women in music

Today I had the opportunity to go the Recording Academy gathering for “Women in Music” (the producers and engineer wing)

Today I had the opportunity to go the Recording Academy gathering for “Women in Music” (the producers and engineer wing).

It’s interesting to me that no matter what you do, across all professions, there is a conversation around self worth, what success REALLY means (to you!), and how a lot of people try to take “shortcuts” or the “easy” route instead of learning the “thing” or “process” that will actually support you in being sustainable.

Somewhere along the way we adopted these belief systems around our worthiness, or that success has to look a certain way, and that we want it all now/Insta gratification.
Ask yourself:

1. What is the internal conversation I am having to myself, about myself?
2. What does success mean TO ME?
3. Am I looking for a quick fix or am I going through the process to learn how to make what I want happen sustainable.

The answers may hold some new inspiration that shift not only your perspective, but your direction.

What are you currently working through? Lets see if we can tap into your subconscious and find some answers for you. Sometimes you have to close your eyes to truly SEE.

The only public Sound Bath session I scheduled this month is this coming up Wednesday, April 10th. Just a few more spaces available. See you soon. 💕

<3 Danielle