philly meditation

Follow the feeling!

Follow the feeling.

I make decisions based on feeling. I get shit for it from time to time, but I have found that when I follow the feeling the mind comes in and figures out the rest. It’s served me well.

Go this way.
Say this.
Don’t say anything.

That feeling sense of our bodies is often overlooked but it’s always guiding us. We need only to pay attention.

Do you follow what you’re feeling? I know I can’t be the only one. Sound Healing has amplified it for me! The practice of using Sound to capture mind chatter to find Stillness has had a profound affect on my life.. Crystal bowls, chanting, drumming, breath... all vibrational tools that help us connect to our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

I don’t always want to act upon the feeling or awareness that comes through. And sometimes I make it hard on myself by resisting... but it always ends up showing me the truth. And while the truth can be hard to accept, it can also be liberating.


From Sound to Stillness

Whenever I feel like I'm not quite sure what I need to do next OR am feeling overwhelmed, I find the peace and clarity I need when I take myself out of what is familiar.

I consider all of this pretty natural. It’s easy to fall into a routine when we are in a familiar space. We fall into a comfortable rhythm. It’s safe. The same words. The same thoughts. The same food. The same people. The same movement. When we do something over and over it becomes a habit and we begin to make unconscious actions. Those actions can sometimes lead to a feeling of “stuck” for me. Have you experienced that?

Taking myself out of my “everyday” disrupts those rhythms and patterns. It introduces me to a different conversation and awarenesses that supports me in finding clarity and focus in my next steps. Sometimes that’s through a road trip. Sometimes it’s by making the conscious decision to do something differently.

But, I didn't always have this level of self awareness. Sound Healing has helped me build this awareness. I use Sound as the vehicle to get me to Stillness.

It is within Stillness, we find awareness and clarity that we can then use to Empower ourselves to make the change we want to see in our lives, and there is so much peace that comes from it. The more you practice Stillness, the easier it is to get there.

I have so many opportunities for you to join me this month. Ive noticed that my facilitation has shifted. I’m starting to use my voice more and it feels like my drums have come alive! Your energy is asking for something different and I am answering the call. I can tell that many of you are starting to find your voice. I hear you.

Choose to do something you haven’t done before, or maybe just a little out of routine. Witness the mind and body align to find peace and clarity. 


Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Chai Tea / Sept 7th / 2:40pm (Atlanta, GA.)

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Chai Tea / Sept 7th / 2:40pm (Atlanta, GA.)

The crowdfunding page has launched (link in bio!) people are sharing it! People are donating! And I am beyond grateful! Thank you for believing in me and this project. It's.. just incredible. There is still so much do but it's like I have found some secret well of energy and happiness that just keeps me moving forward. If you have not experienced a sound bath or the therapeutic power of sound in this way, this month I have events in a few cities for you to check it out and experience it for yourself. If you are in Atlanta I have one tonight!

39 more days of the campaign to go! I look forward to hugging it out with you soon!

<3 Danielle

Photo credit Ari Loeb

Here it is!!!

Here it is!!!
Soundembrace Health is more than an app. This is a tool for transformation.

A new paradigm in health is surfacing and it requires technological innovation. Innovations that supports and empowers individuals.

I have a healthy discontent with the status quo and my mission is to bend and reshape your view on what life can actually be like. What it should be like. Pain free and filled with so much joy!

I am here today because I am asking you to see what I see. This vision is bigger than me and I need your help.

As you will learn from my fundraising page, the features of the app go beyond simply sharing the power of sound healing music. It takes into account Epigenetic's, so you can arial view of your health and well being.  This view, if you let it, will allow you to become AWARE of things that may be holding you back so that you can then EMPOWER yourself to make positive change.  The app will also have 2 min, 10 min, and 30 min sound healing sessions so that you can easily fit it into your day.  Relieve stress, reduce pain, elevate your meditation practice. BE YOUR OWN CATALYST FOR CHANGE.

Ways you can support!
1. Donate to this crowdfunding page.

2. Share the crowdfunding link through email, text, by a phone call to family and friends, share on Facebook, Instagram, and any other social media platform you enjoy.  Make it personal! Share how sound healing has helped you, how I have inspired you, and/or why you support this campaign.

You can even copy and paste the below text: "Sound Healing is a powerful tool for transformation relieving stress and reducing pain.  Join me in supporting my friend Danielle Hall in making sound healing accessible through her app! Its helped me, and I know it will help so many others!"

3.  Share the link to my upcoming events with your friends and family so they can experience it for them self!  In the month of September I have events in Atlanta, Philadelphia, San Francisco, San Rafael, Petaluma, and Los Angeles.

“Energy healing is rising in our civilization because of Quantum Physics and new technology to measure the effects of Energy Medicine.” -Bruce Lipton

Thank you so very much!

<3 Danielle