
Private sound bath sessions: It’s all about that 1 on 1 focused attention, and intention to amplify the experience and connect with your goals in a deeper way.

Private sound bath sessions: It’s all about that 1 on 1 focused attention, and intention to amplify the experience and connect with your goals in a deeper way.

Thank you The Center for Love and Light Atl and Jamie Butler for letting me borrow your office today! Your space gave me the idea to put crystals in the walls of my space!! 🥰

You can book a private session, too with the link below. 💕 See you soon!

<3 Danielle

Get out of your own way!

Get out of your own way!

Taking a moment to feel what it meant to me to present at the Georgia Public Health Association Conference today... but to also relate it back to you.
I submitted my presentation in October of last year. I did it as a way for me to visualize and go through the actions and feelings of what it would be like to submit, give the talk, and make my approach of someday getting sound therapy into hospitals. I researched the format, watched countless tutorials, pulled together my case studies, and put it all together in this package called an Abstract. I never thought I would actually get chosen. 😳

From the outside, you don’t get to see all the work and all the people who came together for me to do this 30min presentation. The 7 years in the industry. The 4 years of working to create sustainable sound therapy programs specific for corporate clients and therapy centers. The time teaching and mentoring up-incoming Sound Therapist. The programs I have invested in to help propel me forward. The time other people put in to support my moments of doubt, or time to help create the programs or experiences you have with me. (So many people to list!) Everything. All of it.. prepared me for today. And pushed me over the edge to something greater!

The same goes for you. Where are you getting in the way of your own evolution? You are feeling “on the edge” of something greater for a reason. You have been preparing for this change (in whatever area of your life it is) for a while. Get out of your own way, NOW! That’s when things really start to get interesting. 💕 .

<3 Danielle

Why is it hard to believe that something so simple can create the change you want to see in your life?

Why is it hard to believe that something so simple can create the change you want to see in your life?

Sign up.
Lay down.
Close your eyes.
Relax in Sound.

Wednesday, May 8th is a BIG DAY! At 11:30am I will be speaking on Sound Medicine at the GA Health Association conference, and that same night I will be facilitating a sound bath at The Center for Love and Light. If you are there, you will be the first to hear how it went... and I will take all the hugs I can get! 💕

Make moves or make excuses. It’s time for change.

See you Wednesday! (Just a few spots open)

<3 Danielle

There is a time for being and a time for doing...

There is a time for being and a time for doing... We must allow time for both. 
If we are willing to go within and allow for stillness, profound healing can occur mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Surrender your burdens for just an hour, and take time to strength your mind, body, spirit connection at today’s sound bath.

Click Calendar above, We have a few spots available! Looking forward to seeing you and hugging it out!

<3 Danielle