Sometimes you are forced to sit.
I’m not a fan of sitting. I resist it. How can I move forward or evolve or make the thing happen, or find the love of my life, or build the career, or make an impact if I am just sitting!!!!????
Sitting! What is that!! It would make me so angry. And looking back the last couple of months I can see I was FORCED to SIT! A LOT!
The feeling lost and then feeling on path.
The food poisoning and then feeling healthy.
The loss of work and then the flood gates of abundance.
The loneliness to feeling divinely connected!
Feeling lost... I was forced to take a seat and rethink a new direction. I found a better path.
Food poisoning... I was forced to take a seat and to heal and prepare my body for the journey that awaits.
The loss of work... I was forced to sit so time would open up for new, fulfilling projects.
The loneliness... I was forced to sit so I would know how to love myself. So I would know how to love others. So I would know how to receive love.
It is within the SIT, that things become effortless and we find new life.
Wednesday I am going to sit. Maybe you will want to be a guest with me? Check out Christopher Wood. New Moon Sound Bath. If you can’t make it to his, I have 3 sound baths this month too. Either way, I’d love to hear about your SIT. I have found peace with it... and feel so much stronger, courageous, and connected because of it. 📸 credit Paul and Tonya .
<3 Danielle