Self-Love as our Foundation
Self-Love as our Foundation
We are coming upon a special session I am collaborating on with @aftons.bodywork over at @romarin_corbeaux in Oxford AL. As I shift gears to lean into our topic and intention of Awakening, I am reminded of the astrological aspects we are about to swim in for the next few weeks.
If you are new to the astrology conversation, my invitation to you is that you take what serves and leave what doesn't. I think of astrology as another tool for curiosity of self. Kind if like a Myers Briggs sort of thing, only using math of the planets and stars! MOVING ON! “Venus’ transit in Taurus brings the spotlight on our relationship with ourselves, on how we nurture ourselves, how we love ourselves, how we take care of ourselves. It reminds us that to love another we have to, first and foremost, be committed to loving ourselves and meeting our needs. This transit inspires us to pay attention to our attraction patterns and how they reflect what is going on within ourselves.”
This is an opportunity to begin witnessing patterns in our relationships which may bring us face to face with underlying feelings of worthlessness, of not deserving what we truly desire, scarcity patterns, and blocks that limit our receptivity.
“During the upcoming weeks, we may realize what kind of work we have to do on ourselves in order to create the relationships we aspire to have, what changes need to be made in how we relate to ourselves, and in how we relate to others as a consequence. This transit is an opportunity to choose self-love as the foundation for all our decisions, particularly in terms of relationships, and commit to loving ourselves as we wish to be loved by another.”
Begin to ask yourself the hard questions. This is the only way we may begin to Awaken to the truth of who we are, who we want to become, and taking personal ownership of the role we play in our lives. Move out of victimhood, codependency, and release the crutches holding you back from your own empowerment.
You are worthy.
You are enough.
I know you can do this!
Post inspired by @moonomens Thank you, for your work.