Today is the day, Alabama

Today is the day, Alabama.

@romarin_corbeaux is hosting @aftons.bodywork and I to share a pretty special experience with you.

I think Afton shred it best:

A funny thing just occurred to me as I changed out my old phone case and screen protector I've used and abused this past year.... it felt like a brand, new. phone! I've been walking around feeling micro-cuts on my thumb for a while now, and that old phone case was SO worn out. All it took to feel new again was 25 dollars and 30 minutes of my time... why didn't I do that sooner!?

How many of us get used to our small, seemingly insignificant pains and anxieties until they build and build causing "death by a thousand cuts" !?

We minimize our "small" pain just hoping for it to magically go away, or not wanting to bother because it doesn't feel big enough. Meanwhile, we could have made small changes alongside the pain instead of suffering for so long.

There are opportunities around us all the time to awaken our intuition, and listen to that gentle voice in our heads urging us to counteract and heal those pains!

@sound_embrace and I are providing one of those opportunities this afternoon. We are hosting an intentional, healing space at Romarin et Corbeaux.

There will be a journaling prompt inspired by a tarot card that embodies the new beginnings this Spring Equinox energy is calling in. Following will be a guided meditation accompanied by cranial massage, to help keep your mind connected to these new possibilities. To bring everything to culmination, you will be led deeper into an integrative Sound Bath experience.

Come make a small change with us, and help yourself lessen those little (or big) pains.

P.S. There are still a few spaces open to sign up! Click to sign up!


Spring is a time of awakening


Self-Love as our Foundation