atl girl gang

I know I have been talking a lot about this fundraiser... let me now talk about what’s happening this week!

I know I have been talking a lot about this fundraiser... let me now talk about what’s happening this week!

Sound Bath: 
Wednesday Dec 5th
6 spots available!
The Center for Love and Light

Sound Bath:
Thursday December 6th
10 spots available!
Bar Method ATL in East Cobb

Then I head out to the Bay Area on Saturday! (I know... right before the fundraiser!!??) We work with this amazing therapy center out there bringing sound healing to their kids once a week, the Resonant People Project. The first practitioner I hired to work with them is still working with them! 😉

Well, I am elated to share that Paradigm San Francisco is growing to the point where as of December, we are now offering 2 sound baths a week! I am excited to meet the new staff and the new house!

I also have a cool corporate client, Tophatter, I will meet for the first time in person and provide 3 sound baths for. Then, later in the week, I will get up to Petaluma to provide an experience for a women’s retreat called Soulstice Sisterhood produced by Ashley Burnett!

As you can see... we are working away right up until the end! But, HOLY COW! Something BIG is brewing for 2019. I can feel it!

<3 Danielle