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Align & Vision : Sound and Vision Workshop with True40 Homewood Birmingham Alabama

  • True40 2201 2nd Avenue South Birmingham, AL, 35233 United States (map)

Align & Vision : Sound and Vision Workshop with True40 Homewood Birmingham Alabama

Using the transformative power of sound, we’ll quiet the noise of the mind and tune into the wisdom of the heart, connecting with your dreams and intentions waiting to be realized. After the sound bath, we’ll channel this clarity into a creative vision board exercise, thoughtfully crafting a visual representation of the life we wish to manifest. Supplies for boards and tape will be provided—just bring your favorite magazines and scissors to complete your masterpiece!

New to a sound bath? We are so glad you're here!

Hello! My name is Danielle Hall, and I'm the founder and CEO at SoundEmbrace. While there are many expressions of a sound bath session, I believe that it is important to ground into the science of sound, and how it affects the mind and body so that each session is strategically facilitated to support my clients in achieving what's called the Relaxation Response. 

When your mind and body feel at peace, your perspective shifts around what is possible for your life. These strategic sessions are transformative as they create a sound environment for the body to go into its own natural healing processes; relieving stress, reducing pain, and regaining clarity and focus to find a renewed sense of self empowerment. With over a decade of experience in the field working with adults and children with various health and wellness challenges, and currently working on my dissertation for my Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Holistic Life Coaching, I have found Sound Healing Sessions to be a powerful noninvasive, complementary tool for many of our health and life goals.

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