
Raise your vibration.

Raise your vibration.

“A higher vibration is simply a more consistent vibration, one with fewer distortions and distractions.”

When our thoughts flow smoothly we create a more harmonious flow within the systems of the body. Belief systems can override physical reality. An emotional release can make a physical pain go away.  A spiritual breakthrough can ease the mind where one can find peace.

“A willingness to face oneself to course correct, and consistently evolving though self-love and compassion, disperses these distortions. It’s a courageous act. It’s a personal call to action to raise one’s vibration.” -Danielle Hall

<3 Danielle

Dominic was one of the first Sound Healing Practitioners I mentored and then went on to hire pretty regularly in the Bay Area.

Dominic was one of the first Sound Healing Practitioners I mentored and then went on to hire pretty regularly in the Bay Area. I learned so much about how to be a teach, challenge my students, and making information accessible. Dominic just birthed The Resonant People Project. A non profit researching the affects of sound and vibration. I am super excited to support him in this work and be a collaborative member of the group!

Dominic has started monthly sound bath sessions where proceeds will go straight to this research! Bay Area friends... you can support this research by signing up for one of his sound bath sessions. Everyone wins!!! The next one is November 4th!

If you are wanting to donate to this research you can also go to Resonant People and there is a DONATE button.

We are making way! We can’t wait to share our findings with you and support the elevation of this vast field of Sound Healing Therapy!!!💕

<3 Danielle

San Francisco Sound Healing 101


You've been asking when I am teaching this class.. well, here it is! Are you ready for a full day intensive that will give you firm foundation for your sound healing practice?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give Sound Healers a foundation to this growing field of Sound Healing, as well as introduce Sound Healing to those who are curious about it.

Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, use in their music recordings, or use sound healing for their own personal health and wellbeing. .

Why am I teaching this? 
Sound Healing is on the rise. The media is talking about it. Hospitals are adopting new frequency technology for treatment. And we are starting to hear about it more and more within our communities.

With this new found buzz, we are seeing a wave of interest in new practitioners to the field. We are witnessing the growth of Sound Healing in classes, coaching sessions, and in music production. The danger, is that a lot of them are untrained and unaware of how sound affects the body and what they may be doing to their clients. .

This class will empower you to create a session that supports your clients on their path to healing. Here are a few reasons why we need you: • On average, there are 123 suicides per day. • Anxiety and Depression affect 40 million adults each year. • 100 million Americans are living with Chronic Pain. • 11.9 million Americans have Cancer • There are 14,000+ substance abuse facilities in the U.S.

With the complexities of health care demands. Sound Healing is a non-invasive healing method that compliments traditional medicine. Sound Healers play a role in setting the body up to go into its own natural healing. Check out more information and Sign Up with the link below.


Social Media Has Created a Whole New Industry

Social media has created a whole new industry where there are now therapist specializing in social media addiction and the depression, anxiety, and attempted suicides that come with it. And I’m NOT just talking about adults... I work with one of those amazing therapy centers. I am so thankful for the work that Paradigm San Francisco does to help our youth, and the value they see from having sound healing as part of their program once a week. This is real. For something that is suppose to bring us together, and be a source of information, how can we empower our youth when they are inundated by highlight reels? I’m not saying take away screen time... this is still a powerful tool! But how do we empower our youth on social media? I don’t know what it’s like to be a parent. But I can tell you that our kids need us. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be hired by these therapy centers to work with them...

What dialog are you having with your children around social media? Have you experienced a dialog around comparison, depression, anxiety, or sexuality from what they are seeing on these channels? Comment below.

(Thank you ahead time for anyone commenting on this sensitive topic.)
