Nestled in a tranquil corner just outside of Atlanta GA, is an oasis within which to escape the hectic rhythm of the busy world outside. Join Angela Beaver and Danielle Hall in Serenbe for a day immersed in nature. This escape is designed to encourage you to embrace your true nature, soothe your mind, re-connect and re-energize to a healthy VIBRATION.
Angela will guide you through a mindful, calm yoga practice which will awaken a deeper awareness to realign your body. Yoga will seamlessly unfold into a soothing sound bath session under the stars with Danielle. She will use quartz crystal bowls that are tuned to the earth frequency. You will be enveloped by the harmonious sounds and VIBRATIONS designed to wash away tension and stress.
When we retune to the frequency of nature, our bodies naturally feel at peace and well being. Unplug from your day to day, and re connect to the healthy VIBRATION of the earth, realign your body through yoga, release blocks and expand your consciousness through sound.
As a collective, we will step beyond our conditioning and into the authentic expression of our personal VIBRATION.
Get Your Ticket:
Price includes:
Serenbe experince
Gentle hike Yoga
Locally sourced meal
Full moon bonfire
August 20th 2016 230pm-10pm
$165 + free gift pre-register by May 25th 2016
$175 after May 25th 2016
*Receive with your purchase a free downloadable 10min Sound Bath mp3
by Danielle Hall at Soundembrace. Download it to your phone and listen to it when you need to recenter, relax, and rejuvenate! ($30 Value)