
Wow... thank you all for coming out!

Wow... thank you all for coming out! It fills my heart when I see a full room because it’s a sign that you are experiencing transformation and seeing the value of this work. We are all part of the same tribe. And when we come together like this it reminds us that we are not going at this thing called LIFE alone. Thank you Kelsey Reed from Innercise Yoga for an awesome collab, and Atlanta Yoga Collective for hosting us today!

I’m getting goosebumps for Wednesday’s Sound Bath at Studioplex! Not only has Transcend Healing Massage invited us back, but! You will experience 14 quartz crystal bowls and Kea Beverages will be there to help ground you with some delicious kombucha and juices! Let’s relax what needs relaxing! Let’s move what needs to be moved! Let’s find clarity and shift perspective! THIS. IS. YOU. TIME!

<3 Danielle

App update!

App update!

Mobile AppHero is on it! The server is setup, personal login has been created, content is being uploaded, and in about 2 weeks I will be able to download the app to start testing some of the basic functions! I am scheduling time in the studio with Luke Campolieta in Oct to continue producing high quality sound healing tracks. He knows about micing these highly vibratory instruments. These tracks will be specifically for Stress Reduction, Insomnia, Energy Boost, and the Chakras. Martina Albano will be mastering all the sound experiences. If you make music, you should know her! Reach out, Im happy to introduce you. I will elaborate on the awesomeness of Mobile AppHero ,Luke, and Martina in another post. I have to say, they are pretty amazing humans! So far, $1175 has been raised! Incredible! THANK YOU! I am blown away by your generosity. Check out the link in my bio to find more details about what the app is about. Even donating $5 is a huge help! 
Just about one and a half more weeks left on this tour. I'm about to head down to LA for a sound immersion on Sunday the 24th : Relax in Sound in Los Angeles, and then Wednesday the 27th back in San Francisco for Relax in Sound.

<3 Danielle