


Food, drinks, music, craft market, silent auction, inflatables for the kids!
Please join us THIS FRIDAY at Zonolite Park!

The block party benefits the Zonolite Park Nature Preserve, and I have a booth where I will be selling some products with 100% of the profit going to support the SoundEmbrace Give Back Program.

I will also be running a raffle ($5!!!!) for a chance to win a private sound bath for up to 4 people!

Starts at 5:30pm Ends at 8:30pm.

<3 Danielle

What stays with you…

What stays with you…

+ What does it feel like to loose someone you love?
+ How do you navigate the heartache and unanticipated overflow of emotion?
+ How do you keep yourself healthy?
+ How do you trust the life you have?

This beautiful picture is from one of the most recent Sound Bath’s we provided for Kate’s Club .  Not only are these teens navigating the awkwardness of their developing bodies, their place in the world, and getting good grades, THESE 11 teenagers are navigating their feelings of loss and grief of someone they love.

After this sound bath, some of them expressed that they felt calm, more relaxed, and a sense of peace, while for a couple of them, the sound bath was an opportunity for them to express an emotion in a space they felt safe to do so.

These are the things that stay with you. 
These are the things that affirm and validate the work we are doing in sound healing. 
These are the things that inspire and give us the strength and courage to move forward!

This Thursday, March 21st join me for an inspiring evening of Quantum Meditation with Suzanne Adams , Kundalini Yoga with Leigh Mallis , and an Epic Sound Bath with my co facilitators Sonido Sound, Angelica A Gurel , and Mara Osaria , as well as apprentices Picsces Dreamer , Stress Less with Snehaj, Yoga with Larry, Shawn J. Moore and Deron Singh!  Ticket sales go towards raising money to continue the doing this work at Kates Club. 
This is the kind of thing that stays with you. 
And for these kids… 
Tickets $35 preregister
$45 at the door if seating is available.

Sign up now so we can see you’re coming. We thank you 🙏

<3 Danielle

I was once told I was “too ambitious”. I did it anyway!

I was once told I was “too ambitious”. I did it anyway!

Ah! Well! Maybe! But how else do you change the world??!! 😏I know $9000 is kind of a hefty number but not when that number is tied to an initiative to help others. This event, Thursday March 21st is to raise money to help us continue the sound healing work we started at Kate’s Club . This will take us through the end of the year supporting kids navigating life after death of a loved one. (If we raise more in this event, this will go towards supporting the staff, volunteers, and parents through sound healing)

Yea, that’s me.. the brunette on the right. One of these days I will make the time for a new headshot so y’all will email me more about the initiative and not my hair 😂. Thanks for the love and confirmation you’re digging the blonde though! 😜

Really though, when I started this Give Back program in December, I knew the money would come to start this work in the programs we are working with now. I just needed to put the work into it. You have to dream big, do the work, while also making space for magic!

This is more than just a charity event. It’s also an opportunity to meet like minded practitioners in the wellness field. There is time to network, receive a mini reiki session from The Center for Love and Light, and get an eye mask for coming to the event! You will be inspired by the content and experience we have put together for you and leave with a sense of awe in awarenesses that come up for you. And this is the magic... community coming together to support and champion what’s needed for our neighbors. It’s incredible.✨

It will be an evening of Connection + Magic. The best part, is that by attending, you are not just receiving this great experience for yourself, you are also giving back to your community.

Suzanne Adams hosts The Center for Love and Light , Pranic Soul and SoundEmbrace and my team of sound practitioners Sonido Sound Healing , Angelica A Gurel , Mara Rosaria , Pisces Dreamer , Shawn J Moore , Stress Less with Snehaj , Deaundra Audrey Cash , Deron Singh

We are already approaching 100 people!

<3 Danielle

MA N T R A is the use of the human voice to affect consciousness.

MA N T R A is the use of the human voice to affect consciousness. {Man = mind Tra = projection}

Everything in the universe, is in constant motion, vibrating. Vibration is pure energy.

One of the most beneficial technologies available to us is the science of sound, the Shabd Guru, "sound teacher."

The transformational Shabd, or sound, is composed of vibrations that shut off the ego, and take us from darkness to light.

When we chant a mantra we are choosing to invoke the positive power contained in those particular syllables. 

Whether it's for prosperity, peace of mind, increasing intuition, or any other possible benefits inherent in mantras, simply by chanting them we are setting vibrations into motion that shall have an effect. It doesn't actually matter if we understand the meaning of the sounds or not.

Join me for an ATLANTA CHARITY EVENT - A powerful night of fun, expansion, connection and GIVING BACK! Pranic Soul will offer an experience of MANTRA as a way to set the vibration just right to receive a powerful quantum meditation from our lovely host Suzanne Adams. This is an evening of Quantum Leaping into the life of your dreams in Altanta on March 21st. And I will be there, accompanied by Sonido Sound and Mara Rosaria , to deepen the experience through sound healing. 

Partnered with The Center for Love and Light we will receive the funds to continue our sound healing work in supporting Kate’s Club , an organization supporting children grieving from the loss of a parent.

If you want to give back, open your heart and network with the high vibe Atlanta community, then click the link in my bio and register for your ticket to give back today!

"Mantras are not small things, mantras have power. They are the mind vibration in relationship to the Cosmos. The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of energy having structure, power, and a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche." ~ Yogi Bhajan

Tag a friend in Atlanta that you know is ready to Quantum Leap into their dreams. (This post was written by Pranic Soul )

<3 Danielle



Most of you know that I started the SoundEmbrace Give Back initiative last year with our first fundraiser at the Fernbank Science Center Planetarium. We raised just over $15,000 to bring Sound Healing Therapy into Kates Club  AND Chris 180! While that was a GREAT start to begin our work in those programs, it is not enough to take us through the whole year.

Suzanne Adams reached out and expressed her interest in supporting this mission. She is producing an EPIC experience at the SCAD SHOW theater where ticket sales will go towards providing sound healing therapy at Kate's Club!!!

Throughout the evening you will go on a powerful journey mixed with kundalini meditation from Leigh Mallis from Leigh Mallis Kundalini, a quantum meditation from Suzzanne, and a powerful and healing sound bath immersion from me! SoundEmbrace!!!

Suzanne will also share a 5-step process that you can implement right away to Quantum Leap into the life of your dreams.

Please help me spread the word. It is Thursday, March 21rst
THANK YOU for supporting this mission. 
Link in bio to sign up! 🥰

<3 Danielle

3 3 3

3 3 3

Only hours away... Currently, we have 333 seats filled for the Sound Immersion Fundraiser, tonight! ( Wednesday, December 19th) 5 Sound Practitioners are eagerly awaiting you to enter the dome. While this is NOT a “sound bath as usual” type of event, our intention is for you to walk away from this experience knowing the power of sound healing therapy and its capability to bring peace within your mind/body. To bring you home.

With the plan I have set out, we are working up to being able to provide:
+12 Sound Bath sessions for Chris180 (1 session a month) and 36 sessions for Kate’s Club (broken down for 3 different age groups.)

That’s a total of 48 sessions in 2019! As of this moment, we will be able to do 24 sessions!

At SoundEmbrace, we are supporting the mental health and wellness of our community through sound healing therapy. Creating a safe environment for kids and adults to relieve stress, reduce pain, inspire curiosity and self empowerment... bringing back that sense of HOME when your foundation has been rocked.

We are looking forward to seeing you in a few hours!

Ways you can support: + Purchase a ticket
+ Online Auction ends at 9pm tonight!
+ Financial donation (DM Jamie at the Center)

<3 Danielle



Wednesday, December 19th

A Site + Sound Experience Fundraiser Supporting Georgia Mental Health + Wellness

Imagine sitting comfortably in reclined seats while immersed in heavenly sounds (played live) that entrain you to a higher state of consciousness. You have a choice in keeping your eyes open while taking a visual journey with sound, touring through space; or choose to relax into the sound with eye masks provided for you as a gift!

Afterwards, enjoy touring the exhibits, chatting it up with our sponsors and vendors, or taking photos at the complimentary photo booth. You will leave with a THANK YOU gift bag and a feeling of peace within your mind, body and spirit for supporting local non profit organizations working in mental health and wellness in Georgia!

See you tomorrow! 💕

<3 Danielle



3 Days. 
5 Sound Practitioners.
27 Quartz Crystal Bowls.
256 Tickets Sold + Counting.

I just got back to Atlanta and am feeling the buzz! There are just a few things left to do, other than that we are in pretty good shape! If you have already signed up, check your inbox (or spam) for an email from Eventbrite/Me! It has a link ONLY GUESTS will receive to have access to an array of discounts! You can always reply back to the email if you have any questions and it will come straight to me!

I’m am starting to feel the excitement . We are going to do a lot of good in 2019!

<3 Danielle

“To have words is one thing.What you do with them is another.”

“To have words is one thing.
What you do with them is another.” - Danielle Hall

One of the important things I do after EVERY sound bath, is offer the opportunity for guests to share their experiences with me so I may support them in the integration of their experience. For Wednesday’s fundraising sound bath experience at the Planetarium, I will not have that option. We are nearing 250 sign ups. In light of this and it’s importance, I am collaborating with someone whose words I have witnessed move people to action. Moved people to tears of relief. Moved people to shift into love of Self.

It’s not that one vibrates higher or lower. The power comes from the steadiness.  Dr. Crystal Jones energy has that steadiness. It’s a vibration you feel comforted in, safe in, and loved in. We are creating Sanctuary after the sound immersion, where Crystal will be to receive your presence and hear your words. She will be supporting me in keeping the integrity of how I facilitate these experiences by supporting you in grounding.

Check out our interview by clicking the link in bio for the Video Podcast Series. We look forward to seeing you in a few days!

<3 Danielle

S O U N D + P R A N A

S O U N D + P R A N A

We have been planning this collaboration for a while...

When we had the idea, we didn’t know what intention to hold. But we knew the power in the connection of our work. We knew we would be guided. And we were.


SoundEmbrace Sound Bath + 
JGF Collective Prana Painting

I created the environment, while Jill Ford breathed life into it. It took shape into what we reveal to you today.

Original artwork goes towards Jill and Josh’s adoption process, while the limited addition print sales go towards SoundEmbrace fundraising efforts. (Print delivery scheduled for January)

The intention we held... Home: Love, Safety, Belonging.

Check the link in bio for my recent chat with Jill in the podcast video series, as well as Shop for the limited addition prints.

<3 Danielle



Last week I had the opportunity to share my story with Shawn Moore, M.S. host of the The Mindful Rebel podcast. We talked about entrepreneurship, how I got into sound healing, legacy, and of course, the fundraiser!

Let me know if you take a listen! I think you will get a better sense of why I do what I do. There is something else that drives me. And it’s NOT sound healing.

Head to or your favorite place to listen (Apple Podcasts , , googleplaymusic) .

<3 Danielle

I like to throw things at you!

I like to throw things at you!

Ok, not literally! If you have ever assisted me then you know you get thrown into things. From day 1, Shana Nunnelly has been able to catch all the curve balls I have thrown at her. I think it’s really the only way to push you out of your comfort zone and gain the confidence to move through the fear.

I am so happy to introduce you to Shana Nunnelly on today’s video podcast. She is one of the practitioners facilitating the experience at the fundraiser on Wednesday, December 19th and I would love for you to get to know her.

Link below to sign up for the EPIC fundraiser event at the Fernbank Planetarium!

<3 Danielle

Was I your first?

Was I your first?

I started a video podcast series to introduce you to the others contributing to the fundraiser, and so you could get a better sense of who I am, why you would want to support this effort and allow me to take you on this journey.

The first conversation I had was with the sweetest, brightest soul I know Angelica Arias Gurel . We talk about HER FIRST TIME and how it had impacted it her life.

And please let me know... was I your first (Sound Bath)? How was it? 😉

<3 Danielle

I know I have been talking a lot about this fundraiser... let me now talk about what’s happening this week!

I know I have been talking a lot about this fundraiser... let me now talk about what’s happening this week!

Sound Bath: 
Wednesday Dec 5th
6 spots available!
The Center for Love and Light

Sound Bath:
Thursday December 6th
10 spots available!
Bar Method ATL in East Cobb

Then I head out to the Bay Area on Saturday! (I know... right before the fundraiser!!??) We work with this amazing therapy center out there bringing sound healing to their kids once a week, the Resonant People Project. The first practitioner I hired to work with them is still working with them! 😉

Well, I am elated to share that Paradigm San Francisco is growing to the point where as of December, we are now offering 2 sound baths a week! I am excited to meet the new staff and the new house!

I also have a cool corporate client, Tophatter, I will meet for the first time in person and provide 3 sound baths for. Then, later in the week, I will get up to Petaluma to provide an experience for a women’s retreat called Soulstice Sisterhood produced by Ashley Burnett!

As you can see... we are working away right up until the end! But, HOLY COW! Something BIG is brewing for 2019. I can feel it!

<3 Danielle

Lately, I’ve had quite a few people tell me how “Non Committal” Atlanta is.

Lately, I’ve had quite a few people tell me how “Non Committal” Atlanta is.

Well… I must be doing something right because 126 people (so far) have signed up for the epic sound bath fundraiser taking place at the Fernbank Science Center Planetarium, Wednesday, December 19th!

Someone asked me what the “secret sauce” was… I laughed and said, “I don’t know if there is a secret sauce, but I do know, that if you fill your cup first, you are more able to show up and help others.  And I have been showing up for both, for years. Now, others have an opportunity to step in and support me in return.”

It’s not one thing. 
It’s not one person. 
There are several people who believe in this. 
There are several people who believe in me.
I fell in love with Atlanta in 2000.
THIS was years in the making.

So... thank you 126 people who put a ring on it!  I love you, too!  And I look forward to rocking your world, photographing it, and giving you presents on the 19th! 😘

You still have time to enter the raffle! (See earlier post) 👏🏻
Online auction is LIVE! 🙌🏼
AND on Tuesday, all signed up guests will receive the first email with the discount link page for products and services! 👍🏻
To check out more on this Fundraiser and to sign up click the link below! 💪🏻
(but, come on! Enter the raffle.  It will be fun!)

<3 Danielle



This is an auction that will change the lives of the people in our community.

There’s something magical that happens when we come together as community.

WE create a spark that ignites faith in hard times.
WE protect the fuel that keeps the flame alive.
WE fire up new levels of strength because its breath is love!

But I know not all of you will be able to join us on December 19th for the in person experience at the Planetarium, so I created another way that you can support our efforts to provide sound healing in non profits working in mental health and wellness in the Atlanta community.

Check out our online auction!  More will be added as things get confirmed so I will be sure to make an update every time I add something new!

I love this so much because its not only about the fundraising efforts, it is also sharing the products and services of local businesses right here in Atlanta! Support them! Their IG’s are below, so follow them! Tell them WE (you + I) say hi!  Let them know you see them.  Maybe you will find a gift for a loved one! And please continue to spread the word on this fundraiser and the auction.  We have over 100 tickets sold and its because of YOU!

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

These are the hands of grief evolved.

These are the hands of grief evolved.

Kate’s Club is one of the non profit organizations we will be working with in 2019. “Kate's Club empowers children and teens facing life after the death of a parent or sibling. We build healing communities through recreational and therapeutic group programs, education, and advocacy.”

I went in to meet the program director and chat about what our involvement would like and then had a tour of the place. I have to say... there is so much love there. You can feel it! You walk off the elevator and feel the buzz of excited energy, and the children chatting and laughing.

I don’t mean to paint a picture where grief isn’t expressed. You can feel that energy too. But, the energy of a safe space where you can feel supported, feel love, have the opportunity to be expressed even if you don’t know yet how... you can actually FEEL that at Kate’s club.

I am so honored that they said YES! And that SoundEmbrace has the opportunity to support and co create that scared loving space for these kids to work through their feelings of grief.

You can support the fundraiser by clicking on the link below.

<3 Danielle

Home is more than a place. It’s a feeling.

Home is more than a place. It’s a feeling.

There are many times I come back to this internal conversation around what HOME is. Is it a specific place? Specific people? Does it have a certain look? I have moved so many times in my life that I have found it has nothing to do with the particular place per say, but has everything to do with the FEELING.

Its this feeling of love, safety, belonging, connection, support, feeling expressed, vulnerability, joy, and expansion!

AND F*CK! I FEEEEEEEL that here. I FEEL all of that ATLANTA! Especially with this fundraiser! Holy cow! I mean… THIS! THIS IS what the fundraiser is about! HOME! The problems of the world can feel so big that we can loose sight of the impact we can make in our own backyard. Our own community. OUR OWN HOME!

Look at what we are doing TOGETHER!

Here are ways you can help:

1. Buy a ticket to our EPIC Sound Immersion Experience at the Planetarium.

2. Contribute a gift sample to our guest gift bags. Don’t worry, you don’t have to do 500, we love you and your small businesses! Let us know what you can contribute and how many. (Items Due December 3rd)

3. Contribute a gift to the online Auction. (Due December 3rd)

4. Make a financial donation through our non profit partner ‘The Love and Light Institute.’ (Link will be available next week! DM me so I can send it as so)

5. Share this with your friends and family!

Thank you for supporting this fundraiser and for spreading the word! We are already close to 100 tickets sold! Amazing! Click on link! 📸 Photo Credit: Occipital Media

<3 Danielle

This is going to be EPIC!

This is going to be EPIC!

SoundEmbrace has been successful in creating jobs for sound healers in the corporate wellness arena. Chik-fil-a, Lululemon, and Wix are just a few of our clients and we are deeply thankful to serve them.

We are now stepping into our first fundraising initiative to create job opportunities for sound practitioners in wellness centers and non profit organizations so we may serve our community in mental health and well being.

This EPIC Sound Immersion is going to be at the Fernbank Science Center Planetarium, and I will be accompanied by 4 of my Sound Practitioners! .
Imagine sitting comfortably in reclined seats while you are immersed in heavenly sounds that entrain you to a higher state of consciousness. You have the choice to keep your eyes open while taking a visual journey with sound, touring through space; or choose to relax into the sound with eye masks provided for you as gift!

Afterwards, enjoy touring the exhibits, chatting it up with our sponsors and vendors like Kea Beverages, and taking photos at our backdrop. You will leave with a THANK YOU gift bag and a feeling of peace within your mind, body, and spirit!

Why do a fundraiser to hire Sound Practitioners?
I have a strong belief that we can make an immense impact on the world by supporting the communities in our own backyard. I want to support the health and wellness initiatives and organizations already in place in Atlanta but have found that funding is extremely limited in being able to pay practitioners and therapist a wage that supports their own well being and livelihood in their passions work.

This fundraiser creates an ecosystem that will allow SoundEmbrace to hire a Sound Practitioner at a rate that will support them in doing their passions work while also giving back to the community. This not only creates jobs, and provides support to our neighbors, it also elevates the validity of the role of sound healing plays in the health and wellness industry. The best part is... YOU get to be a part of that initiative too!
Sign up for this EPIC experience that gives back to our community!

<3 Danielle


Bruce Lipton, PhD. (Developmental Biologist best known for his discoveries in the science of Epigeneitcs) says, "When you receive music such as sound healing music that has a nice flow and harmonic resonance to it, it en trains you, it causes the mind to stop all the stress, and calm down, and work to become more harmonious and more flowing. If you can just do that, it would be a primary incentive for the body to heal itself. The body heals itself when you stop your stress. This is why the nature of sleep is so important. Sleep says, “SHUT OFF THAT MIND! The mind is interfering with the system. 
When you go to sleep, all the stresses shut off and that’s when the body says, 'Great! This is our opportunity to heal!' but why wait until nighttime? Energy healing is rising in our civilization because of Quantum Physics and new technology to measure the effects of Energy Medicine." Sound is the medicine of the future. The future is now! Just 2 more days until I launch the crowdfunding page for the sound healing app! THANK YOU all for your messages! It has been incredible to receive so much love about this. I hope I get to thank you in person at one of the events this month or at the retreat in October.

<3 Danielle