zonolite park



Human, broken down, is the combination between spirit being and dirt body.

Hu (Humas) : meaning dirt.
Man : meaning spirit.

Our physical bodies contain all the elements of the Earth. And when we die, the vehicle in which our spirits traveled in during our time on this planet, returns to the Earth that created it, and our Spirits rise from that Earth and return home.

The divine union of our dirt bodies and spirit is something to be celebrated. ☀️This process of coming in, and the evolution of spirit. Sunday, May 12 Sonido Sound Healing, Mara Rosaria, Shana Nunnelly and I will be creating a special mini retreat to connect with that divine within.

We are bringing together different ceremonial practices in a mini retreat here at my new headquarters at Zonolite Park Nature Preserve in Atlanta (ITP) ( The Center for Love and Light ) to have an experience of connecting with that Power, that Peace, that Divine spirit within.

This is open to men and women. I look forward to seeing you soon!

<3 Danielle



Food, drinks, music, craft market, silent auction, inflatables for the kids!
Please join us THIS FRIDAY at Zonolite Park!

The block party benefits the Zonolite Park Nature Preserve, and I have a booth where I will be selling some products with 100% of the profit going to support the SoundEmbrace Give Back Program.

I will also be running a raffle ($5!!!!) for a chance to win a private sound bath for up to 4 people!

Starts at 5:30pm Ends at 8:30pm.

<3 Danielle