soundembrace events

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”

You are expansive. You have the capability of so much. You can do as little or as much as you want, show up as small or as big... you are everything, you are everywhere, and every space...

The weather are your emotions. And your emotions are a record of the past. It’s temporary. It doesn’t define you. It doesn’t own you. You get to decide how you work with it, or against it. How you prepare for it, or evolve through it.

You get to decide what artifacts you keep, what baggage to leave.

Tonight’s Sound Bath at Bar Method Atlanta East Cobb will support you in relieving stress, and quiet that mind chatter. Once in this space, you will feel a deeper connection to self. You will feel more expansive. And you will feel more clarity and empowered. Keep what serves, leave what doesn’t! 💕

See you tonight! Link in bio to sign up! I look forward to seeing you.

<3 Danielle

This is the rush. Stay grounded.

This is the rush. Stay grounded.

This is the time of year where it becomes easy to loose ourselves. Ground down... then take action. I have to do the same work you do and I have to say... if it weren’t for some really amazing humans in my life, I may not have made such big leaps the past couple of years. Seriously! How does one go from homeless (bouncing from couch to couch) in 2016, to THRIVING less than 2 years later?

When you act out of love, you receive it.

What is your support system? What support do you have in place?

This time of year our spirit wants to go more inward and hibernate. You may be working out the details and planning for the new year. This is the time. Be patient with yourself. Where can you show yourself compassion? Who are the people you can reach out to, to remind and reflect back to you, your greatness?

2 sound baths coming up this week. I have one in East Cobb on the 8th and one in Buckhead on the 9th. Next week, one in Atlanta on the 14th. Sign up. Let’s ground. Let’s support each other. 

<3 Danielle