
Big ideas can come in small packages.

Big ideas can come in small packages.

Don’t underestimate who you are or what you can do. It’s so easy to talk ourselves out of doing something we’ve never done before, yet it’s the thing we’ve never done before that can bring so much joy and excitement into our lives!

This build out of my tiny studio space is amazing! My nails are dirty. My body aches. And I’m sleep deprived. I’m doing a lot of things I’ve never done before, like... using a crowbar, and power tools! 😂

I’m juggling that big project while also keeping up with my regular sound healing work, and maintaining relationships. It’s a lot... I’m not going to lie. But just imagine YOU doing one small thing you haven’t done before... and then doing a lot of small things you haven’t done before... and next thing you know! You have the courage to do something a little bit bigger or exciting that you haven’t done before! Then, you look back and can see how you have prepared yourself for this moment, THIS BIG THING all along.

You’re doing great! Keep striving. Keep pushing. Dirty nails. Body aches... in this context I would say, life is pretty great!

<3 Danielle

Atlanta + San Francisco!

Atlanta + San Francisco! Ready to make an impact?

Sound Healing Therapy is not going away anytime soon. Its catching on.  The instruments are becoming more and more accessible. And the conversation is starting to be taken seriously.  And I wouldn't be saying SERIOUSLY if I hadn't been excepted to take HSA + FSA payments! .
This is why I created the Sound Healing 101 class.  I know you are ready make a difference, and Sound Healing is on the rise.

The media is talking about it. Hospitals are adopting new frequency technology for treatment. And we are hearing about it more and more within our communities.
With this new found buzz, we are seeing a wave of interest in new practitioners to the field. We are witnessing the growth of Sound Healing in classes, coaching/therapy sessions, and in music production. The danger, is that a lot of them are unaware of how sound affects the body and what they may be doing to their clients.

This class will empower you to create a session that supports your clients on their path to healing as well provide a foundation to speak on this work with confidence.

Let me know if you have any questions. DM me to chat about how you can make an impact in the lives of others by using sound as the tool for transformation, health and wellness. You can sign up for class by clicking on the link in bio and choosing the date of class you want to take:
San Francisco : Dec 8th
Atlanta: Jan 12