


We are all in one. As a wellness entrepreneur + light barer, I know you sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the ways you want to show up because of the love you have for helping others. I know you feel the weight of responsibility to do a great service. And I know are ready to step into this work in a BIG way.

I also know, it cant be done alone. There are different phases we go through in life and business, and it is important to constantly bring our focus to the present.

Where do I start?
What should or could I be thinking about to get my message out? To make my message clear?
Am I operating from fear?

Are you in a phase to spend a day working on your business, gain clarity, and move forward with confidence? Registration for Sales as a Spiritual Practice closes end of day TOMORROW (Wednesday) so I can prep for you. Let’s do this! Together. 💕
(This is for sound Healers, energy workers, massage therapist, practitioners, yoga instructors, energy workers, and wellness/holistic coaches, teachers, practitioners, and therapists.

And let’s get to business!

<3 Danielle

The Love + Service Entrepreneur

The Love + Service Entrepreneur

This post is for you if what you do or what you are wanting to do, is fueled by love + service.

I get a lot of “soon to be” or “desire to be” entrepreneurs asking me how to start in a wellness and energy business. (Hence the face above)Most of you have had a 9-5 most of your career and are stepping into this energy work thing wondering “Who is going to take me seriously?” “How can I make a living out of this!?” “What should I charge?” “Where do I even begin!?”

If this sounds familiar, then my class ‘Sales as a Spiritual Practice’ is a great place to start! It is a Zoom call, and full day workshop designed to guide, support you in community, and know the next action steps specifically for you. You will leave with resources, inspiration, and feeling of groundedness within your passion to love + serve.

Sound Healers, yoga teachers, massage therapists, practitioners, coaches, energy workers... you know what happens when you open your life force channels and begin to align. The same applies to your business.

Sign up now and we will schedule a chat so I can prepare for you.

Happy Monday!

<3 Danielle

“How do I get started in Sound Healing?” You have a pen?

“How do I get started in Sound Healing?” You have a pen?

1. Start going to sound baths regularly and try at least one, 1 on 1 session.
Going to sound baths is a great way to learn the language around your experiences and others so you can actually share what you are inviting people into. It also ENERGETICALLY tells the universe that you value this service. When it comes time to charge for it (because this is a business) you will energetically be a match. To give, is to receive.

2. Read “The 7 secrets to Sound Healing” by @jonathangoldman_healingsounds . It’s a fast read and a great intro to see if you really want to learn more.

3. Keep your day job!
It takes time to build a sustainable business. There is absolutely no need to struggle. Think of your current moneymaker as the “Venture Capitalist” to your Sound Healing business. Dream of the future but stay grounded in where you are in the present.

4. Meditate everyday!
This starts to build your subtle body sensitivity and trust. When you begin to facilitate sound baths or 1 on 1’s you will start to notice things like smells, tastes, and seeing energy. Meditating everyday supports you in trusting your experiences and intuition.

5. Do your personal work!
If you are not taking personal responsibility for the role you play in your life, you will not be successful in this work. PERIOD. Anger issues? Unresolved past trauma? Health challenges? Gossip? Depression? (the list can go on) Get a coach, therapist, workout, eat healthy, be expressed and empowered. Work through your stuff, or your stuff will work you.

6. Surround yourself with LOVE.
Loving people who lift you up. Loving thoughts to keep you going. Loving situations that hold you and nurture you. You CAN do this. But it takes a loving community and loving mind to make it sustainable.

Ive got more for you. But start with these 6. Did any of these resonate with you? Let me know!

<3 Danielle

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Only hours away... Currently, we have 333 seats filled for the Sound Immersion Fundraiser, tonight! ( Wednesday, December 19th) 5 Sound Practitioners are eagerly awaiting you to enter the dome. While this is NOT a “sound bath as usual” type of event, our intention is for you to walk away from this experience knowing the power of sound healing therapy and its capability to bring peace within your mind/body. To bring you home.

With the plan I have set out, we are working up to being able to provide:
+12 Sound Bath sessions for Chris180 (1 session a month) and 36 sessions for Kate’s Club (broken down for 3 different age groups.)

That’s a total of 48 sessions in 2019! As of this moment, we will be able to do 24 sessions!

At SoundEmbrace, we are supporting the mental health and wellness of our community through sound healing therapy. Creating a safe environment for kids and adults to relieve stress, reduce pain, inspire curiosity and self empowerment... bringing back that sense of HOME when your foundation has been rocked.

We are looking forward to seeing you in a few hours!

Ways you can support: + Purchase a ticket
+ Online Auction ends at 9pm tonight!
+ Financial donation (DM Jamie at the Center)

<3 Danielle