The reality is... everything is working in your favor.

The reality is... everything is working in your favor.

It’s hard for me to say that without hearing others voices pop in saying: :
“Well, what about all my health issues?”
“What about him/her cheating on me?”
“What about me not having money?”

Your health issues are working in your favor to show you how to better take care of your mind body connection.

Him/her cheating is working in your favor to acknowledge what you will except in a relationship, awareness of your self worth, and if that person respects you.

Not having money is working in your favor to help you stay humble and have gratitude for when you do have money, it strengthens your ability to adapt, and develops your work ethic.

I’m not saying that what is in your favor is easy. Wow... IT SUUUUCKS!! I’ve had the health challenges... I’ve been in less than ideal relationships... I’ve been homeless... and when you are there, it’s really hard sometimes to see that THIS situation is being provided as an opportunity.

But here’s the take away... your beliefs dictate your actions and your words. And if you believe that the hard times are set forth in your favor, invisible doors will open.

Today, I am healthy.
Today, I am surrounded by loving relationships.
Today, I am prosperous!

And you can be too. It’s your choice.

<3 Danielle

Danielle Hall

Danielle brings over a decade of experience in using sound healing to support adults and children through various traumas, including PTSD, depression, and physical pain. She is currently completing her Ph.D. in Holistic Life Coaching and holds a Master’s in Metaphysical Science and a certification in Sound Healing Therapy. Danielle collaborates with hospitals, corporate wellness programs, therapy centers, and nonprofits to enhance client well-being through non-invasive sound techniques.

An active member of the American Public Health Association, Danielle educates on the benefits of sound therapy as a complementary wellness approach. She also advocates for musicians' rights as an Associate Member of the Recording Academy and contributes to community development as a member of the DEI Committee and the Public Affairs Committee in Calhoun County, Alabama, where she is also a stakeholder in county tourism.

She has been named a "Pioneer in the Sound Healing Industry" by the Shift Network and interviewed on CNN, Fox 5, and 11Alive.