red carpet makeup

2019 Grammys!

2019 Grammys!

Pretty incredible to have the opportunity to celebrate music in this way. What a powerful tool music is to bring people together, to change mood and perspective, a powerful tool for healing and transformation! Having all the feels over here! Loved seeing ATL represent with nominations and WIN some Grammy’s! I am so inspired! Kennard Garrett , Shaan Singh, Simone Torres and Kam Corvet.  I hope the feeling carries on for you long past the event. I hope you carve out the time to take it in. Feel all of it! I hope this opens invisible doors to opportunities better than you can ever imagine! And that you are always surrounded by people who celebrate and love you through it all! ❤️

“Music is our shared global language.”

“Music reminds us where we can go.”

“Music helps us share ourselves and to invite others in.”

“Music Celebrates the greatness in all of us.”

<3 Danielle