4 Tips on how to strengthen your Connection — SoundEmbrace

4 Tips on how to strengthen your Connection


“My brain is only a receiver. In the universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” -Nikola Tesla⁣

How do you think he knew about it’s existence? The etheric field, the akashic records, quantum entanglement… our body has all these tiny antennas that connect us to our environment. To each other. Universal consciousness. And it is limitless!⁣

But there are so many people who can’t quit make the connection, or find that their connection is dull… here is what you need to do to connect, and to strengthen the connection. You may be unknowingly numbing and dumbing down yourself.⁣

1. You must take care of your physical body.⁣

Including what you eat, what you put on our skin, rest, and adding some type of movement into your week. ⁣

2. Monitor your thoughts. ⁣

Become aware of your limiting beliefs, negative self talk, and thoughts about others. Your thoughts become your mission in life and dictate your action. ⁣

3. Have the emotion!⁣

Stop being avoidant, playing the victim, and being manipulative. Own the role you played, begin healing through acceptance. Look… I know you don’t want to feel the pain or the shame. But if you don’t allow the movement of that energy, it owns you and you will attract more of the same.⁣

4. Find point of stillness and go within to plug in. This can be through sound bath sessions and meditation. A stillness practice is one where you are not engaging in output, but rather connecting inward. ⁣

To make your connection stronger, connect to inspiration, knowledge, healing, focus, connection, and feel more empowered… to reclaim your sovereignty! You must do all of the above. Not just one or two, all. ⁣

  • It will strengthen your immune system.⁣

  • It will increase your capacity to love and attract love. ⁣

  • It will open your perspective to new empowered action. ⁣

  • It will change the trajectory of your life!⁣

Sign up for the SoundEmbrace Membership. A tool to help you connect through Sound Healing Sessions. ⁣