
Made it back in to town just in time to catch Shana Nunnelly

Made it back in to town just in time to catch Shana Nunnelly
Sound Bath at Honee Comb Salon last night!

It’s a beautiful thing to get to a space in a sound bath session where you are pure consciousness. When pure consciousness, you are able to be the the unbiased, non judgmental observer of your thoughts. Witness... and let go.

When the gong started, orange and red flashed in, sharing that my creativity was grounded. That it’s held. And that there is flow. Then I saw, “Watch the sunset until the sun rises.” form within the the colors.

At the end, my teeth tingled and I felt heat in my gums. I felt the anticipation of the things to come, and what I have been working on soon to be fully expressed.

Because I took the time to ground before this next big wave, I received a sense of confirmation. I am awake. I am refreshed. I am feeling powerful, and ready.

Are you ready? Sound Healing 101 is Saturday, July 27th! His class is for you if you have new curious about sound healing and sound baths. Learn more about sound healing, play the instruments, and see if this is something you want to facilitate for others. (No instruments required) There is so much more happening than you think. This is BIG work.

<3 Danielle

Awwwww yeeeea buuudy!

Awwwww yeeeea buuudy!

Community is the glue that holds it together! Beautiful evening spent talking about Risk and ways to empower yourself when you are feeling fear.

FEAR definitely made way into the conversation for me when I decided to create Sound Apothecary (images coming soon! 🤪) I mean... overhead, inventory, set hours... 😳 As Mark RoX TioXon mentioned in the discussion, COMMUNITY is key! And it played a major role in propelling me PAST fear and into creation of my space!

Community, Compassion, Trust... what is something you currently have fear around and one small step you can do today to move forward? 💕

<3 Danielle

Photo by Mark RoX TioXon Leah Trox

Summer Solstice opened me up!

Summer Solstice opened me up!

Playing a little catch up today and I am reflecting back to yesterday mornings Summer Solstice event. Flip through to check out some highlights including a short video at the end (check out that gong power 🔥✨)

SOUND has the ability to open us up to depths of our subconscious that are otherwise difficult to tap into. It has the ability to bring to your awareness where you are holding yourself back. What’s so powerful about that is that you can’t go back... we now have a choice. A choice to make the change you want to see in your life or to stay where you are.

This Summer Solstice opened me up to a new community. From sun salutations, a medicine wheel and intention ceremony, we practiced right on Peachtree St at the base of the new mural of Aurora at Colony Square Atlanta.
We invited in the light on the longest day of the year holding the intention that by letting in the light, each person would be supported in connecting to, and taking action on their highest truth.

So much gratitude for the lovely Shelly for leading this beautiful event and Colony Square Atlanta for curating the details, holding space, and being open to hosting events that have the power to deeply touch the lives of the community.

Photo by Jay Yu

Next Sound Bath is July 10th! And Sound Healing 101 is July 27th.

<3 Danielle

This. 💕

This. 💕

<3 Danielle


w e d n e s d a y w o r k s h o p

++ A LIVE SOUND BATH BY DANIELLE HALL WITH SOUNDEMBRACE (that’s me! 💕) to accompany the yoga nidra meditation

5/29 at 7pm

Need to relieve stress, have a hard time falling asleep, need rest? Then this is for Y-O-U! Sarah Eiler of Deep Rest Yoga will guide you through a meditative journey through the chakras .
This Yoga Nidra Workshop will include:

- An introduction to Yoga Nidra meditation.
- Setting a personal intention or "sankalpa" for your practice.
- Gentle movement and relaxing breath work to start.
- A 40 minute guided Yoga Nidra meditation that will take you on your own personal journey through the main chakras or energy centers of the body.

You will take home: - A quartz crystal "touchstone" to use during the practice and to take home with you. - A recording of the meditation so you can practice on your own at home.

Yoga Nidra (meaning "yogic sleep" in Sanskrit) is a sleep based meditation practice during which you receive all the healing benefits of sleep while still maintaining a trace of awareness.
Yoga Nidra is a practice of non-doing-- all you have to do is lie down, relax, and listen to the teacher's voice.

<3 Danielle

A repost and beautiful reminder from

A repost and beautiful reminder from Mary Lloyd.

<3 Danielle

Love Amplified.

Love Amplified.

It took my mom 7 years to have a baby.

When I asked her about the experience of finally being able to have a baby after 7 years of trying she said, “I didn’t realize how little I knew about love until you were born. I didn’t know I had the capacity to love that big. It was like Love Amplified.”

Mother’s Day is tomorrow... I invite you to think about what you’re coming into this world meant to her... to your mom.

The moment you were born and your mom met you for the first time, and experienced Love in a way that’s hard to express. That moment when she experienced Love Amplified.

Love is Divine. It is something within all of us. There are 4 spaces open for you to join me for a mini retreat I am producing called “Love Amplified- Connect with the Divine Within.”

Yes it’s on Mother’s Day, but it’s not just about moms. It’s about you. It’s about love. That love so big that lives inside of each of us! That LOVE we came from. It’s about remembering and connecting to that Divine spirit within.

<3 Danielle

Sonido Sound Healing Mara Rosaria Shana Nunnelly



Close your eyes.
Take a deep breath in... and out...

As you sit, become aware of your physical body. How your hair rests on your neck...The weight of your phone in your hands as you read this... with your next inhale, Imagine your body getting smaller... and smaller... shrinking to the smallest point you can imagine. Stay here for just a moment.

Now, imagine expanding. Getting bigger. And bigger. So much so that you become bigger than your car.. bigger than the place you live, skyscrapers... even bigger still until you are bigger than the planet. Stay here for just a moment.

Expansiveness. Personal Power. Love. It is all inside of you. Take a deep breath in... and out... That is the Divine Within.

Now imagine yourself coming back to your original size. Smaller and smaller until you feel the weight of your phone in your hands, how your hair rests on your neck... feeling that connection to your body.

We have all chosen this incarnation to experience in a physical form and this physical form is what we have called human. Open your eyes. You are the Divine.

This Sunday afternoon, May 12 we will gather for a mini retreat right here in Atlanta and connect to that source of strength within. I will be joined by Sonido Sound Studio, Shana Nunnelly and Mara Rosaria to create an experience through tarot, earth meditation, Qi gong, and sound sound healing to connect to the Divine with in. We are looking forward to taking you on this journey.

<3 Danielle



Human, broken down, is the combination between spirit being and dirt body.

Hu (Humas) : meaning dirt.
Man : meaning spirit.

Our physical bodies contain all the elements of the Earth. And when we die, the vehicle in which our spirits traveled in during our time on this planet, returns to the Earth that created it, and our Spirits rise from that Earth and return home.

The divine union of our dirt bodies and spirit is something to be celebrated. ☀️This process of coming in, and the evolution of spirit. Sunday, May 12 Sonido Sound Healing, Mara Rosaria, Shana Nunnelly and I will be creating a special mini retreat to connect with that divine within.

We are bringing together different ceremonial practices in a mini retreat here at my new headquarters at Zonolite Park Nature Preserve in Atlanta (ITP) ( The Center for Love and Light ) to have an experience of connecting with that Power, that Peace, that Divine spirit within.

This is open to men and women. I look forward to seeing you soon!

<3 Danielle



Mothers Day is just around the corner. What are your plans? I am collaborating some pretty awesome women (Shana Nunnelly, Angelica-A Gurel and Mara Rosaria )to bring you a mini retreat so we can celebrate the Divine within.

Side note, you do not have to be a mom, and frankly, you do not have to be a woman to come to this. The Divine lives within each and every one of us. Through ceremony, we will breathe, move, and connect to that source.

You will also get a chance to see my new office! The Center sits on a beautiful nature preserve! Which we will explore in one of the meditations. ❤️ Sign up today. Link in Bio for Sunday, May 12th.

Next up! 
Relax in Sound Sound Bath at Westside Yoga Atlanta on Sunday, April 28th!

Relax in Sound Sound Bath at The Center for Love and Light Atlanta on Wednesday, May 8th!

Its all coming up so fast! Secure your ticket, and we will See you soon!.

<3 Danielle

know... it’s the weekend. 

I know... it’s the weekend. 
I know... it’s a Holiday.

I have a HUGE presentation to turn in this coming Friday. I am pulling together the research and case studies I have with my work.

Lord, help me with clarity, discernment, and focus as I create this PowerPoint + Presentation. That I communicate effectively with confidence so that this information is received by the right people. May invisible doors open for the highest and best of all. It is so.

<3 Danielle

THIS is a lot different than what you see me do on the regular...and I am so excited!!!

THIS is a lot different than what you see me do on the regular...and I am so excited!!!

May 12th I am collaborating with Angelica A-Gurel, Shana Nunnelly and Mara Rosaria to bring you a unique immersive experience at The Center for Love and Light.

We will connect through ceremony, tarot, nature, qi gong, and sound healing to uncover and embody the vibration of the Divine within.

We have limited space for this offering and prices go up May 1st. Sign up now (link in bio) and we will see you soon for the journey!

<3 Danielle

Thoughts lead to emotions.

Thoughts lead to emotions.
Emotions trigger frequencies that cascade throughout the body telling it how to act, or react.

When we go back to that same thought and dwell in that thought, those same emotions trigger the same frequencies. 
We do this enough times and those thoughts become a mood. We dwell more, and these thoughts become a belief system.

The sound healing work we are doing at Kate’s Club and Paradigm San Francisco , is designed to disrupt that feedback loop of emotions that get stuck in these kids bodies turning into unconscious programs, aka subconscious beliefs that they then start operating from.

Trauma can manifest many thoughts... our mission is to support them in remembering they are loved, to support them in finding empowerment within themselves, and creating an opportunity for them to feel what they are feeling without judgement so they can feel peace within. DISRUPTING negative feedback loops to support healthy, happy, and empowered belief systems.

I design a program specifically for that organization or companies needs and mission, and it is facilitated by a trained sound practitioner. Today was another great day of love and connection... feeling grateful for my practitioners (Resonant People Project and Mara Rosaria) and the organizations we serve with this work.

<3 Danielle

I love these moments... these “beyond words” moments.. they catch you off guard and make you feel a certain way.

I love these moments... these “beyond words” moments.. they catch you off guard and make you feel a certain way. Surprised. Seen... that feeling like what you do and who you are matters. It gives you a moment of great pause in a world where we are always ON. the times you send me your testimonials of how this work has impacted you 💕
... times where people just show up when they know it means something to you💕
...times where someone calls you out on the story you’re telling yourself 💕
...times where someone calls you out on the bad spelling and grammar for the stories you are telling 😂💕
... the time someone you like calls you “babe” for the first time 💕
... times when someone reaches out because they are inspired by your story and want to interview you on their podcast 🤯💕

Pause. Wow. Episode 18 is Available Now on Thrive Beyond Cancer Summit where I was interviewed by Tekquiree Chenell where we discuss Sound Therapy, Sound Baths, How Sound Therapy helps your body go into its own natural state of healing, how Sound Therapy makes you more aware and connected, how Sound Therapy creates an environment for you to be still, and how the sounds around you influence your well-being. Check out the link in her bio Thrive Beyond Cancer Summit to take a listen.

<3 Danielle

Sometimes you are forced to sit.

Sometimes you are forced to sit.

I’m not a fan of sitting. I resist it. How can I move forward or evolve or make the thing happen, or find the love of my life, or build the career, or make an impact if I am just sitting!!!!????

Sitting! What is that!! It would make me so angry. And looking back the last couple of months I can see I was FORCED to SIT! A LOT!

The feeling lost and then feeling on path.
The food poisoning and then feeling healthy.
The loss of work and then the flood gates of abundance.
The loneliness to feeling divinely connected!

Feeling lost... I was forced to take a seat and rethink a new direction. I found a better path.

Food poisoning... I was forced to take a seat and to heal and prepare my body for the journey that awaits.

The loss of work... I was forced to sit so time would open up for new, fulfilling projects.

The loneliness... I was forced to sit so I would know how to love myself. So I would know how to love others. So I would know how to receive love.


It is within the SIT, that things become effortless and we find new life.

Wednesday I am going to sit. Maybe you will want to be a guest with me? Check out Christopher Wood. New Moon Sound Bath. If you can’t make it to his, I have 3 sound baths this month too. Either way, I’d love to hear about your SIT. I have found peace with it... and feel so much stronger, courageous, and connected because of it. 📸 credit Paul and Tonya .

<3 Danielle

Community is like Fire.

“Community is like fire. It can feed your growth or it can destroy it.” - Danielle Hall

Who you surround yourself with is important. Studies have shown that you are most like the 5 people you hang out with or talk to most. 
Are those people lifting you up? 
Are those people loving? 
If not... I’m sorry but it’s time you find a new squad. Otherwise, you risk never knowing your true potential. You risk not knowing how good life can truly be!

Community is everything to me. It’s what helped me through my darkest times when I lost faith in my healing process, times when I was heartbroken, times when I felt lost on my career path... but the communities I am apart of kept that faith for me! Show’d me how much love was around me! Shined a light on the path in front of me!!!

I would not be here today, doing what I do, feeling fulfilled, loved, and filled with a joy for waking up everyday without the amazing community of people I surround myself by.

I’d love to have a deeper conversation around the power of community: The good, the bad, and the ugly.

Where have you experienced how community has had the power and influence to bring you down a road less desirable?

How have you experienced the power and influence of community to lift you up? 

<3 Danielle

Sometimes I struggle with what to say to people about my work…

Sometimes I struggle with what to say to people about my work… It doesn’t feel as easy as someone saying “I am accountant” or “I am a Doctor” or “ I am a Pet therapist”. (Does that exist?)

I usually say that I help clients relieve stress and reduce pain through sound healing therapy. That works, right? Maybe, but it doesn’t really express the feeling, or depth of the work I do.  It’s so much more than that! After years in the industry, I think I am just now getting closer to those words.

I guide clients in finding a voice to their pain, their stress, and their unhappiness. In finding that voice, my clients are then able to empower themselves in making the change they want to see in their lives.

That’s what I do! That’s pretty cool!

If you are curious about what I do, or are going through something, lets chat! I may be able to help.  I may not.  But hey! It’s a free consultation, and we may have a few laughs.  If anything, at least you will know you are not alone on your wellness journey.

Click on SE Health and then Schedule a Session. Choose the Free 30 minute session. Lets FaceTime, Google Hangout, or come see me at my office in Cabbage Town!  Even if you are not local to Atlanta, there are ways that I may be able to support you.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

<3 Danielle



You're going to get a double dose of Danielle's on Tuesday! This class explores your mental capacity to relax while bringing attention to different areas of the body. Through this integrative practice of yoga and sound, you will leave feeling a sense of peace and harmony. Come with an open heart and readiness to expand. Each individual will work with the breathe and body at their own pace. This is for all levels of experience.

I have a gift for you, too! See you soon!

<3 Danielle