
“The more you live in the past, the less future you have to live.”

“The more you live in the past, the less future you have to live.”

Dwelling in the past is a trap you don’t want to get stuck in. Especially if it’s negative.

When we dwell, we set up the context and architecture for how the blueprint of our genes are read. We are not our genes, but we become what we think about as expressed through our genes. Let me put it this way... Our perspective creates our beliefs. It is our beliefs that dictate our actions. From a genes perspective, our belief is telling the gene how to read its blueprint— how to act!

May you be surround by loving people, and fill your mind with loving thoughts so that you may feel connected, radiant health, and so much love! Happy Monday! Thank you for this pic Ivey Thompson!

<3 Danielle