soundembrace health

Sound Healers Journey to the Top.

Journey to the top.

5am, up, pack, go. It was a whim. A feeling. I walked to the foot of the mountain and stared up into the darkness. Took a deep breath, and took the first step.

One foot in front of the other I began the climb. As my journey upward become steep, and I could only see a few feet in front of me, my body, mind, and emotions were challenged. My heart rate and breath started to increase. My mind filled with all the TO DO’s, and I became aware of the emotions of being on this journey alone.

I stopped. Took a breath. Connected within, and took another step. I focused on the sound of my feet connecting with the Earth. Another breath. I told myself, “The reward is worth the journey.” Another breath, I looked up and thanked the moon for lighting each single step. With every new step I allowed gratitude to fill my being. I just... kept... going.

And then, there I was. At the top! With time to spare I set myself up for the perfect view. Sunrise did not disappoint. Her shine grew as she rose from the horizon. Her rays embracing the world with her warmth. The animals rejoiced and welcomed her. .
As I witnessed her gentle rise, I also noticed my body felt strong. My mind clear. My emotions at peace. I made it and had found that I wasn’t alone after all. There were others, like me, who challenged themselves and believed in the beauty that waited for them at the top.
Deep breath.

Starting something new can challenge parts of your being you didn’t know were uncomfortable. But to align means to move through what’s uncomfortable so you can experience ease and flow.

<3 Danielle

I may never know...

I may never know...

I may never know the depth of the impact from these sound bath experiences for these kids... but still so humbling to be a part of their journey.

Check out Kate’s Club to learn more about their mission. 💕

<3 Danielle

📸 Amanda Meredith

💕See you next week.

💕See you next week.

<3 Danielle

Spaciousness between sound.

Spaciousness between sound.
Spaciousness between words.
Spaciousness between breath.
Spaciousness between thoughts…
is what allows us to feel the life we are living.

Sound exists to create the experience of life while the silence allows you to feel it.

Silence is the most important place to be because it is here that the greatest shifts occur. Silence creates the breadth… it creates the depth, of consciousness. It is in the After Sound, that allows for the dust to settle so we may see clearly.

The next sound bath is tomorrow night, Wednesday Sept 4th. Allow the sound to FILL your being so that it may push everything else out of the way and you may FEEL clearly, in the silence.

<3 Danielle

📸 by Miguel Tapia

I’m honored to be among more than 35 of today’s HIGHLY sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners.

I’m honored to be among more than 35 of today’s HIGHLY sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners — including Eileen McKusick , Jonathan Goldman, John Beaulieu, Christine Stevens, Chloë Goodchild, Deva Premal and Miten, Barbara Borden, Steve Halpern, Mona Delfino, John Stuart Reid, and others — sharing the latest science and leading-edge techniques in sound healing!

During this FREE groundbreaking 5-day ONLINE event by The Shift Network you’ll discover:
💓Sacred healing chants, breathing, mantras, and sonic meditations to empower you and balance your mind
💓The nature and inter-relationship of sound, healing, and consciousness
💓The role of tone, tempo, and pattern as primary components of therapeutic music and sound
💓The intersection between stillness and sound — for heart coherence and resonance with the field
💓How simple sound and meditation techniques can help you reset your nervous system, boost your immunity, and cultivate compassionate relationships
💓The power of drum-sing-dance… how to de-stress in 15 minutes or less and bring more joy into your life
💓Exactly how sound and vibration work — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
💓Practical tips for expanding your personal sound practice and sharing it with others
💓New science and research uncovering the true potential of music in integrative medicine
💓Conscious listening as a bridge to creativity and connectivity
💓Acoustical bridges to your spiritual self, essential nature, and highest purpose and so much more!

I cant tell you how excited I am to share this with you and be a part of this panel! Please sign up and share the link. .

<3 Danielle

Thank you Chick-Fil-A for inviting me again to provide the Chill Sound Immersion session for your company!

Thank you Chick-Fil-A for inviting me again to provide the Chill Sound Immersion session for your company! You always take such good care of me when I am there. .
If you would like SoundEmbrace at your office, DM me and let’s chat about how we can make it happen. I have trained sound practitioners in Atlanta, San Francisco, and Los Angeles. I would love to learn about your company and your goals for supporting and empowering your employees.

<3 Danielle



We are taking it up a notch.
You have experienced the therapeutic aspects of a sound bath with my Relax in Sound, Sound Bath Sessions. Now, lets take you on a Sound Journey.

This experience is designed to move you. Bringing together shamanic drumming, gong rhythms, and the depth and breadth of voice to create of an expansive experience of connecting to Self, Higher Consciousness, and Oneness.

As usual, your experience is going to be truly individual and unique to the person next to you. All you have to do is show up for yourself and be open to what this delivers.

<3 Danielle

Anytime. Anywhere. I got you.

Anytime. Anywhere. I got you.

This lovely corporate Sound Bath was held at Boston Consulting Group last week. I LOVE corporate because usually, the majority of the room has never experienced a sound bath before. It is always such an honor for me to have the opportunity to introduce this to people. Thank you for your open arms into the space. For the attention and intentions. And purely being open to a new experience. What a great way to bring everyone together and experience something new.

<3 Danielle

And. The. Is. One.

And. The. Is. One.

There is one more space available for tomorrow nights session. Tough Love Yoga presents “Come as You Are”, a sound bath experience facilitated by Danielle Hall of SoundEmbrace.

We invite you, and all the energy you are working with, to be held in a sea of sound. Escape the chaos, the mind chatter, and the endless to do's, and land – even for just a moment – in an environment designed to give you the opportunity to release effort and the need to work. Simply rest and restore, allowing us to nurture and nourish you through sound.

Please bring whatever you need to feel comfortable lying on the floor for 40 minutes. link below to sign up!

<3 Danielle

One of my dreams came true today.

One of my dreams came true today.

I have been teaching other Sound Practitioners how to do this work since 2015, and then today, the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program officially started. There is nothing like it out on the market for sound healers (at least I haven’t found it). I have to say... it’s a pretty DOPE program.

It usually takes me a couple of days to FEEL the feelings of hard work and accomplishment of something... I’m really good at going and going... but as the last email was sent I actually burst into tears. To express this journey can only really be felt through the intention you would experience while going through this program. And while there is still work to be done, I am humbled by the 10 people who have put their trust in me to guide them into this new world all about the facilitation and power, of sound and frequency.

<3 Danielle

Winding Road of Entrepreneurship

“Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a better one.” (From Pinterest😛)

I could have never imagined that I would be doing THIS work... My dream was to be a working photographer. I got there and then my health took a spin... then so did my dream.

This redirection rooted my soul into something that’s bigger than me. Something I can’t do alone. Nor do I want to. I have created this Sound Healing Certification Program because there are groups of people... there are corners and cracks, shadows and nooks of communities who I will never be able to reach... communities that I am not suppose reach. Communities that only YOU will be able to powerfully touch the lives of.

Sound healing therapy is no longer a fad.

SoundEmbrace is in therapy centers, corporate wellness programs, non profits, and very soon, to be working with a hospital!

This is not something that has happened overnight. But because of the GIANTS in the industry who I have personally had the opportunity to learn from, having perseverance, patience, courage, and the sheer audacity to share the power of this work on some major platforms, WE ARE SUCCEEDING. Which means, if you have the entrepreneurial spirit, you will not have to work nearly as hard as I have had to because it’s now in this course.

The sign says it all.

The sign says it all.

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program starts Monday, August 19th! Can you believe it!? And there are only 2 more spaces available!

Check out the link below so we can schedule a call to answer any of your questions about the program, see if it’s the right fit for YOU, and how you would like to move forward. This is an informational call, NOT a sales call. I want to make sure you feel a 100% YES! If not, at least your questions were answered and you’re not wondering “What if?”

I look forward to sharing more about the program.

📸 by Esteban

<3 Danielle

We have been real busy lately!

We have been real busy lately!

You may not have been able to tell by looking at our events calendar, but July took us for a ride into August!

We wrapped Sound Healing 101 to go straight into an interview with CNN and the The Shift Network , then back to back sessions with Relax in Sound, and Kate’s Club, to a beautiful gathering with Plywood People : Festival of Ideas, a buying trip to Utah with my girl Laura Boone at Crystal Tones , slowed it down for a minute at Self.ISH Retreat, and an epic sound bath for Dirty South Yoga Fest . We are soon to wrap up our stint with the first day of SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program, Monday August 19th!

I say “WE” because I would not have been able to do this without the team of people who have championed me along the way. And if you have seen my assistant Nicole Hall in action, then you know she has been doing some heavy lifting too!

Feeling proud is an understatement. WE did a lot. But it’s not about the quantity of sessions for me. It’s about witnessing the seeds I planted along the way really take bloom. I am in awe... 💓

+ Sound Healing is getting its due.
+ My students are not going to have to work as hard as I have to make this a career.
+ And as a business, SoundEmbrace is moving towards some pretty sophisticated work.

Those of you following along here, thank you! And yes… I have scheduled some time off. :o)

Keep pushing for your dreams. It’s not all easy. But the reward for all your hard work is pretty sweet!

We are far from done here. I look forward to sharing what we are cooking up, soon! Sign up for tonight’s sound bath! 7 spaces left!

📸 by Miguel Tapia

<3 Danielle

We are getting deep!

We are getting deep!

These quiet moments seem to have become more and more difficult to find. Take a conscious breath. This may be the only thing you can do right now. And that’s ok.

Car ride to or from... no radio, for a moment, take a conscious breath.

Dishes. Bring your awareness to the temperature of the water. Take a conscious breath.

As keeping a connection to a regular practice is helpful, show yourself compassion if you fall out of your routine. Take a conscious breath. You are doing great!

Next Sound Bath is TOMORROW, Wednesday, August 14th at The Center for Love and Light ATL ⭐️

Then, Thursday, August 15th at Bar Method Atlanta - East Cobb ⭐️

Saturday, August 24th at Tough Love Yoga ⭐️

Thursday, August 29th at The Center for Love and Light ATL ⭐️

See you very soon. 💓

<3 Danielle



At the end of every month, I slow down for a bit to reflect back on what I have accomplished, haven’t finished, started, or maybe completely bombed on! Not to dwell in negatives, but rather, ask myself what I can learn from it? What can I take away? How can I do “this” better. And more importantly… celebrate!

It’s easy to get in to the DOING but if we don’t watch out, we can miss the life that is happening while we crank the machine.

This is one of the reasons why I loved being a part Plywood People Plywood Presents : Festival of Ideas. Over half of the room had never experienced a sound bath before… as a practitioner this is so exciting! A beautiful opportunity to share something so powerful, yet subtle.

AS Distillery opened their doors as one of the gorgeous host spaces that I had the opportunity to I set up in to provide this experience. The festival was an opportunity for all of us to try something new, of listening to inspiring stories, and out of the box thinking on real issues we all face. If you missed this years, Plywood is preselling tickets for next year at a discounted rate. I know you will be inspired by the energy they pull together.

Next up! THIS Wednesday, Aug 7th , 8 spaces available for Relax in Sound, Sound Bath! Hope to see you soon!

📸 by Jamie Butler ❤️

<3 Danielle

Are you attending Plywood Presents : ATL Ideas!?!

Are you attending Plywood Presents : ATL Ideas!?!

I’m having a full circle moment. 2016 was a challenging year. I moved back to Atlanta for an opportunity in Sound Healing that ended up falling through. I felt knocked off my path and was doubting everything... and then I heard about Plywood People.

I ended up taking their program PATH, and then immersed myself in their programs. Here we are 3 years later... my Sound Healing business is not only doing well, it’s THRIVING. And now, I have the opportunity to be a part of this years Plywood Presents in creating a Sound Bath experience at their Festival of Ideas.

Plywood People and I will see you there!!! July 31 - August 2 💕

📸by Miguel Tapia and Gif by Esteban

<3 Danielle

Growing up, my dad use to say,” You go to school, get a job and it’s a perk if you like it.”

Growing up, my dad use to say,” You go to school, get a job and it’s a perk if you like it.”

It never sat right with me. I didn’t know what I wanted to do “when I grew up” but I did know I didn’t want to just do it to pay my bills.

💕I wanted to LOVE it. 💕I wanted to feel like I was contributing to something bigger. 💕I wanted to feel FREE’D by it.

It wasn’t until years had passed and my dad witnessing me find my way, that shifted his perspective,”Baby doll, I just didn’t see an example of it being possible to do what you love, and make a living, until now.” (Whoa...)

This past Saturday, 10 new sound healing students went through the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 class. Whether or not they choose to step into this work, they each had THIS in common. They want to love what they do, make a difference in their communities, and feel free’d by any ailments or limitations.

For my students past and present, THIS is what we are offering our communities through this work. An example. A representation of skilled sound practitioners living aligned. Sound practitioners from all different backgrounds serving the communities who mean most to them. Representation matters. And as we navigate through our personal evolution, healing the cracks and loving the spaces in between, we find peace. And it’s that peace that we find within ourselves that lights the way for others to see that they can do it too.

Sound Healing. It’s on the rise.

<3 Danielle

Here it is. Here we go!

Here it is. Here we go! 1 more spot for Sound Healing 101. Class is TOMORROW! Saturday, July 27th!

I love teaching this class so much! We will dig in right away on using the instruments like quartz crystal bowls, gongs from our amazing sponsor Kent Aberle from Dream Cymbals , you will have a binder of information for self study, and you will co- facilitate a sound bath with your group by the end of the day.

You may have heard me talk about them, but students Shana Nunnelly , Sonido Sound , Shawn Moore and Stress less with Snehaj started facilitating right away under mentorship and they now all hold their own sessions!.

You will get a feel for the instruments you really want to dig deeper into using for facilitating and you will gain a community of sound practitioners to learn from and become inspired by. I look forward to seeing you very soon.

<3 Danielle

::::SOUND ON::::

::::SOUND ON::::

Nada Yogis in India have been saying that this universe is made up of sound. And everything that is vibrating in this universe is giving off a frequency.

Great! Because, Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating, each one radiating its own unique energy signature.

Therefore, if we really want to observe ourselves and find out what we are, we are really beings of energy and vibration, radiating our own unique energy signature.

Weird right? Our experience tells us that our reality is made up of physical material things. The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, suggested by Newtonian physics, but instead comes from a holistic entanglement of immaterial energy waves stemming from the research of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, among others.

The significance of this information is for us to realize that we are all energy, radiating our own unique energy signature. Feelings, thoughts and emotions play a vital role in our reality, and through Sound or Nada Yoga, we apply quantum physics to help us see the significance of how we all feel and how sound impacts our internal world as well as the external world.

This is the FOUNDATION of Sound Healing.

📸 by Miguel Tapia

<3 Danielle

I wish I could show you their faces today...

yellow matts.JPG

I wish I could show you their faces today...

...and every day that I have the opportunity to be here. Their smiles and jokes are infectious! Reminding me not to take myself so seriously, and that I might actually be funny! 😉

But it’s how they look afterwards when they leave... like witnessing someone who was on an epic journey finally finding a sense of peace and calm. Reminding me of our capacity to love SO BIG if we only allow our hearts to expand into it!

I feel like if you could see their faces too, you would understand the depth and importance of this work on a whole other level.

What Kate’s Club is providing is so special, and I feel so much gratitude for them creating space for sound healing within their programming. If you feel called to support them, please follow their IG and check out their website to learn what support they are looking for. There are also opportunities to support through my Give Back Program, where you can make a tax deductible donation or purchase certain products where 100% of the profit goes towards keeping Sound Healing in these types of organizations. (DM for details)

Thank you James Devoti and Dawn DeLeonardis for the help today! And THANK YOU ALL for reading this through and supporting this work. 💓

<3 Danielle