“The more you live in the past, the less future you have to live.”

“The more you live in the past, the less future you have to live.”

Dwelling in the past is a trap you don’t want to get stuck in. Especially if it’s negative.

When we dwell, we set up the context and architecture for how the blueprint of our genes are read. We are not our genes, but we become what we think about as expressed through our genes. Let me put it this way... Our perspective creates our beliefs. It is our beliefs that dictate our actions. From a genes perspective, our belief is telling the gene how to read its blueprint— how to act!

May you be surround by loving people, and fill your mind with loving thoughts so that you may feel connected, radiant health, and so much love! Happy Monday! Thank you for this pic Ivey Thompson!

<3 Danielle

know... it’s the weekend. 

I know... it’s the weekend. 
I know... it’s a Holiday.

I have a HUGE presentation to turn in this coming Friday. I am pulling together the research and case studies I have with my work.

Lord, help me with clarity, discernment, and focus as I create this PowerPoint + Presentation. That I communicate effectively with confidence so that this information is received by the right people. May invisible doors open for the highest and best of all. It is so.

<3 Danielle

I find that we are all looking for this sense of magic. We want to be inspired and filled with awe!

I find that we are all looking for this sense of magic. We want to be inspired and filled with awe!

It’s probably the thing I find the coolest about a sound bath experience. It gets you in touch with that feeling... and the best part of it is, it comes from this place deep inside each of us. That feeling you are longing for, is actually something that already lives within you!

There are lots of opportunities to connect with that feeling in the coming weeks with the sessions and new offerings I have available to you. But the best part, is that this feeling is just the beginning. Once you experience it... once you remember what it’s like, it stays with you. Whether you come to one sound bath session or many. What will you do with that feeling!?!

April 28 - Relax in Sound at Westside Yoga Atlanta 
May 8 - Relax in Sound at The Center for Love and Light
May 12- Love Amplified : Connection to the Divine The Center for Love and Light 
May 16 - Relax in Sound at Bar Method Atlanta in East Cobb 
May - June All private sessions are discounted! At my NEW private studio!

<3 Danielle

“How do I get started in Sound Healing?” You have a pen?

“How do I get started in Sound Healing?” You have a pen?

1. Start going to sound baths regularly and try at least one, 1 on 1 session.
Going to sound baths is a great way to learn the language around your experiences and others so you can actually share what you are inviting people into. It also ENERGETICALLY tells the universe that you value this service. When it comes time to charge for it (because this is a business) you will energetically be a match. To give, is to receive.

2. Read “The 7 secrets to Sound Healing” by @jonathangoldman_healingsounds . It’s a fast read and a great intro to see if you really want to learn more.

3. Keep your day job!
It takes time to build a sustainable business. There is absolutely no need to struggle. Think of your current moneymaker as the “Venture Capitalist” to your Sound Healing business. Dream of the future but stay grounded in where you are in the present.

4. Meditate everyday!
This starts to build your subtle body sensitivity and trust. When you begin to facilitate sound baths or 1 on 1’s you will start to notice things like smells, tastes, and seeing energy. Meditating everyday supports you in trusting your experiences and intuition.

5. Do your personal work!
If you are not taking personal responsibility for the role you play in your life, you will not be successful in this work. PERIOD. Anger issues? Unresolved past trauma? Health challenges? Gossip? Depression? (the list can go on) Get a coach, therapist, workout, eat healthy, be expressed and empowered. Work through your stuff, or your stuff will work you.

6. Surround yourself with LOVE.
Loving people who lift you up. Loving thoughts to keep you going. Loving situations that hold you and nurture you. You CAN do this. But it takes a loving community and loving mind to make it sustainable.

Ive got more for you. But start with these 6. Did any of these resonate with you? Let me know!

<3 Danielle



1. I have committed to an office at The Center for Love and Light where it will double as a 1 on 1 and private healing space, while also being the first Sound Healing Showroom in Atlanta where you can play sound healing instruments before you buy them! (YES!!!)

2. I launched my Sound Healing Certification Program! 
There is NOTHING else like it from what I have seen in my research. This robust program is bridging the gap for practitioners on science and spirituality, taking you from concept to confident application, setting the practitioners body up for success to safely facilitate in Vibrational Medicine, providing resources and discounts on instruments, space rental, marketing and business classes, and SO MUCH MORE!

If you cant tell, this is my baby… I have some exceptional human beings and teachers on board to offer students a great education that will far exceed your expectations. THANK YOU to Dr. James Munro (Progressive Medical Center), Dr. Crystal Jones (Private Practice), and Martina Albano (Mastering Engineer and Governor of ATL Chapter of Record Academy) for being a part of this program!

3. Next month, I will be sharing my case studies at the GA Health Association Conference. This 30 min presentation will be in front of an academic audience who supports the mental health and wellness of all of our neighbors here in Georgia. This. Is. BIG for us in Sound/Vibrational Medicine. I cant wait to share more!

And to Shana Nunnelly, Angelica A-Gurel, Mara Rosaria, Jamie Butler Corey, Nicole Hall, Ian Williams, Ian Schumacher, Ashley Burnett, Gina Devani, Lori Schwilling, Johnny Pearman, STUDIOMIX, Paradigm San Francisco, Resonant People Project, Plywood People, Angela Beaver, Christina Wedge, Carmen Holt, Esteban Rivera, Miss Eddie, Miguel Tapia, Paul McPherson Jr., Amanda Hibbert Parvez, Lillian Gray Charles, Helen McKeon, Jill Gordon Ford, Jessica Murphy, Tony + so many others! Though you may not have played a role in what is happening now, you have played a role in how I got here. Thank you for being on this journey with me! I am so thankful and look forward to what’s to come!

<3 Danielle

THIS is a lot different than what you see me do on the regular...and I am so excited!!!

THIS is a lot different than what you see me do on the regular...and I am so excited!!!

May 12th I am collaborating with Angelica A-Gurel, Shana Nunnelly and Mara Rosaria to bring you a unique immersive experience at The Center for Love and Light.

We will connect through ceremony, tarot, nature, qi gong, and sound healing to uncover and embody the vibration of the Divine within.

We have limited space for this offering and prices go up May 1st. Sign up now (link in bio) and we will see you soon for the journey!

<3 Danielle

Together, we can do more

Together, we can do more.

The SoundEmbrace crew spent our Saturday morning meeting our West End neighbors at the At Promise Center with Chris 180  and Children Healthcare of Atlanta gathering in community around conversations of health and wellness, and accessibility. We shared about sound healing therapy and provided 3 intro sound bath experiences!

Thank you Ali for the invite! Shawn Moore for supporting with demos + education at the table and Harzeez Report for your organizational mind + loving energy!


We are at the Promise Center today!

We are at the Promise Center today!

Chris 180  and The Promise Center have teamed up with Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta for this free Wellness Day! And SoundEmbrace will be providing 4 mini sound bath sessions. See you soon!

<3 Danielle

”Sometimes you have to close your eyes to truly SEE.” -Danielle Hall 

”Sometimes you have to close your eyes to truly SEE.” -Danielle Hall 
Get it? SEE: SoundEmbracE 😜

...it feels weird to quote yourself. 🤔😅😂

All joking aside, closing your eyes and finding stillness EVERYDAY is a powerful tool to uncover inner knowledge, heal, shift perspective, and find peace. Adding sound, like a sound bath, can amplify those efforts.

So happy to see you today. And I look forward to providing 2 more for you at Wanderlust Atlanta tomorrow with my former student Sonido Sound Healing and apprentice Larry. Our first, is at 8:30am and the second at 1:00pm!

<3 Danielle

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 is back Saturday, July 27th!

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 is back Saturday, July 27th!

This is a great introduction for anyone curious about Sound Healing Therapy, exploring whether this is something you want to bring into your current practice, or create a sound healing practice of your own. You will have the opportunity to play quartz crystal bowls, gongs, drums, and various accessory instruments. It is a great option at a lower price point to explore whether or not you want to make further investment in time or money towards this field.

And if you do want to take it further, half of your class fee from the 101 class can be applied to the SoundEmbrace Certification Program. 🤭 Details to come! 😉


Today I had the opportunity to go the Recording Academy gathering for “Women in Music” (the producers and engineer wing)

Today I had the opportunity to go the Recording Academy gathering for “Women in Music” (the producers and engineer wing).

It’s interesting to me that no matter what you do, across all professions, there is a conversation around self worth, what success REALLY means (to you!), and how a lot of people try to take “shortcuts” or the “easy” route instead of learning the “thing” or “process” that will actually support you in being sustainable.

Somewhere along the way we adopted these belief systems around our worthiness, or that success has to look a certain way, and that we want it all now/Insta gratification.
Ask yourself:

1. What is the internal conversation I am having to myself, about myself?
2. What does success mean TO ME?
3. Am I looking for a quick fix or am I going through the process to learn how to make what I want happen sustainable.

The answers may hold some new inspiration that shift not only your perspective, but your direction.

What are you currently working through? Lets see if we can tap into your subconscious and find some answers for you. Sometimes you have to close your eyes to truly SEE.

The only public Sound Bath session I scheduled this month is this coming up Wednesday, April 10th. Just a few more spaces available. See you soon. 💕

<3 Danielle

I went PINK!

I went PINK!

For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted pink hair, and for as long as I could remember I have had an excuse not to do it.

In high school, my parents said no. 
In college, I didn’t have the money.
First career, I still didn’t have the money.
Second career, no one will take me seriously.

When I walked into Sound Healing, I was carrying a lot of heavy baggage. Most of them labeled: Self Conscious, Not Enough, and Skeptical - which was the heaviest! But something propelled me forward with a deep trust and faith that THIS was what I was supposed to do.

I knew that if I wanted to succeed to the level of my goals in this field I would need to speak to my target audience in a way that would make it accessible. And it worked! But something weird happened in the process…

All these years I had been focused on making sound healing accessible to others, I lost this piece of self-expression for myself out of fear that I would loose everything I have built.

I kept telling myself that I wouldn’t be able to work with corporate clients or doctors offices… That certain boards, or government officials wouldn’t take me seriously let alone teaching my own sound healing classes!

One thing I share with my students, is that if you are not doing your own personal work, you can not expect your clients to. That’s why I continue to share my stories... maybe we find some common ground. While this may be something small for some, it carries a pretty big significance for me. I don’t know how long I will keep it, but I feel so empowered to finally be expressed in this way!

Next! Tattoo sleeve! :o)

What is something you have been putting off bc of fear of someone else’s opinion?


Walking into April like... WHOA!

Walking into April like... WHOA!

I know March was tough for a lot of you. It was tough on me as well... so, what’s next?

Well, deep breaths. It’s all lifting.
April sound bath sessions are posted on the link in bio. Let’s relieve that tension and stress in a sound bath. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon! 💕

<3 Danielle

Occipital Media poses the question: “Where does your 🧠 lead you when you're imagining a better 🌎?”

Occipital Media poses the question: “Where does your 🧠 lead you when you're imagining a better 🌎?”

I love this question especially after this mornings Creative Morning with Atlanta Creative Morning! I had the opportunity to open for Dollavant talk on water and what she is doing, creating, and BEING through this EMPOWERING app Aquagenuity!!!

For me, its to support the mental health and wellness of our communities through sound healing therapy and to inspire self empowerment. I do that through my sound healing classes (certification program starts in the fall) for sound practitioners to do this work safely and effectively, while also creating job opportunities for SoundEmbrace practitioners in corporate wellness programs, therapy centers, and non profits, while also making this work accessible to those in places that may not have these services through the app I am developing.

We all have our WHY. Connect, create, and you will inspire the action from the collective to support you in making the change you want to see in the world.

Thank you Atlanta Creative Morning and Matchstic House for inviting me to open this months Creative Morning and share a small piece of what I do and the power of sound. ❤️

<3 Danielle

📸 by Occipital Media

Self destruction.

Self destruction.

Despite all the opportunities and testimonials coming my way, I have been playing the quiet observer as I watch myself self sabotage... I’ve found myself in a space in my career and personal self awareness that I could never have imagined being in. Its incredible! It’s bigger and better than I could ever have imagined. I’m happy! So why self sabotage?

My sister and I drove down to Tampa to hear Kyle Cease speak. I had watched a few interviews and really loved his authenticity and humor so I was stoked to attend Evolving Out Loud. A woman was chosen from the audience to go through a process with him on stage. There were a few things that came up for her that rang true for me...

1. I couldn’t “believe” the new things coming my way because I didn’t have to try hard for them... and I have a subconscious belief that I have to work hard to accomplish or get what I want. 
2. I am afraid to have major success because I am fearful of not knowing who I can trust, both platonic and romantic relationships. 
3. I am fearful that BIG success means I will be alone.

Sometimes the coach needs coaching! 🙂
When you are open to observing your limiting beliefs without judgement you actually have the opportunity to choose to change the thought. Now that I have identified the subconscious thoughts running on autopilot in the back of my mind I am STOKED! I feel my focus and energy coming back. I can show love to that side of myself that is trying to protect, and I can move forward empowered. And THANK GOODNESS! In just a few hours I will be speaking and creating a short sound bath experience for Creative Mornings! So blessed!

Have you ever dealt with self sabotage? How did you know you were doing it, and how did you get yourself out of it?

Information on the next sound bath sign up below.

<3 Danielle

“It’s not in the way you love me. But in the way I love myself.” (And yes, this is a car selfie! 😂)

“It’s not in the way you love me. But in the way I love myself.” (And yes, this is a car selfie! 😂)

We teach others how to treat us. What’s ok, what’s not ok. What we like, what we don’t. And when we don’t speak up in the times we want to be treated differently, we are not only not showing ourselves self love, we are not loving the other person wholeheartedly, but rather reacting out of a fear we are clinging onto. We are also not allowing that person the opportunity to course correct, show up for us, or know what it is we need to feel love in return. (Platonic or romantic)

Many of our stresses come from pointing fingers at someone else (or some thing else) or assuming something about that person... one of the most empowering things we can do is take ownership for the part we play in the situation. Where are we not showing up fully for our self? We may not like the response we receive (if you ever receive one! 🤔 ) but at least we are BEING in alignment with our truth which gives us answers faster so we can manifest our hearts deepest desires.

We all want to feel connected. 
We all want to feel wanted.
We all want to feel love.

And the way to all of it, is to have the courage to be vulnerable, own up to the part you play, and empower yourself to take action in expressing your needs and/or desires.

Have you been to a sound bath lately? It’s been a hard month for a lot of us. Link to the next Sound Bath is in the bio. Let’s hug it out.

<3 Danielle

Thoughts lead to emotions.

Thoughts lead to emotions.
Emotions trigger frequencies that cascade throughout the body telling it how to act, or react.

When we go back to that same thought and dwell in that thought, those same emotions trigger the same frequencies. 
We do this enough times and those thoughts become a mood. We dwell more, and these thoughts become a belief system.

The sound healing work we are doing at Kate’s Club and Paradigm San Francisco , is designed to disrupt that feedback loop of emotions that get stuck in these kids bodies turning into unconscious programs, aka subconscious beliefs that they then start operating from.

Trauma can manifest many thoughts... our mission is to support them in remembering they are loved, to support them in finding empowerment within themselves, and creating an opportunity for them to feel what they are feeling without judgement so they can feel peace within. DISRUPTING negative feedback loops to support healthy, happy, and empowered belief systems.

I design a program specifically for that organization or companies needs and mission, and it is facilitated by a trained sound practitioner. Today was another great day of love and connection... feeling grateful for my practitioners (Resonant People Project and Mara Rosaria) and the organizations we serve with this work.

<3 Danielle

Beyond. Proud. Love.

Beyond. Proud. Love.

Beyond grateful for all the bright lights coming together last night for our fundraiser to keep SoundEmbrace Sound Healing program going the rest of the year at Kate’s Club! THIS is just the beginning! Thank you Suzanne Adams for hosting and producing this beautiful gathering of light workers , thank you to the Center for Love and Light for supporting with your nonprofit initiative and being my co pilot in driving this endeavor forward, (and your reiki practitioners! THANK YOU!) Kundalini Leigh Mallis for setting us up so beautifully through breath and mantra, and my amazing sister, Nicole Hall for supporting all of the behind the scene STUFF and always having my back! 💕

Incredibly proud of my students old and new joining me on the stage. Angelica A-Gurel , Mara Rosaria , Pisces Dreamer , Stress Less with Snehaj , Deron Singh , Shawn Moore , The Soulful Yogi  you held space beautifully and I could feel and hear how far you have come. I know each of you will bring these teachings into your communities confidently, lovingly, infused with your message to make this practice truly your own. I think that’s one of the most beautiful things I have the opportunity to witness. YOU... stepping fully into your passion and shining so brightly!

I could feel the LOVE. From everyone who has shared the event, from the attendees, from all parts co creating the facilitation of making this happen... thank you! I’m not sure I got to hug all of you... but I hope you can feel my love in return.

This was our 2nd fundraising endeavor... and I am blown away. To all of you... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

<3 Danielle

What stays with you…

What stays with you…

+ What does it feel like to loose someone you love?
+ How do you navigate the heartache and unanticipated overflow of emotion?
+ How do you keep yourself healthy?
+ How do you trust the life you have?

This beautiful picture is from one of the most recent Sound Bath’s we provided for Kate’s Club .  Not only are these teens navigating the awkwardness of their developing bodies, their place in the world, and getting good grades, THESE 11 teenagers are navigating their feelings of loss and grief of someone they love.

After this sound bath, some of them expressed that they felt calm, more relaxed, and a sense of peace, while for a couple of them, the sound bath was an opportunity for them to express an emotion in a space they felt safe to do so.

These are the things that stay with you. 
These are the things that affirm and validate the work we are doing in sound healing. 
These are the things that inspire and give us the strength and courage to move forward!

This Thursday, March 21st join me for an inspiring evening of Quantum Meditation with Suzanne Adams , Kundalini Yoga with Leigh Mallis , and an Epic Sound Bath with my co facilitators Sonido Sound, Angelica A Gurel , and Mara Osaria , as well as apprentices Picsces Dreamer , Stress Less with Snehaj, Yoga with Larry, Shawn J. Moore and Deron Singh!  Ticket sales go towards raising money to continue the doing this work at Kates Club. 
This is the kind of thing that stays with you. 
And for these kids… 
Tickets $35 preregister
$45 at the door if seating is available.

Sign up now so we can see you’re coming. We thank you 🙏

<3 Danielle

This Sundays “Sound Journey” is NOT a Sound Bath as “usual”!

This Sundays “Sound Journey” is NOT a Sound Bath as “usual”!

This session will challenge you. 
This session is interactive.
This session will ask you to participate.
This session may be brutal.

Its time to get real with yourself. 
Where are you holding yourself back? Where are you not living in alignment? 
For healing to occur you must face yourself and take personal ownership. Then, show yourself compassion, and make the next best step.

I am teaching a sound healing method that can only be done in a group setting. You will be broken up into small groups for this. Sound Journey WILL NOT be offered again until the fall. So this is your last chance to get in on one until then.

No sound healing experience necessary. Only an open mind and open heart.


This Sunday, at The Center for Love and Light I will guide you in building the new. And you will be supported and held by the group.
