If you want to get anywhere… you need to start somewhere.

This is a picture of the first public sound bath I did. I proudly showed off my 1 - 12 inch quartz crystal bowl and 1 small gong.

That’s it!

I was still working full time in the photography industry as a photographer, retoucher, or producers assistant, and spending my free time learning and building my sound healing business.

I navigated the “side-eye” judgment stares from those who didn’t know me or what sound healing was about. As well as the caring “worried you fell into a cult” conversations from those who did know me. Haha! Those were funny!

Everyone is going to have an opinion no matter what you do. So.. you might as well do it anyway! And sometimes, a less than desirable comment from someone may just be a reflection of their own insecurity. It may also just be the way they know how to show they care about you. I know, weird, but true!

When you think about your goals ask yourself these questions and answer HONESTLY: 
Why haven’t I started?
What am I holding fear around?
Whose opinions am I allowing into my head that are making the decisions for me?
How can I empower myself to take JUST ONE STEP forward?

Nothing about this season is dead. It is just natures way of regrouping on how it wants to show up in the new season. This is your time to do the same. How do you want to show up? Time to Regroup. What do you want? … S T A R T somewhere.

There are a few spaces available for Sound Healing 101. It’s a great place to start even if you’re not necessarily thinking about being a sound practitioner. And I have a lot of sound bath options for you this month! Including in Marietta, Westside, Buckhead, and my regular spot in Virginia Highlands.

Share your next step with me so we can all celebrate you! And no, it doesn’t have to do anything with sound healing!

<3 Danielle

Danielle Hall

Danielle brings over a decade of experience in using sound healing to support adults and children through various traumas, including PTSD, depression, and physical pain. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Master’s in Metaphysical Science and a certification in Sound Healing Therapy. Danielle collaborates with hospitals, corporate wellness programs, therapy centers, and nonprofits to enhance client well-being through non-invasive sound techniques.

An active member of the American Public Health Association, Danielle educates on the benefits of sound therapy as a complementary wellness approach. She also advocates for musicians' rights as an Associate Member of the Recording Academy and contributes to community development as a member of the DEI Committee and the Public Affairs Committee in Calhoun County, Alabama, where she is also a stakeholder in county tourism.

She has been named a "Pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry" by the Shift Network and interviewed on CNN, Fox 5, and 11Alive.