
To be, you.

To be, you.

What is it to be, You? The YOU that’s YOU is not going to be the same YOU as it is for me. Yet it’s within our similar themes like falling in love and heart ache, of triumph and failure, or adventure and being uninspired etc, that we can find the humanness, compassion, understanding, and love for one another.

A common theme I’ve notice on my IG thread lately, has been this out pour from people feeling like they are starting to feel fully expressed. Stepping into and acting in alignment is a powerful thing. When we feel expressed, or seen, it has the power to heal wounds. It has the power to shift perspectives and make radical change. YOU find the power within yourself to move mountains.

We all have an “Evolution of Self” story. Now that you’re here, you can also use this as a way to find more compassion for the path someone else has walked... because just like you, they have fallen in love and have had heart ache, they too have had moments of triumph and failure, or adventure and uninspired moments in time.

Happy 4th!

<3 Danielle