
Awwwww yeeeea buuudy!

Awwwww yeeeea buuudy!

Community is the glue that holds it together! Beautiful evening spent talking about Risk and ways to empower yourself when you are feeling fear.

FEAR definitely made way into the conversation for me when I decided to create Sound Apothecary (images coming soon! 🤪) I mean... overhead, inventory, set hours... 😳 As Mark RoX TioXon mentioned in the discussion, COMMUNITY is key! And it played a major role in propelling me PAST fear and into creation of my space!

Community, Compassion, Trust... what is something you currently have fear around and one small step you can do today to move forward? 💕

<3 Danielle

Photo by Mark RoX TioXon Leah Trox



We are all in one. As a wellness entrepreneur + light barer, I know you sometimes feel overwhelmed by all the ways you want to show up because of the love you have for helping others. I know you feel the weight of responsibility to do a great service. And I know are ready to step into this work in a BIG way.

I also know, it cant be done alone. There are different phases we go through in life and business, and it is important to constantly bring our focus to the present.

Where do I start?
What should or could I be thinking about to get my message out? To make my message clear?
Am I operating from fear?

Are you in a phase to spend a day working on your business, gain clarity, and move forward with confidence? Registration for Sales as a Spiritual Practice closes end of day TOMORROW (Wednesday) so I can prep for you. Let’s do this! Together. 💕
(This is for sound Healers, energy workers, massage therapist, practitioners, yoga instructors, energy workers, and wellness/holistic coaches, teachers, practitioners, and therapists.

And let’s get to business!

<3 Danielle


w e d n e s d a y w o r k s h o p

++ A LIVE SOUND BATH BY DANIELLE HALL WITH SOUNDEMBRACE (that’s me! 💕) to accompany the yoga nidra meditation

5/29 at 7pm

Need to relieve stress, have a hard time falling asleep, need rest? Then this is for Y-O-U! Sarah Eiler of Deep Rest Yoga will guide you through a meditative journey through the chakras .
This Yoga Nidra Workshop will include:

- An introduction to Yoga Nidra meditation.
- Setting a personal intention or "sankalpa" for your practice.
- Gentle movement and relaxing breath work to start.
- A 40 minute guided Yoga Nidra meditation that will take you on your own personal journey through the main chakras or energy centers of the body.

You will take home: - A quartz crystal "touchstone" to use during the practice and to take home with you. - A recording of the meditation so you can practice on your own at home.

Yoga Nidra (meaning "yogic sleep" in Sanskrit) is a sleep based meditation practice during which you receive all the healing benefits of sleep while still maintaining a trace of awareness.
Yoga Nidra is a practice of non-doing-- all you have to do is lie down, relax, and listen to the teacher's voice.

<3 Danielle

Mental Health + Sound Healing

Here are some stats:

1. Around 20% of the world's children and adolescents have mental disorders or problems. About half of mental disorders begin before the age of 14.

2. Mental and substance use disorders are the leading cause of disability worldwide. About 23% of all years lost because of disability is caused by mental and substance use disorders.

3. About 800,000 people commit suicide every year and is the second leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds.

4. Mental disorders are important risk factors for other diseases, as well as unintentional and intentional injury. Mental disorders increase the risk of getting ill from other diseases such as HIV, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and vice-versa.

5. Stigma and discrimination against patients and families prevent people from seeking mental health care.

Here is how Sound Healing can help:

The brain’s internal communication is based on frequency. Our brainwaves are measured in hertz just like sound.

It has been shown that:
1. certain brainwave frequencies increase the production of serotonin, to help ease pain and increase relaxation.

2. that certain brainwave frequencies increase production of catecholamines, which are important for memory and learning, and

3. reaching deep sleep, which is beneficial for repair and recover quicker from injury, exercise or daily physical stress, and human growth hormone (HGH) is released when our brains are in the delta state.

It’s known and proven that by exercising our brain, we have better mental and emotional health and increased intellectual functioning. And that’s JUST what we do here at SoundEmbrace. We create sound experiences that exercise your brain so that your body can go into its own natural healing state. We are not solving all the worlds problems around mental health but we are a big part of the conversation and contribution to supporting the overarching mission to support adults and kids in this area.

Come check out a Sound Bath. See for yourself. We can take HSA + FSA, too!