complimentary medicine

Among the many forms in which human spirit has tried to express its innermost yearnings and perceptions, music is perhaps the most universal.

“Among the many forms in which human spirit has tried to express its innermost yearnings and perceptions, music is perhaps the most universal. It symbolizes the yearning for harmony, with oneself and others, with nature and the spiritual and the sacred within us and around us. There is something in music that transcends and unites. This is evident in the sacred music of every community—music that expresses the universal yearning that is shared by people all over the globe.”

From His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama (From Song of the Spirit: The World of Sacred Music)

Join me tomorrow, Wednesday, February 6th for 'Relax in Sound'. A Sound Bath supporting inner awareness that leads to self empowerment. Transcending time and space.

<3 Danielle

Feeling a little “EXTRA” this morning!

Feeling a little “EXTRA” this morning!

“You cant wait for your healing to feel Wholeness.
You have to feel Wholeness for your healing to occur. 
You cant wait for your new relationship to feel love.
You have to feel love so your relationship finds you. 
You cant wait to have that new job to feel empowered.
You have to feel empowered by the thought of your new job.” - Dr. Joe Dispenza

On a Quantum level we can cause an affect. In order for change to occur in our lives, we have to change how we think. We have to change how we feel. It’s a challenge because it means we have to be so present that we may allow ourselves the opportunity to become aware of the thoughts and emotions running on autopilot.

Its these thoughts and emotions that are anchoring us to the past and send us repeating the same things over and over. Once aware, you can decide whether or not these thoughts and emotions belong in your future. If not… bless them, and leave them behind.

Sound Journey, Sunday January 20th at The Center for Love and Light.
7 spaces left. Take what you need,l. Leave the rest.

<3 Danielle

Something New

Something New

Thank you to everyone who signed up for last nights sound bath at Bar Method Atlanta in East Cobb!! We had quite a bit of you who were new to a sound bath experience and I am SO EXCITED I got to be your first! 😉

If you know me... you know it’s important to me to create an experience for people who may have a similar perspective as I did when I first got into this work. SKEPTIC!!!! Hahah! The experience I created to make Sound Healing Sessions accessible is called “Relax in Sound”. No religious or spiritual talk, no incense. It’s an experience that centers around empowerment, relieving stress, and reducing pain through sound and vibration.

A few of you have mentioned you would like to take this work deeper. I’ve heard you you! AND IM DOWN!!

If, and ONLY IF, you have experienced a sound bath with me, are you invited to sign up for my NEW experience called Sound Journey.

This will be very different from ‘Relax in Sound’ as I will be using voice, channeling, and adding different instruments. I will talk more on connecting spiritually whether that is with a deeper connection to yourself, or with your guides. If this experience interests you, the first one is happening THIS SUNDAY! And there are only 8 more spaces available.

I look forward to connecting with you in a different way. This is a very vulnerable experience I am creating where I am having to show up in a way I haven’t done before to my audience. Thank you for trusting me to take you on this journey. I know we are both ready for it! 💕

<3 Danielle

2 spaces available for tomorrow nights (Thursday, January 17th) sound bath!

2 spaces available for tomorrow nights (Thursday, January 17th) sound bath at Bar Method Atlanta!
This will be my 3rd Sound Bath at this location... and wow! Thank you for welcoming me OTP! 😉

If you have that friend who has been on the fence, please let them know THIS WILL SELL OUT. I look forward to providing a unique experience that will support you in releasing tension, relieving the mind chatter, and easing emotions.

Be ready for hugs! You know I come packin’!

<3 Danielle

I know it’s Friday, but you’re really dreaming about SUNDAY!

I know it’s Friday, but you’re really dreaming about SUNDAY!

Westside! I’m coming for you! Come Relax in Sound this Sunday at West Side Yoga! Their space is beautiful and I am bring a few instruments I usually don’t travel with. 🥰 Sign with the link below, OR go to West Side Yoga ! Either way, for this one you will be signing up through MindBody.

Can’t wait to see you and hug it out! sound Healing 101 folks, well! I will see you tomorrow!! YAY!!

<3 Danielle

French Press to Stillness

French Press to Stillness

I am sometimes asked,
“How do you find time to meditate?” My answer, “I make time.” Literally... I put it in my google calendar, make an appointment with myself, and keep that appointment like I would any other appointment. DONE. And it feels really good to check it off my list. (I’m such a list person! 🙃) .

Meditation is not just for meditations sake. It’s an act of self care so I can show up FULLY in all areas of my life. (Or at least give it my best shot!) There is a quote that says, “If you can’t find time to meditate, you don’t have a life.” (Let me know if you know who said this. Thanks!) .

I didn’t believe it until I tried it for 5 days straight. GIRL! (ok... and BOYEEEEE) I started noticing more clarity, calm, and groundedness immediately! And that was about 5 years ago! I MAKE TIME EVERYDAY. Even if just for 5 minutes.

Pacific Yoga Fishtown and I talked about this when I was in Philly a couple of months back. I am naming it:


Check out my IG story to see how it goes. Essentially the idea is that most of us make coffee or tea in the morning. To help you get started with a mediation practice you look forward to, start by attaching it to something you already do and enjoy.

Let me know how it goes for you! Or! Share how you were able to make meditation a regular part of your day. 🥰

<3 Danielle



Let’s get to it!

Do you meditate?
How often? 
What is your favorite meditation?

When I first started meditating I would get frustrated with myself for not being able to sit in lotus pose with a straight spin. I thought I wasn’t doing it right. My body hurt, and my mind was racing. But at some point I heard someone talk about treating meditation like a workout. Meaning, with working out, we’re not seeing results right away. We are sore. And we are using our brains differently so we have a lot of mind chatter.

Some days my body is totally into it! Some days... not so much. But you do it anyway. Some days I need to do a journaling meditation, or a walking meditation, while others I need a sound bath, or guided. There are so many ways to get there. And depending on what you are going for/your intention, it doesn’t always have to look the same way.

There is a lot going on THIS WEEK! Take a look below! I would love to see you at a sound bath soon if it is feeling like a sound bath meditation kind of day!

1. Relax in Sound - Sound Bath THIS WEDNESDAY, the 9th! (6 more spots open) at the Center for Love and Light.

2. SoundEmbrace - Sound Healing 101 THIS SATURDAY, the 12th! (5 more spots open) at the Center for Love and Light

3. Relax in Sound - Sound Bath THIS SUNDAY, the 13th! (Not sure how many spots open) at Westside Yoga

4. Relax in Sound - Sound Bath THURSDAY, the 17th at Bar Method Atlanta on East Cobb

5. Sound Journey - Sound Bath SUNDAY, the 20th at the Center for Love and Light

6. Relax. Restore. Revive. - Sound Bath TUESDAY, the 22nd at The Corrective Chiropractic In Buckhead.

<3 Danielle

No BUTs!

No BUTs!

Today the first day for SoundEmbrace at Kate’s Club!!! 3 groups of kids, 3 different age groups, 3 different ways of facilitating!

I read a quote somewhere that said, “If you want to reach a goal, you need to reduce the size of your BUT.”

BUTs are you putting road blocks in the way of your happiness. If you are finding you are using BUT, see if you can shift your perspective to look at that as an opportunity. What do you need to make happen to eliminate the BUT?

For example: the Fundraiser.
“BUT that’s a lot of people!”
+Ok! I need to organize helpers. .
“BUT that’s a lot of money to invest in a space with no guarantee for return!”
+OK! How much do I need to make for the goal? Add that together with estimated expenses. Now, how many tickets need to be sold? .
“BUT that sounds like so much work!”
+OK! Write down what is involved to make it happen and weigh in on if it is worth it to you.

Bypass the pessimism. We don’t have time for that. It’s a miserable place to live in that gets you no where. Because I eliminated the BUT’s, today I get to start a Sound Healing program at Kate’s Club and then hire my trained Sound Practitioners to go in and live their dream! Life is full of abundance. You deserve to live a life you love. You just have to choose to. 💕

Sound bath next week Wednesday is almost sold out. Sound healing 101 registration closes on Wednesday as well. Sign up soon! Link in bio. XO!!

<3 Danielle



If you want to get anywhere… you need to start somewhere.

This is a picture of the first public sound bath I did. I proudly showed off my 1 - 12 inch quartz crystal bowl and 1 small gong.

That’s it!

I was still working full time in the photography industry as a photographer, retoucher, or producers assistant, and spending my free time learning and building my sound healing business.

I navigated the “side-eye” judgment stares from those who didn’t know me or what sound healing was about. As well as the caring “worried you fell into a cult” conversations from those who did know me. Haha! Those were funny!

Everyone is going to have an opinion no matter what you do. So.. you might as well do it anyway! And sometimes, a less than desirable comment from someone may just be a reflection of their own insecurity. It may also just be the way they know how to show they care about you. I know, weird, but true!

When you think about your goals ask yourself these questions and answer HONESTLY: 
Why haven’t I started?
What am I holding fear around?
Whose opinions am I allowing into my head that are making the decisions for me?
How can I empower myself to take JUST ONE STEP forward?

Nothing about this season is dead. It is just natures way of regrouping on how it wants to show up in the new season. This is your time to do the same. How do you want to show up? Time to Regroup. What do you want? … S T A R T somewhere.

There are a few spaces available for Sound Healing 101. It’s a great place to start even if you’re not necessarily thinking about being a sound practitioner. And I have a lot of sound bath options for you this month! Including in Marietta, Westside, Buckhead, and my regular spot in Virginia Highlands.

Share your next step with me so we can all celebrate you! And no, it doesn’t have to do anything with sound healing!

<3 Danielle

8 spots left for SoundEmbrace 101 Sound Healing class!

8 spots left for SoundEmbrace 101 Sound Healing class!

Wow! We are a week and a half away! My team and I are about to dive deep into prep mode. Kent Aberle from Dream Cymbals has our back with Gongs again, we're about to print materials for the binders, shop for your gift bags, and READYING THE DRUMS! 8 people have signed up and we have 8 more spaces open! (This will not be offered again until the Fall.)

Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, or use sound healing for their own personal health and wellbeing.

Don’t worry if you don’t have instruments. I got you covered. I am so excited to welcome you to class!

<3 Danielle