atl tech

Evening Cup Introspection/ Malbec / Oct 16th / 11:38pm / Atlanta, GA

Evening Cup Introspection/ Malbec / Oct 16th / 11:38pm / Atlanta, GA. //

Last of the count down. In 3 hours, what is, will be what is. I gathered with some friends to take time, to take some time to sit with what I have accomplished with the app so far and the closing of the campaign. As I take these last sips I acknowledge the journey, I acknowledge what I have learned, and most importantly, I acknowledge all who have supported. Thank you. 3 hours left... and in closing, that link is in the bio to donate... Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

<3 Danielle

Evening Cup Introspection/ Go Green / Oct 16th / 7:00pm / Atlanta, GA.

Evening Cup Introspection/ Go Green / Oct 16th / 7:00pm / Atlanta, GA. //

Here we are... I may even reach $4000! I am already thinking about what I am going to do with the time that frees up from doing this campaign.. MORE RESEARCH! Ha! Tackling the "To Do" list from the design team is the next priority. I may have a celebratory beverage tonight to sit with this accomplishment... Argosy anyone? Link in bio to donate! $5 helps sooo much! Thank you for your support!!

<3 Danielle