Spring is a time of awakening

Spring is a time of awakening, and rebirth. The dark months are now over and we're moving into the warmth of the light.

Nature is waking up + being reborn, and this is happening within you as well!

As we begin to shake off winter and emerge from our cozy dens, we discover that the landscape is beginning to change. Often, what we see happening with nature and the seasons, we see within ourselves. As we step into the light, we are faced with the truth of visual change in front us, as well as the change needed within to adapt and grow to support the life we want moving forward.

Let’s bring clarity to what you are yearning to create for yourself.

This Wednesday, March 22 in Atlanta, @sarah.brackmann and I will be leading a session called Emerge. We will begin with journaling prompts connecting us deeper to the meaning and intention of the session. You will be guided into gentle movement which will then evolve into a comfortable position where you will experience a deep and restorative breath work practice. To integrate and soothe the mind body we will evolve into an etheric sound bath experience.

Our intention is to awaken your spirit to the energy of spring and EMERGE grounded and empowered to step forward into this new season.

Bring a journal, pen, blanket, pillow, and anything else that will support you in feeling cozy. (This session has limited space.)

So many great sessions coming up in Georgia + Alabama! (Link in bio!)

It brings me so much joy to walk with you on your journey!



What a great turn out for last night’s session


Today is the day, Alabama