

w e d n e s d a y w o r k s h o p

++ A LIVE SOUND BATH BY DANIELLE HALL WITH SOUNDEMBRACE (that’s me! 💕) to accompany the yoga nidra meditation

5/29 at 7pm

Need to relieve stress, have a hard time falling asleep, need rest? Then this is for Y-O-U! Sarah Eiler of Deep Rest Yoga will guide you through a meditative journey through the chakras .
This Yoga Nidra Workshop will include:

- An introduction to Yoga Nidra meditation.
- Setting a personal intention or "sankalpa" for your practice.
- Gentle movement and relaxing breath work to start.
- A 40 minute guided Yoga Nidra meditation that will take you on your own personal journey through the main chakras or energy centers of the body.

You will take home: - A quartz crystal "touchstone" to use during the practice and to take home with you. - A recording of the meditation so you can practice on your own at home.

Yoga Nidra (meaning "yogic sleep" in Sanskrit) is a sleep based meditation practice during which you receive all the healing benefits of sleep while still maintaining a trace of awareness.
Yoga Nidra is a practice of non-doing-- all you have to do is lie down, relax, and listen to the teacher's voice.

<3 Danielle

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 28th / 7:01am/ Atlanta, Ga.

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 28th / 7:01am/ Atlanta, Ga. //

There is the tendency to write about the things that are going well. And.. there are a lot of things going really well! Those are the easy ‘shares’. But these introspection’s are also a way for me to share the frustrating aspects that come into play when running a wellness business, sharing about Sound Healing and events, as well Soundembrace being a real person (ME) who actually lives what she preaches! And btw, not at all perfect.

Like right now. I’m really frustrated. And have been frustrated for about a week. Last night I tossed and turned, wrestling with thoughts that came up from every part of my life. At some point I finally passed out, but journaling about it this morning I realized that there are a few things I had given my power away on and what I’m left with is waiting, wanting, disappointment, a little insecurity, and restlessness.

The more you do your inner work, the faster you can work through moments like this. You identify them quicker. You start to notice the physical manifestations that are wanting to act out. I knew there was something up when my head was flooded with “random” thoughts last night. After sitting with it, I knew what I needed to do and can now take action. I would love to hear your introspection stories! This is a great practice for self reflection and growth. You may be surprised what comes up!

<3 Danielle

“Can Sound Healing cure me?”

“Can Sound Healing cure me?” You wouldn’t believe how many times I am asked this question. My answer always surprises them. “NO!” Sound healing is ONE of the tools I use to help you relieve stress and reduce pain. Whatever the ailment: physical, mental, or emotional, sound healing CAN play a major role in the success of your health goals, and cause some major transformations! But like many forms of therapy or medication, it would only be like putting a band aid over the problem if you do not take these Epigenetic factors into consideration!

When I work with someone, it’s not just about sound healing. (Although, VERY powerful!) I’m also evaluating the epigenetic factors contributing to the root cause of the issue.

Those who signed up for T60 have already received a pretty raw piece of my story in their inbox. No one wants to hear a story about a 5 year old being pinned down! This first memory of a doctors visit shaped my belief system around life and my health that I have carried into adulthood and shaped my perspective and experience of the world until I was 28. Wherever you are on your journey, know that you have way more control of your health than you think. Don’t give up your power. Work in collaboration with Doctors. Ask questions and take action.

Photo credit : Paul McPherson Jr.

<3 Danielle

Intro: Do you believe transformation can happen in 60 days?

Do you believe transformation can happen in 60 days? Here we go... it's been MONTHS since I've been regular with my work out routine, and let's face it... it's starting to show. But my waistline isn't the only thing I need to work on. It's also my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Let me tell ya! I have all the excuses: Work has taken over my life, there has been so much travel, I deserve more sleep and more ice cream, there isn't enough time in the day! But that's life, right?!? I could get down on myself for it, OR I could choose to change it! Sometimes we forget that we actually have a choice! We get to choose, so CHOOSE wisely! I'm feeling motivated to document this for you for a couple of reasons: 1.) The app! I want to show you what epigenetic factors are, how to take them into consideration when it comes to your health, and how to use sound healing tracks in supporting your wellness goals! So stick with me to witness the story and to see the results! Check in to my IG Live, as well. That's where I'll really get to talk to you! 2.) I have been invited to go to the Grammy's in New York in January!!! (SAY WHAT?!?) It's an opportunity to celebrate the power and influence of music, and I want to look an feel my best! This is also around the same time Soundembrace App will officially launch and YOU KNOW I will want to celebrate it! Join me for Transformation 60! A lot can happen in 60 days! It's starts now!

<3 Danielle

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 15th /9:30am / Atlanta, Ga

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 15th /9:30am / Atlanta, Ga. //

You know that feeling you get when you’ve been running and running and running, and then you stop and look back to see how far you’ve come? You’re a little out of breath, but DAMN! That was a long way! And you can feel that your body, mind, and spirit have been working but you have this serene sense of calm.

Today is the last day in the recording studio. After this session, all of the tracks for the first iteration of the app will have been recorded and will head into mixing, and then mastering. It’s surreal to think about the enormity of this project and that this piece… this pivotal piece, is almost done! 
I’ve had a few “Oh Shit!” moments… some moments based out of fear, but mostly they have based out of excitement and I have been catching myself saying, “Fuck YEAH!” a lot! And right now, stopped, I am looking back, standing in that “Fuck YEAH!” moment. I am looking forward to experiencing how it feels when the app launches!!! What will I be saying then!?!?!?!

<3 Danielle

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//
Started the Relaxation/Stress Reduction section. Here's a peak into "The Zone". 5 tracks down! You would think I would be exhausted after creating 5- 30min sound healing tracks, but quite the opposite! I had so much energy I put it to work catching up on things. Lately, I've been feeling like I just can't catch up. It's all good though! I'm having so much fun learning, creating, and researching it doesn't feel like work! And there is so much to look forward to. OK! Check out the happenings tomorrow!

<3 Danielle

4 of 5 \\11:30am//

4 of 5 \\11:30am//

It was a mad dash into the studio! I was 10 minutes late but it all worked out! Whenever I am done setting up in a space I ALWAYS clear the energy of the room. ALWAYS! Even corporate jobs! My preference is to use sage, cedar, palo santo, put up reiki symbols, and then use a special tuning fork! (In that order!) Over kill? Hahah! It always feels better in the space! I don't always get to burn stuff, but I always clear the room somehow. Energy balanced! It's GO TIME!

<3 Danielle

3 of 5 \\10:24am//

3 of 5 \\10:24am//
Maybe I was a little too ambitious this morning... side affect of waking up earlier? I ended up spilling tea all over my shirt, but hey! I had the extra time to change, right!?Well, I also thought I had enough time to pick up some snacks to have in the studio today... last time my stomach decided it wanted to be a part of the recording! And then I decided to go to Lowes Home Improvement to pick up some clamps for an idea I have for the drum setup... Now, I'm running a little late! Ahhhh... ok, on my way!

<3 Danielle