
10 Tips for Sleepless Nights

A couple of weeks ago, I started to notice that my sleep patterns were all over the place.  Tossing and turning.  Waking up at random hours during the night. Having to use the bathroom at 2am!


I am very aware of my body so I was able to take action assessing and correcting it pretty quickly. I know I’m not alone in the occasional sleepless nights.  And I know for some, it can go on for months!

45% percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past seven days. (study from the National Sleep Foundation’s inaugural Sleep Health Index™)

Having trouble sleeping can have a wide-range of negative effects on your health. It inhibits your ability to focus, can be the cause of mood swings, and can affect long-term risk of medical conditions such as obesity and heart disease. (to name only a few!)

There are medical sleep aids that may work quickly to help you drift off, but they can have awful side effects and aren't good to use long term.

Here are some helpful tips on how to break the cycle of your sleepless nights.  These are not overnight fixes, however, it could be impactful for some of you, especially as we nose dive in to the Holiday Season where time seems to speed up on us!   

1. Sound Healing

Of course Sound Healing would be my #1 tool to fall asleep!  But that’s not all Sound Healing can help you do.  It can also support in bigger sleep issues like insomnia.

Sound Healing Music has a direct effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body relax and prepare for sleep. It also has the power to slow your heart rate and breathing, lower your blood pressure, and may trigger your muscles to relax. In as little as 3 sound healing sessions, it has been shown that sound healing can support the body in lasting sleep from insomnia. 

I have sound healing sound bath tracks for sale HERE.  You will want the 30minute track and listen to it before bed minimum 3 nights in a row.  You should then start to notice the shifts in your sleep patterns.

(and yes, I am still working on the SoundEmbrace Sound Healing App. We are on track for a December release! YAY! Stay tuned!)

2. The 4-7-8 Breath.

I know, I know… you are already breathing. The 4-7-8 breathing exercise takes some practicing to perfect, however! Once you’ve mastered it, it will become more and more effective.  It may even support you in dealing with anxiety and stress.

Here is how you do it:

Place the tip of your tongue against the ridge of tissue just behind your upper front teeth and keep it there through the entire exercise.

You will be exhaling through your mouth around your tongue; try pursing your lips slightly if this seems awkward.

This is followed by the five-step procedure listed below:
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.
Close your mouth and inhale quietly through your nose to a mental count of four.
Hold your breath for a count of seven.
Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.
This is one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times for a total of four breaths.

The most important part of this process is holding your breath for eight seconds. This is because keeping the breath in will allow oxygen to fill your lungs and then circulate throughout the body. This is what produces a relaxing effect in the body.

Now… Here is a video in case you were like me and sat WTF?!? After reading all that.

3. Yes, Water.

Now, you probably understand how a lack of hydration may affect you during your daily activities.  But going to bed even mildly dehydrated can disrupt your sleep.

“Dehydration causes your mouth and nasal passages to become dry, setting you up for sleep-disruptive snoring and a parched throat and hoarseness in the morning.

A lack of pre-bed fluids can also lead to nocturnal leg cramps that may keep you awake. In addition to the frustration of fragmented sleep, being dehydrated during night can compromise your alertness, energy, and cognitive performance the following day.”

Thanks National Sleep Foundation!

4. Mind Dump.

Break out your journal and get all your stress, worry, and thoughts out of your head.

If you have a busy mind before bed, a good mind dump may support you in “laying your thoughts to rest”.   See what I did there?

5.Move that body!

Did you really think you would get out of working out?  A regular exercise routine can improve your sleep quality. According to Sleep Doctor “ Exercise can contribute to more sound and restful sleep. Physical activity increases time spent in deep sleep, the most physically restorative sleep phase. Deep sleep helps to boost immune function, support cardiac health, and control stress and anxiety.”

So… there!

6. Limit activities in bed. 

I’m not talking about the activities the bed is made for like sleeping, or playing naked twister!

Things like studying, watching tv, or balancing your checkbook can increase alertness and make it difficult to fall asleep.

7. Wake up at the same time each day. 

Let the training begin! It’s so easy to sleep in.  I KNOW!  I LOVE sleep. However, if you are find yourself tossing and turning getting up at the same time every day it will start to train your body to wake up at a consistent time.

One thing that helped me get back on track was scheduling a workout class for 6am. Paying for the class ahead of time kept me accountable. After all, I didn’t want to loose any money!  And some how, that was way ore helpful than being ok looking sleep!   

8. Eliminate alcohol and stimulants.

I knew you wouldn’t like this one… sorry, not sorry!

You know it, and I know it.  Caffeine can last for several hours. It doesn’t just affect you in getting to sleep, it can also cause you to get up several times at night.  Look my friend, this was a tough one for me, too.  I LOVE my one cup in the morning. But it’s only until you get back on the Zzzz’s at Club Pillow.  I know you can do this.

9. No Dinner Before Bed.

Eating a late dinner or snacking before going to bed can activate the digestive system and keep you up.

But since you already gave up the alcohol, this should be an easy one for you to adjust!

10. Ultimate Stress Buster!

This one… well, this one is really a post on it’s own.  But if you really sat down with this, it will change your life forever…

For this one, I am going to ask you to take a closer look into a few potential root causes.

+ Do you like your job?  Or do you want to be doing something else?
+ Are you happy in your relationship?  Or, are you needing to have an important conversation about something?
+ What are your friendships like?  Are you happy? Are you living in a constant state of stress and/or anxiety? 
+ What are some things you can do to evolve away from these stressful situations?  How can you empower yourself to sit down and have the difficult conversations? 

You deserve to live a life you love.

You deserve to have loving relationships.

Where in your life can you start taking back your power?
Where in your negative thoughts can you turn to gratitude?

I’d love to hear if this has been helpful, or if you have any tips on how to get to sleep, or what you did to overcome insomnia. Lay it out for me in the comments below.


Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 15th /9:30am / Atlanta, Ga

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 15th /9:30am / Atlanta, Ga. //

You know that feeling you get when you’ve been running and running and running, and then you stop and look back to see how far you’ve come? You’re a little out of breath, but DAMN! That was a long way! And you can feel that your body, mind, and spirit have been working but you have this serene sense of calm.

Today is the last day in the recording studio. After this session, all of the tracks for the first iteration of the app will have been recorded and will head into mixing, and then mastering. It’s surreal to think about the enormity of this project and that this piece… this pivotal piece, is almost done! 
I’ve had a few “Oh Shit!” moments… some moments based out of fear, but mostly they have based out of excitement and I have been catching myself saying, “Fuck YEAH!” a lot! And right now, stopped, I am looking back, standing in that “Fuck YEAH!” moment. I am looking forward to experiencing how it feels when the app launches!!! What will I be saying then!?!?!?!

<3 Danielle

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//
Started the Relaxation/Stress Reduction section. Here's a peak into "The Zone". 5 tracks down! You would think I would be exhausted after creating 5- 30min sound healing tracks, but quite the opposite! I had so much energy I put it to work catching up on things. Lately, I've been feeling like I just can't catch up. It's all good though! I'm having so much fun learning, creating, and researching it doesn't feel like work! And there is so much to look forward to. OK! Check out the happenings tomorrow!

<3 Danielle

4 of 5 \\11:30am//

4 of 5 \\11:30am//

It was a mad dash into the studio! I was 10 minutes late but it all worked out! Whenever I am done setting up in a space I ALWAYS clear the energy of the room. ALWAYS! Even corporate jobs! My preference is to use sage, cedar, palo santo, put up reiki symbols, and then use a special tuning fork! (In that order!) Over kill? Hahah! It always feels better in the space! I don't always get to burn stuff, but I always clear the room somehow. Energy balanced! It's GO TIME!

<3 Danielle

3 of 5 \\10:24am//

3 of 5 \\10:24am//
Maybe I was a little too ambitious this morning... side affect of waking up earlier? I ended up spilling tea all over my shirt, but hey! I had the extra time to change, right!?Well, I also thought I had enough time to pick up some snacks to have in the studio today... last time my stomach decided it wanted to be a part of the recording! And then I decided to go to Lowes Home Improvement to pick up some clamps for an idea I have for the drum setup... Now, I'm running a little late! Ahhhh... ok, on my way!

<3 Danielle

2 of 5 \\8am//

2 of 5 \\8am//
There is something to learn from every person weaving in and out of our lives. Last week I made the time to get away so I could focus on the app. (THANK GOODNESS for friends in beautiful quiet places!) I got so much work done it was INSANE! One of the things I learned from Ari this past week was to give myself more time in the morning. I usually wake up, roll out of bed and start the day's work with crazy "oh shit" energy! Once I get where I need to be or sitting down to do the work, I have to go through a grounding exercise to focus! Or, I am carrying that "oh shit" energy with me all day! Now that I'm back and have this new found awareness of my morning (non) routine, my alarm is going off a little bit earlier, and Im giving myself time to wake up, collect my thoughts, and move my body. Very important for today...

<3 Danielle

1 of 5 \\7am//

1 of 5 \\7am//
Let's see if I can share today's story... Waking up excited! Today, I get back into the recording studio. It's 45 degrees, alarm went off at 7am, and I need to fit in a few things before I leave. The insomnia tracks have already been recorded and mixed by Luke Campolieta , and are now going through the mastering process with Martina Albano, Love these two! When creating something you are deeply passionate about, it's is important to also choose people to work with you who are also passionate about what they do, and believe in your project. Luke and Martina don't just believe in it, they GET IT! Which one of the main reasons I wanted to work with them. More soon!

<3 Danielle

45% percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities...

45% percent of Americans say that poor or insufficient sleep affected their daily activities at least once in the past seven days, according to the National Sleep Foundation’s inaugural Sleep Health Index™ Having trouble sleeping can have a wide-range of negative effects on your health, so it's something you should take seriously. For example, it makes you less safe behind the wheel and increases your long-term risk of medical conditions such as obesity and heart disease. (to name only a few!) Though medical sleep aids may work quickly to help you drift off, they can have awful side effects and aren't good to use long term. Luckily, there is another treatment for sleepless nights that's cheap, isn't habit-forming, and is non-invasive: Sound Healing Music.

Sound Healing Music has a direct effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps your body relax and prepare for sleep. It also has the power to slow your heart rate and breathing, lower your blood pressure, and may trigger your muscles to relax. “The findings from the Sleep Health Index demonstrate a need for sleep health improvement,” said David Cloud, CEO of the National Sleep Foundation. “Sleep is an important factor in overall health. We suggest that Americans and their doctors talk about sleep as a vital sign of health and well-being.” If you would still like to donate to help create this sound healing app that will have an Insomnia section, you can through the link in the bio. I will be in the recording studio today! Make sure to watch my Instagram Live to see what's up! More on sleep! AND how the Soundembrace app will support your health journey to come!

<3 Danielle