clear my mind

Evening Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Sept 19th / 6:01pm / Kings Beach, CA.

Evening Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Sept 19th / 6:01pm / Kings Beach, CA.

There is a study by Santa Cruz University that compared historical views of looking out across an ocean or lake versus looking out across land. The study said that looking across these large bodies of water instilled hope, and that you could see and feel infinite possibility. Having the opportunity to do that this weekend did just that. It alleviated some fear I had over how this crowdfunding campaign would go. (Link in bio) Made me think about what success is for me, and to me. It's was the reset I needed to put a few things in perspective. Little bit of caffeine before I set out on the road back to the Bay. I hope you join me tomorrow in San Rafael for a beautiful Sound + Breath gathering under the stars with Faye Wilder, and then on Thursday in SF at StudioMix SF for a Heart Opening Vinyasa Flow followed by an integrative Sound Experience. Then! Sunday in LA for a sound immersion at JAM .

Lots of opportunities to hug it out!

<3 Danielle