We just entered the second week of Transformation 60!

We just entered the second week of Transformation 60! This week we are exploring how our thoughts effect our physiology.

It wasn’t that long ago that I had a serious run in with how my thoughts manifested into an issue with my heart. I held a lot of anger and resentment around betrayal. I didn’t talk about what happened. I didn’t deal with the emotions. I had a lot of internal dialog that kept me spinning in negative thoughts. 
This manifested as inflammation in the arteries of my heart, causing difficulty breathing, tightening of my chest, and frequent dizzy spells. My cardiologist said that from all the tests he had done, there was no reason I should have this problem. 
I was reminded about how thoughts can effect our physiology and THEN realized the internal conversation I was having over the betrayal! Once aware, I took action! I started to talk about what had happened. Started shifting the conversation in my head to be more productive. And finally had the ugly cry. Within a week, my symptoms went away. 
You have more control over your wellness story than you think! Your thoughts, outlook, and perspective are just a few factors you can check in with to shift the disease you are experiencing. If you would like to know more about how epigenetic factors and sound healing play a role in transforming your health sign up with the link in my bio. You can still have access to the content. FYI!! The sound healing app comes out in Feb and works with both epigenetic factors and sound healing! Xo! 

<3 Danielle

Danielle Hall

Danielle brings over a decade of experience in using sound healing to support adults and children through various traumas, including PTSD, depression, and physical pain. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Master’s in Metaphysical Science and a certification in Sound Healing Therapy. Danielle collaborates with hospitals, corporate wellness programs, therapy centers, and nonprofits to enhance client well-being through non-invasive sound techniques.

An active member of the American Public Health Association, Danielle educates on the benefits of sound therapy as a complementary wellness approach. She also advocates for musicians' rights as an Associate Member of the Recording Academy and contributes to community development as a member of the DEI Committee and the Public Affairs Committee in Calhoun County, Alabama, where she is also a stakeholder in county tourism.

She has been named a "Pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry" by the Shift Network and interviewed on CNN, Fox 5, and 11Alive.