
The reality is... everything is working in your favor.

The reality is... everything is working in your favor.

It’s hard for me to say that without hearing others voices pop in saying: :
“Well, what about all my health issues?”
“What about him/her cheating on me?”
“What about me not having money?”

Your health issues are working in your favor to show you how to better take care of your mind body connection.

Him/her cheating is working in your favor to acknowledge what you will except in a relationship, awareness of your self worth, and if that person respects you.

Not having money is working in your favor to help you stay humble and have gratitude for when you do have money, it strengthens your ability to adapt, and develops your work ethic.

I’m not saying that what is in your favor is easy. Wow... IT SUUUUCKS!! I’ve had the health challenges... I’ve been in less than ideal relationships... I’ve been homeless... and when you are there, it’s really hard sometimes to see that THIS situation is being provided as an opportunity.

But here’s the take away... your beliefs dictate your actions and your words. And if you believe that the hard times are set forth in your favor, invisible doors will open.

Today, I am healthy.
Today, I am surrounded by loving relationships.
Today, I am prosperous!

And you can be too. It’s your choice.

<3 Danielle

Today I had the opportunity to go the Recording Academy gathering for “Women in Music” (the producers and engineer wing)

Today I had the opportunity to go the Recording Academy gathering for “Women in Music” (the producers and engineer wing).

It’s interesting to me that no matter what you do, across all professions, there is a conversation around self worth, what success REALLY means (to you!), and how a lot of people try to take “shortcuts” or the “easy” route instead of learning the “thing” or “process” that will actually support you in being sustainable.

Somewhere along the way we adopted these belief systems around our worthiness, or that success has to look a certain way, and that we want it all now/Insta gratification.
Ask yourself:

1. What is the internal conversation I am having to myself, about myself?
2. What does success mean TO ME?
3. Am I looking for a quick fix or am I going through the process to learn how to make what I want happen sustainable.

The answers may hold some new inspiration that shift not only your perspective, but your direction.

What are you currently working through? Lets see if we can tap into your subconscious and find some answers for you. Sometimes you have to close your eyes to truly SEE.

The only public Sound Bath session I scheduled this month is this coming up Wednesday, April 10th. Just a few more spaces available. See you soon. 💕

<3 Danielle

Social Media Has Created a Whole New Industry

Social media has created a whole new industry where there are now therapist specializing in social media addiction and the depression, anxiety, and attempted suicides that come with it. And I’m NOT just talking about adults... I work with one of those amazing therapy centers. I am so thankful for the work that Paradigm San Francisco does to help our youth, and the value they see from having sound healing as part of their program once a week. This is real. For something that is suppose to bring us together, and be a source of information, how can we empower our youth when they are inundated by highlight reels? I’m not saying take away screen time... this is still a powerful tool! But how do we empower our youth on social media? I don’t know what it’s like to be a parent. But I can tell you that our kids need us. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be hired by these therapy centers to work with them...

What dialog are you having with your children around social media? Have you experienced a dialog around comparison, depression, anxiety, or sexuality from what they are seeing on these channels? Comment below.

(Thank you ahead time for anyone commenting on this sensitive topic.)
