in a little more magic, a little more passion, and a little more YOU into your life! Every week we will meet online to explore each of the 7 main Chakras. Each week you will receive tools to work with including: a 5min Sound Bath meditation, a pdf of the affirmations for that chakra, a list of the essential oils and crystals to support that chakra, as well as the Toning Meditation of the Seed Sounds for each Chakra. During our online video call, I will lead you in a guided meditation, you will learn about that chakra and the tools given to you to use in a way that you will be able to apply it in your daily life to create balance, find even more joy, and magic!

Don’t worry if you miss a call! I gotchu! All calls will be recorded and the replay will be sent to the group (only). I have set up a private FB group as well, so we can come together in community with our experiences and to cheer each other on.

If you have come to my sound baths before, then you know how important learning about the chakras is to help you figure out your experiences. I want to empower you with the knowledge and experience to decipher these experiences for yourself. You deserve to live a life you love! Let’s align so that there is more magic, more passion, and more YOU!

For this series only! $35 

<3 Danielle

Danielle Hall

Danielle brings over a decade of experience in using sound healing to support adults and children through various traumas, including PTSD, depression, and physical pain. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Master’s in Metaphysical Science and a certification in Sound Healing Therapy. Danielle collaborates with hospitals, corporate wellness programs, therapy centers, and nonprofits to enhance client well-being through non-invasive sound techniques.

An active member of the American Public Health Association, Danielle educates on the benefits of sound therapy as a complementary wellness approach. She also advocates for musicians' rights as an Associate Member of the Recording Academy and contributes to community development as a member of the DEI Committee and the Public Affairs Committee in Calhoun County, Alabama, where she is also a stakeholder in county tourism.

She has been named a "Pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry" by the Shift Network and interviewed on CNN, Fox 5, and 11Alive.