As I acclimate back from vacation mode...

As I acclimate back from vacation mode I am reminded that sometimes vacation isnt about getting away from work or home duties. It’s also about getting a break from our pattens!

Changing your environment also changes your psyche. When your surroundings change so do your thoughts. New ways of thinking arise or thoughts that have been playing in the background reveal themselves.

Long stretch.

Deep breath.

Calm mind.

Just a few more sound bath sessions available for this year! Check the link in bio for this Sunday’s sound bath at @fullcircleatl ! Just 6 spots left.

And if you are wanting to get away on a retreat I am collaborating with @ddyatlat at a retreat in Joshua Tree in November! Use the code : Sound for $100 off! I hope you will join. It’s going to be really cool!

STOKED to be a part of this retreat in Joshua Tree!

STOKED to be a part of this retreat in Joshua Tree! If you are looking ahead on your calendar for a get away and some self care consider this retreat!

Use the promo code : Sound for $100 off! There are only a few spots left.


Join Shelley Carroll Dancing Dogs Yoga Atlanta with special guest Danielle Hall SoundEmbrace for a yoga retreat in Joshua Tree. You will experience world class yoga and meditation with Shelley and her team, as well as the magic of Sound Bath with the one and only Danielle Hall of SoundEmbrace. The sights, smells, sounds and sensations of the desert, combined with mindful movement and the healing vibrations of sound bath will transport you to bliss.

There is a forgiveness of time and space

There is a forgiveness of time and space. And the longer I am here I find that parts of myself become unearthed, replanted, and healed.

It’s like my whole being is rearranging itself.

Things that held so much importance seem like a distance memory, and I am truly feeling with the entirety of my body and senses.

It’s surreal that it isn’t fleeting. I can’t believe it at times. Tears of confused happiness fall as I teeter between an old self and new self.

“You’re either growing or you’re dying.” -

Lou Holtz, the legendary Notre Dame football coach.

Let’s grow continue to grow together.

Sunday, Sept 18 - Sound Journey at @fullcircleatl in Atlanta

Monday, Sept 19 - Relax in Sound at North Druid Hills Golf Club (for members) in Atlanta.

Sunday, Sept 25 - Relax in Sound at @beyogaauburn in Auburn AL.

Tuesday, Sept 27 - Relax in Sound at @onyxandopalshop in Oxford, AL.

Want to learn sound healing? Link in bio to put your name on the waitlist for January 2023 classes.

Click to sign up now. Looking forward to seeing you soon.

Oye! Im feeling it!

Oye! Im feeling it! You feeling it?

2022 time reality check!

I just realized that we are only 4 months away from 2023! How in the world did we get here!?!

That means:

1. Only 3 more Sound Bath sessions in Atlanta GA., 3 more for Oxford AL. and 3 more for Auburn, AL!!! September dates are posted and all of Atlanta dates are now posted through November.

(NOTE: There will be no sound bath sessions in December. )

2. SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program begins in January! Click link in bio or DM me with name + email address to be notified when registration and complimentary consultation calls open on January 5, 2023!

3. Limited space available for private group sessions and corporate wellness sessions!

4. Have you registered to vote? November will be here before you know it!

Lastly, I had an issue with Instagram but I think I have it resolved now!

Click for all the things and signing up! I look forward to seeing you soon!

Frustrated and impatient

Frustrated and impatient.

Out of frustration and impatience we may try to speed up the process of transformation and growth.

But we have a primal impulse embedded in us to move towards what is familiar or what will bring us a sense of joy, even if it’s temporary.

And this, well, this doesn’t always mean we are headed for that change we wish to cultivate

For the kind of transformation and growth you are looking for, remember that it only works on its own time. And just because it’s familiar doesn’t mean it is safe nor the thing that will bring you peace.

Move through frustration and impatience with self compassion. Don’t give up.


September Public Schedule:

THIS Sunday, Sept 18 - Sound Journey in Atlanta, GA at @fullcircleatl (5 spaces left )

Sunday, Sept 25 - Relax in Sound in Auburn, AL at @beyogaauburn

Tuesday, Sept 27 - Relax in Sound in Oxford, AL at @onyxandopalshop

Click to sign up now!

Confidence is not something you just have

Confidence is not something you just have... it’s something you create!⁣

And today we have 10 new sound healing practitioners beginning their journey into the field. I can’t wait to meet you during our immersion and support you in gaining more courage in offering this powerful work! ⁣

If you would like to know when the next Level 1 classes begin send me a DM with your email address and will let you know as soon as the dates are confirmed. ⁣

In the mean time! Join us Monday, January 10 for :::SoundOn::: where soon to be graduate @dmindfulsoul of the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing certification program will be facilitating her final at our free virtual community sound bath 7-8pm EST! ⁣

And in person sound bath with me in Atlanta at @fullcircleatl Wednesday, January 26 7-8pm EST ⁣

Check for all the goods!

::Sound On:::

::Sound On::: was created for the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program students to have their first group public sound session as their final project.

This is a free virtual sound bath!

Description for Wednesday, Aug 3 Session with @calm.ofthe.wild

A Gentle, Hello.

When we wake up in the morning, walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror for the first time, what do you say to yourself. I invite you to give yourself a gentle, hello. You just might smile, you might continue looking, you might laugh, you might cry. The answers are endless. However, you will give yourself the love and respect of honoring the exact place you are in, mood, energy level, all of it.

I felt it might be apropos to also gently say hello in my first community ONLINE sound bath.

Each day is a new opportunity to check in, even if you went through yesterday without checking in. That’s the beauty of life, every second we have is a new opportunity.

Whether you are feeling burnt out from a crazy work shift and just need a minute to not think about anything, or you are stuck in your creative flow and need a little nudge, or maybe you are interested in relaxing, but don’t know where to start? Let’s say hello.

What you may experience? Relaxation, Increase creative stimulation, decrease in anxiety, more clarity in life intention, lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, heightening of senses, stress release, slowing down of racing thoughts, improved sleep, calmness

What do you need? A cozy place to lay, possibly a pillow for under your head or knees if prone to back problems, headphones if possible for the most effective experience, your beautiful self in exactly the state that you are in at 6pm. No expectations.

On August 3rd, if you get a moment, give yourself a gentle hello in the mirror. I will too.

Let’s see where hello can take you. Let’s find the calm of the wild.

Sign up for free :

Let’s take the guesswork out of getting into Sound Healing!

Let’s take the guesswork out of getting into Sound Healing!

Sign up now for a free complementary consultation call, or! Sign up now for level one of the SoundEmbrace sound healing certification program. You don’t need any previous experience, nor do you need any instruments to get started.

This is where it gets good! And level one we will cover singing bowls of all types and I will break down how to get started in Sound Healing. You will learn the Ergonomics Month, how to prep your nervous system, and begin the steps of building the foundation of a sustainable sound healing business.

Take the guess work out by working with someone who has already been where you want to go.

You will save time, money, alleviate so much stress in trying to figure out the path, and align with the direction you want to go in your life.

Registration closes Wednesday, August 3. Payment plans available. Click for more information and to sign up now. Time is running out for the last round of classes this year.

Tomorrow night at Onyx & Opal

Tomorrow night at Onyx & Opal off main street in Oxford we have our monthly sound bath session! This is a relaxing + therapeutic experience where all you have to do is lay down, close your eyes, and relax in sound!

Sound Healing has shown to support stress reduction, pain relief, and promote restful sleep. Some of the most frequent benefits people have experienced in a Sound Bath Immersion included:

• relief from stress or anxiety

• pain reduced

• peace of mind and mental clarity

• emotional healing or release

• continuing self development

• better sleep

• spiritual connection, integration and wholeness.

Check the link below for more information and to sign up!



Let’s come back to a grounded and centered place so that you can see, think, and act from a state of response rather than reaction.


  • In Person Sound Journey, Sunday July 17 in Atlanta, GA at @fullcircleatl

  • In Person Relax in Sound, Monday July 19 in Oxford, AL at @onyxandopalshop

  • In Person Yoga Nidra + Sound Bath, Sunday, July 31 at @ddyatl

LAST Registration Opportunity for 2022 SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program! Invest in the knowledge and skills to be a Sound Healing Practitioner and support the communities you are passionate about serving.

You got this. to sign up now.

4o Day Morning Check In Affirmations

Daily Affirmations to check in with yourself, shift outdated patterns, and create new behaviors that transform your life!

If you can change your thoughts, you can change anything!

Affirmations are vibrational expressions we aim at our mind in order to shift our thinking patterns and transform our lives. They not only motivate and help keep you focused on your goals and how you want to feel, but the change in thought helps you change your behavior so that you feel the way you want to feel in life!

Like any habit, it takes time for affirmations to stick to the brain. So, to change your thoughts, and to ultimately change your behavior, affirmations should be practiced daily.

Join me here every morning for 40 days as we take a moment to sit with our morning beverage of choice and repeat the affirmation of the day at least 3 times.

Like listening to these tracks?

Sign up for the SoundEmbrace Membership! With 2min, 10min. and 30min sessions on demand it makes it easy to find a sense of stillness anywhere you go!

SoundEmbrace Sound Bath - The Morning Check In Affirmation #1 of 40

SoundEmbrace Sound Bath - The Morning Check In Affirmation #2 of 40

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Sound Healers Journey to the Top.

Journey to the top.

5am, up, pack, go. It was a whim. A feeling. I walked to the foot of the mountain and stared up into the darkness. Took a deep breath, and took the first step.

One foot in front of the other I began the climb. As my journey upward become steep, and I could only see a few feet in front of me, my body, mind, and emotions were challenged. My heart rate and breath started to increase. My mind filled with all the TO DO’s, and I became aware of the emotions of being on this journey alone.

I stopped. Took a breath. Connected within, and took another step. I focused on the sound of my feet connecting with the Earth. Another breath. I told myself, “The reward is worth the journey.” Another breath, I looked up and thanked the moon for lighting each single step. With every new step I allowed gratitude to fill my being. I just... kept... going.

And then, there I was. At the top! With time to spare I set myself up for the perfect view. Sunrise did not disappoint. Her shine grew as she rose from the horizon. Her rays embracing the world with her warmth. The animals rejoiced and welcomed her. .
As I witnessed her gentle rise, I also noticed my body felt strong. My mind clear. My emotions at peace. I made it and had found that I wasn’t alone after all. There were others, like me, who challenged themselves and believed in the beauty that waited for them at the top.
Deep breath.

Starting something new can challenge parts of your being you didn’t know were uncomfortable. But to align means to move through what’s uncomfortable so you can experience ease and flow.

<3 Danielle

8 Free Social Media Sites all Sound Healers Should Consider

8 Free Social Media Sites all Sound Healers Should Consider

How do you as a Sound Healing Practitioner get the work you what you do, especially when you are just getting started and don’t have much cash flow?

Hopping on the Social Media train is a FREE way to get the word out on what you do and who you care to serve! But knowing which platform to spend your time on will give you a little more insight on how to be strategic in spending one precious commodity… you energy!

So let’s take some time to unpack the nuances relating to a few of the BIG GUYS in the game!

1. Facebook

Whether we like it or not, Facebook is the undisputed heavyweight champion of social media platforms and has fundamentally changed the way humans interact with each other.

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, and your follower are most likely to use on a daily basis. And so! It’s a great place to start if you want to host and create a knowledge-sharing/discussion space, and share long form information and stories.

Facebook Stats!

  • 2.74 Billion Active Users! (Second in usage to YouTube!)

  • In the US, 73% of all Facebook users log in on a daily basis.

  • The average American user spends up to 38 minutes per day on Facebook.

  • Despite continued criticism of Facebook’s role in spreading disinformation, 36% of US citizens say they regularly use the platform as a source of news.

  • 75% of Facebook users are women, 63% are men. 76% of people between 18-24 and 84% of people between 25-30. 79% of people 30-49. Another 68% between 50-64.

  • Facebook also allows you to receive very detailed analytics about your audience. This insight can help you further refine your target audience.

2. YouTube

ANYONE can enjoy YouTube content, regardless of whether or not they are a registered user. Here video content it king!

YouTube Stats!

  • 2.29 billion registered users.

  • 80% of parents say their children watch YouTube videos.

  • National demographics says that 30% of all YouTube’s traffic originates from only three countries. At 16.4%, the United States contributes the biggest percentage. India is second with 9.2% and Japan grabs the bronze with 4.8%.

  • The largest age demographic for YouTube is 18-29 year olds, with 91% using it. 30-39 year olds at about 87% and 13-17 year olds at about 85%

3. Instagram

Yes! The land of “influencers” and inspiration! For better or worse, this popular photo-sharing app is packs a punch!

Instagram Stats!

  • 1.221 Billion Active Users

  • 72% and 67% of thirteen to seventeen year olds and 18-29 year olds. This drops to 47% for 30-49 year olds and 23% for 50-64 year olds.

  • popular platform for B2C marketing

  • Offers incredible engagement rates in comparison to Facebook

4. TikTok

Kind of an overnight success story! The video-sharing platform seemed to unapologetically burst into the scene with its quick and hilarious content!

TikTok Stats!

  • Young adults are by far the most frequent users of TikTok with 41% of users between the ages of 16-24.

  • Users spend an average of just under an hour on the app per day.

  • 90% of users access the app multiple times a day.

  • The more creative your videos are, the more noticeable they will be.

  • It is available in 155 countries and 75 languages, making it possible to reach people you may not be able to on other platforms.

5. Snapchat

This app defied the norms! Rejecting the notion of “once it’s on the internet, it’s forever” and said “I’m doin my own thing y’all!”

The photo and video-sharing platform became famous for only displaying users’ posts for a limited time before it’s deleted. Forever. Talk about creating a sense of urgency!

SnapChat Stats!

  • 59% of all US internet users between the ages of 13 to 24 are on Snapchat.

  • Since 2016, Snapchat has been the most popular social network amongst teens and young adults.

  • 69% and 62% of thirteen to seventeen year olds and eighteen to twenty nine year olds use Snapchat, respectively. This decreases greatly to only 25% of thirty to forty-nine year olds. It is considered the most important social network by 41% of teens.

6. Pinterest

An image-sharing, pin to your hearts desire type platform! Dream board your life and get pinned!

Pinterst Stats!

  • 442 Million Active Users

  • Demographically, Pinterest has largely been dominated by female users. Currently, the gender split is sitting at approximately 60/40 percent. This gap is narrowing, however, with the platform reporting a 50% increase in male users in 2020.

  • Pinterest provides great SEO opportunities because your pins are also clickable links which can drive traffic to your website. Another great aspect is that pins have a long lifespan, meaning that the more your pin is re-pinned, the longer it circulates on user boards and it can be visible for years. 

7. Twitter

Short and sweet. But don’t blink! You may miss something! 280 characters only please.

Twitter Stats!

8. LinkedIn

Shine a light on that resume! LinkedIn is a space to showcase your professional career. The US has significantly more LinkedIn users than any other country in the world with 160 million users. However, this social media platform is used much less regularly than many of the others. Although.. I do see them trying to make a combat with their new features.

LinkedIn Stats!

  • 160 million users

  • The largest age demographics for LinkedIn are 25-30 year olds and 30-49 year olds.

  • A LinkedIn profile can improve SEO rankings for a small business, as it comes across more legitimate.

Can Children Experience A Sound Bath?

SoundEmbrace has worked with children in private and group sessions, as well as through children’s therapy centers.

While children of all ages are welcome, please note that it may be challenging for some children to remain quiet and still for long periods of time.

We trust that you know your child best. If this is a public group sound bath session please take into consideration that any movement, fidgeting or talking is disruptive to other participants as it becomes a sound sensitive environment.

Ultimately, we find great results working with children!

Who Should NOT Do A Sound Bath?

You should not have a sound therapy session if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy, or have thrombosis. In person sound bath sessions may produce monaural beats, while virtual experiences may produce binaural beats, so it is recommended to consult your doctor if you are prone to seizures. Please let your practitioner know if you have a pace maker or any other device.

What Should I Bring To A Sound Bath?

Really, anything goes!

Please bring anything that will support you in laying down for the duration of the session.

  • Items may include a yoga mat, pillow, eye mask, and blanket.

  • Dressing comfortably will also support you in becoming more relaxed during the session.

  • Participants often feel thirsty after a sound bath session, so feel free to bring water.

When the physical body isWhen the physical body is comfortable it is easier for the mind to be as well!