What Can Sound Healing Sound Baths Help With?

Sound Therapy has been shown to have positive outcomes and support:

  • Relieving Stress

  • Reducing Pain

  • Reducing Anxiety

  • Insomnia

  • Depression

  • Achieve Higher States of Meditation

  • Digestive Issues

  • PTSD

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Cancer

  • Brain Function

  • Added Mobility

  • Increased focus

  • Increased clarity

  • Increased creativity

  • Increased sense of calm

  • Increased blood flow

  • Increased oxygen flow

“Through the process of entrainment, sound can transform negative, repressed emotions into a state of psychological equanimity that has direct and immediate effects on our physiology. Sonic entrainment can also restore harmony between our innermost selves— our essence— and the universe, thus reawakening our spiritual connection.”— Mitchel Gaynor

How Can I Become a Sound Healing Practitioner?

You want to do your homework on who will be the best teach for you and your goals. Here are SoundEmbrace, we offer a FREE Consultation call to answer all your questions about the industry and advise on whether or or not a single class or full certification is best for your goals.

The SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program is robust. You will not only the history, practical application, and science, you will also be mentored and be supported through business and marketing classes so that you have a realistic foundation to launch from when you complete the 4 month program.

Can Anyone Buy Sound Healing Instruments?

You are absolutely right! On one hand, this is a good thing! On the other, well, if you don’t know what you are doing you can certainly cause more harm than good!

On the good side of it, these instruments are relatively accessible to start a self meditation practice. This is helpful in finding self empowerment for yourself and creating that time to learn to self regulation.

On the other hand, I still recommend that there is some training for the beginner. You may have immense detox symptoms and need to be able to know what these are and how to prep your nervous system to handle the vibration.

There’s no governing body for Sound Healing to maintain standards of best practices and ethics. There are many programs, classes, workshops, and “Certification Programs” popping up all over the place without any real validity, extended knowledge in the practice of health, coaching, or trauma. And good intentions are really only that. Good intentions. If you do not have extensive training you really don’t know what responsibility you really have as someone facilitating this work.

What is a Sound Bath?

It is called a Sound Bath because it feels like the sounds are washing over you.

Participants typically lie down on yoga mats (welcome to sit up), close their eyes and focus on their breath as wave after wave of sound washes over them. A sound practitioner facilitates using combinations of frequencies to prepare the nervous system to go into the parasympathetic nervous system state. This creates the environment for the body to go into its own natural healing often relieving stress, and reducing pain.

Instruments used may include, but are not limited to : quartz crystal bowls, himalayan bowls, gongs, drums, shakers, chimes, bells, tingshas, and voice to name a few.

Where Does Sound Healing Come From?

I get this question a lot as well!

Sound healing isn’t new. Sound Healing is more of an umbrella term for ancient healing practices all over the world, both spiritual in nature, and not spiritual. Many Eastern spiritual traditions use these instruments for ceremony and healing thousand of years ago. Sound Healing practices span over every continent and continent and culture, and so it is the responsibility of the practitioner to not only know the practical application of the instruments in our modern day, but also maintain the integrity and ethic of the practice from what if came.

It is worth mentioning that we may also categorize ultrasound and frequency therapy as an accepted and frequently medical intervention. While a Sound Healing Practitioner, Therapist, or Facilitator may not use these interventions, it is using vibration and frequency as a tool for healing.

What is Sound Healing?


Sound Healing is also known as Sound Therapy or Vibrational Medicine. Sound Therapy works on the principle that everything is vibration. Sound healing therapy is the therapeutic application of sound and vibration in order to create the environment for the body to go into its own natural healing processes. It is the practice of using sound and frequency for relaxation, healing and personal development.

Sound can facilitate shifts in our brainwave states by entrainment. Entrainment synchronizes fluctuating brainwaves by providing a stable frequency to which the brainwave can attune. Combinations of rhythms and frequencies make it is possible to shift from our normal beta state (alert, waking, concentrating, reacting) to alpha (creative, relaxed), and even theta (meditative state) and delta (deep sleep; where restoring and healing can occur).  Shifting brainwave states elicits the Relaxation Response in the body, turning on the parasympathetic nervous system state.

There is a large following and deep curiosity about Sound Healing, more specifically Sound Bath sessions. We are seeing the media including articles in national newspapers, magazines, and events across social media raising awareness of this powerful tool. For a trained Sound Healing Practitioner or Sound Healing Therapist non traditional instruments like quartz crystal singing bowls, Himalayan bowls, tuning forks and even gongs are used in a therapeutic way to facilitate outcomes for health and wellbeing.

“With the capacity to slow down your respiratory rate, relax your brainwaves patterns, lower your heart rate variability and calm your nervous system, sound healing is at the cutting edge of healing along with meditation and yoga. It’s non-invasive and can be inexpensive and social.” - Well Doing

Sound healing can reduce your stress and anxiety, improve your sleep, create a deep sense of wellbeing, and promote healing that goes well beyond simple relaxation. Participants with conditions such as Parkinson’s are benefitting, as are the elderly, and those with PTSD and other mental health difficulties.

Finding a trusted ally within oneself

Finding a trusted ally within oneself.⁣

How many promises have you broken to yourself? ⁣

How many times have you told yourself you would do something and haven’t? ⁣

Do you trust yourself? ⁣

Whether you have made some big New Years goal, or something small and personal like getting up earlier, fulfilling your commitments and promises to yourself build the courage to do everything else you want to do. To trust YOU can and will follow through. ⁣

This Mercury Retrograde period is helping us remember those commitments made to Self. ⁣




Join us tomorrow Sunday, Jan 16 for :::SoundOn::: where graduating student @yoangie will be facilitating a sound bath session for us! ⁣

And! Join me in person Wed, Jan 26 for an in person session in Atlanta!⁣

Interested in learning Sound Healing? We have ONE MORE opportunity to get in on the program before we take a summer break. No experience necessary it instruments required for level 1. ⁣

Link in bio or soundembrace.com for more information.⁣

For the love RE!

For the love RE!

I see January as a month of “RE’s” : REdo, RE-create, REassess, REinvent.

Its like a REawakening to self. Deciding that “things will be different“. That “its time” to REwork the old parts of ourselves.

There’s been a REframe. A moment of REflecting and REclaiming how powerful we really are. REcommitting to the power we inherently hold within ourselves.

As we REconsider and REthink all that was and all that could be, I invite you to also REmember and REestablish your values.

REkindling, REevaluating, and REconnecting to those truths.

REaffirming what truly matters to you. REaligning with these fundamental truths will help in this REbalancing process.

REempowering you in whatever it is that you were looking to REstart, or REnew.

2022 is going to ask a lot of us. I am confident that in REconnecting with your values you will REunite with the parts of yourself you thought you’ve lost. Parts of yourself yearning to be found again. And you will have the stamina to take bold, courageous action, not only your passions, but what is right and just for our world.

Check the link in bio or SoundEmbrace.com for virtual and in person sound bath sessions! If you were interested in Sound Healing classes, Registration for Level 1 (SEE1) of the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program will be opening up again soon!

Tomorrow we have :::SoundOn::: with @dmindfulsoul

Tomorrow we have :::SoundOn::: with @dmindfulsoul !!!

Description for the evenings sound bath:⁣

My intention for the session is for my participants to sense each breath as a blissful homecoming back to themselves.⁣

Often times we look to the outside to bring us solace, ease and balance when the pathway to peace exists within...waiting to be found/uncovered underneath all of the experiences we’ve had or had to endure. Sound and vibration are a vehicle to experience the balance we seek. ⁣

Here are states of being accessed from previous participants in Devon’s SoundBaths:⁣

Relaxed. Peace. Calm. Rested. Peaceful. Heart filled. Focused. Nourished. Energized. Soothed. Headache free. Refreshed. Free. Held. ⁣

If you’d like to see what’s possible personally, come through with an open heart and mind. ⁣

Devon will lead you through a deeply relaxing mindful meditation of breath into the pure harmonious sounds of the crystal bowls (and other instrument)to bring balance and a sense of ease to your body, mind and spirit. …Which is simply a pathway back home to your intended natural state of being. ⁣

No previous experience with meditation or sound needed. If you’re a living human looking to relax- that’s enough ;)⁣

Link in bio!!

Settling in to day 2 of the virtual immersion

Settling in to day 2 of the virtual immersion.⁣

One of the best parts about teaching is witnessing the dots connect. When the student surpasses their own expectation of what is possible. ⁣

I can’t wait for them to do their first EVER facilitation this afternoon!

Close your eyes, and Relax in Sound

Close your eyes, and Relax in Sound.

Join us for Atlanta, Relax in Sound. An in person Sound Immersion to support you in shaking off some of the residual energy of the past year, reconnecting with your values, and setting a new foundation to boldly step into your life in a new way.

Lead from a place of calm in a chaotic world.
Create from a place of abundance though all you hear of is lack.
Love from a place of understanding and compassion when faced with spaces consumed in darkness and hopelessness.

Your experience is going to be truly individual and unique to the person next to you. All you have to do is show up for yourself, and relax into the sound.

Notice blocks and tensions wash away, leaving you centered, refreshed, energized, and fully present and connected with the world around you.

Link in bio or SoundEmbrace.com to sign up for this in person sound bath session in Atlanta, on Wednesday, January 26 at @fullcircleatl

Don’t believe the hype!

Don’t believe the hype!

I know. You catch wind to sound and energy work and YOU WANT IN! You want it so badly you start looking into buying all the things and following all the people!

And then... you see that there are all these instruments. And all the people you’re following have all the instruments. You look at the price tag, then your wallet, and all you can say is “FU^K!”

For the new sound practitioners entering the scene, know that you DO NOT need a ton of bowls (or instruments for that matter) to begin supporting yourself and others.

One bowl. Or one drum. Maybe it’s one gong. One chime. Or maybe its simply your voice! Know that there is so much power in simplicity.

Here is something most people don’t understand about Sound Healing... the power of this work is determined by how much inner work you are willing to do. The inner work supports the direction of action. It’s also a mind, body, spirit collaboration between you, the facilitator, the instrument, and your client.

Remember, what you see on Social Media is curated for a “vibe”. Just like the picture I chose for this post.

When you look closely you will see many of the people holding space don’t even know how to hold a mallet correctly (among other things). The point is, as Jonathan Goldman has said, “More is not better, louder is not better, and longer is not better.”

What do you think this work is about?

What are some of your frustrations in getting started?

Start with 1.

Work with it for yourself.

And you’ll see/feel what I mean.

Link in bio for classes and virtual sound bath sessions. In person session announcement soon!

Whispers From the Fade

Whispers From the Fade

It’s 5:34am.

I am sitting on my bed, but not in my home. A full, hot cup of coffee awaits the first sip.

Sometimes the nomadic life sends you in interesting directions. Slight crack of the window of possibility and most of what you have planned falls right out! There it is… run over by another car that somehow made it to the same dusty road you’ve found yourself on.

A realization sets in.

The “plan” was just a stepping stone to building more courage for the unknown.…and damn. We really aren’t alone in this place! So, here we are. Seamlessly enveloped in a new year. New inspired possibilities riddled with the anxiety of years that have past. We have hope, but we know more is coming down the pipeline. Have you begun to trust this voice yet? More unknown. Whispers from the fade. Civil unrest. There is fear and anxiety in what we can’t do.

There is empowerment and hope in what we can. For 2022, both the mystics and the economist are projecting a rebalancing of our foundations. A connecting back (possibly redefining) our values. As I take another sip of coffee, I acknowledge the work to be done. And I see the new plan unfolding. It begins with revisiting ones values, creating a new foundation, and a recommitment to them. While it’s inevitable that this plan will be tossed, it’s what brings each of us to the next step. Through a bit more of the unknown.

Until we receive the next clue in navigating these new waters.


Last chance to sign up for the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing certification program. Check the link in bio to sign up now. I look forward to seeing you in the live class this weekend, January 8 + 9!

Day 1

Day 1.

Year of 6.

May we have the courage to step into our dreams, the strength to overcome, and the stamina to endure.

May we build more bridges, more trust,
and abundance for all beings.

May we be surrounded by love, vulnerability to share it, and the openness to receive it.

May we have the spaciousness to rest and heal.

And may we have the openness to hear different ways of thinking so that we may learn, grow, and make the change we long to see in the world, together.

Happy New Year.




Coming up 5pm EST we have @serenbeyoga up for our FREE Virtual Sound Bath called :::SoundOn:::

While ::::Sound On:::: is free, it is also a fundraiser to create job opportunities for SoundEmbrace Alumni to serve the mental health and wellness of our communities through sound healing therapy. SoundEmbrace Alumni are international. Can you imagine how many communities we can support!?!

Check out SoundEmbrace.com to sign up for todays FREE virtual Sound Bath!

See you soon!

Quote by Dr. Joseph Murphy

"You can bring into your life more power, more wealth, more health, more happiness, and more joy by learning to contact and release the hidden power of your subconscious mind."

- Dr. Joseph Murphy.

Unfortunately, many of us inadvertently use our minds to conjure up negative images. So much of our day is consumed with worrying about the future, or by mentally re-living uncomfortable events that are already in the past.

Just as positive imagery can lead to positive results, negative imagery can lead to negative results such as increased stress levels, increased blood pressure, insomnia, a weakened immune system...the list goes on. This is why it is so important that you find time to introduce positive imagery into your life.

Check the link in bio or SoundEmbrace.com to claim your spot in Level 1 (SEE1) of the Sound Healing Certification Program, Sign up for a FREE consultation call, or sign up for The SoundEmbrace Membership where you will have access to Sound Healing tracks on demand!

Registration for the SoundEmbrace Certification Program closes EOD today!

Registration for the SoundEmbrace Certification Program closes EOD today!

Last call to start the new year inspired and ready for the massive shifts that will take place in 2022!

Leaders in Sound Healing begin here.

Check out Soundembrace.com.