
Thoughts lead to emotions.

Thoughts lead to emotions.
Emotions trigger frequencies that cascade throughout the body telling it how to act, or react.

When we go back to that same thought and dwell in that thought, those same emotions trigger the same frequencies. 
We do this enough times and those thoughts become a mood. We dwell more, and these thoughts become a belief system.

The sound healing work we are doing at Kate’s Club and Paradigm San Francisco , is designed to disrupt that feedback loop of emotions that get stuck in these kids bodies turning into unconscious programs, aka subconscious beliefs that they then start operating from.

Trauma can manifest many thoughts... our mission is to support them in remembering they are loved, to support them in finding empowerment within themselves, and creating an opportunity for them to feel what they are feeling without judgement so they can feel peace within. DISRUPTING negative feedback loops to support healthy, happy, and empowered belief systems.

I design a program specifically for that organization or companies needs and mission, and it is facilitated by a trained sound practitioner. Today was another great day of love and connection... feeling grateful for my practitioners (Resonant People Project and Mara Rosaria) and the organizations we serve with this work.

<3 Danielle

Beyond. Proud. Love.

Beyond. Proud. Love.

Beyond grateful for all the bright lights coming together last night for our fundraiser to keep SoundEmbrace Sound Healing program going the rest of the year at Kate’s Club! THIS is just the beginning! Thank you Suzanne Adams for hosting and producing this beautiful gathering of light workers , thank you to the Center for Love and Light for supporting with your nonprofit initiative and being my co pilot in driving this endeavor forward, (and your reiki practitioners! THANK YOU!) Kundalini Leigh Mallis for setting us up so beautifully through breath and mantra, and my amazing sister, Nicole Hall for supporting all of the behind the scene STUFF and always having my back! 💕

Incredibly proud of my students old and new joining me on the stage. Angelica A-Gurel , Mara Rosaria , Pisces Dreamer , Stress Less with Snehaj , Deron Singh , Shawn Moore , The Soulful Yogi  you held space beautifully and I could feel and hear how far you have come. I know each of you will bring these teachings into your communities confidently, lovingly, infused with your message to make this practice truly your own. I think that’s one of the most beautiful things I have the opportunity to witness. YOU... stepping fully into your passion and shining so brightly!

I could feel the LOVE. From everyone who has shared the event, from the attendees, from all parts co creating the facilitation of making this happen... thank you! I’m not sure I got to hug all of you... but I hope you can feel my love in return.

This was our 2nd fundraising endeavor... and I am blown away. To all of you... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

<3 Danielle


I have just come to realize that I am not doing SoundEmbrace justice. SoundEmbrace is not about sound healing at all. It’s about empowerment. It is about self realization. It is about taking personal ownership of our own lives so we can live a life that we love! And I haven’t been speaking about this when it comes to political issues... why? Honestly, I have felt like I may not know enough... that I’m not smart enough... that I won’t be take seriously. Its been a huge wake up call to realize that I was not empowering myself in this situation. So, I’m starting here:

The news about Brett Kavanaugh ACTUALLY getting sworn in to the Supreme Court... baffles my mind and weighs on my heart. All the women I know, including myself have experience some form of sexual harassment or sexual assault. .

Do I need to tell you about the time I walked across the street in a crowd of people and a man decided to smack my butt? YES, IT’S TIME!

Do I need to tell you about the times I have been grabbed on the dance floor, at the bar, on a crowded train, or at large events? YES, IT’S TIME!

Do I tell you about the time I was pinned down screaming because a man believed that “I had asked for it” and his roommate comes in laughing about it? YES, IT’S TIME!

I am LUCKY that things never escalated beyond the grab, but that’s not the case for many women. That is why THIS is so disheartening. Ladies... I know this may be a time where you are feeling powerless and unheard. I hope Jamia Wilson words (below) are helpful during this time and you begin to empower yourself by finding the courage to speak your story. Sharing will help diffuse the charge, the hold it has over you and we will begin to see the change we want to see in the world. Don’t think you or your story are too small. You matter!!! This is how movements happen.

Check out @jamiaawilson write up from the @guardian  below:

“It is a very, very sad day for all Americans. Because the process we witnessed is a sham. It has shown us that survivors of sexual violence are still, within rape culture, not being heard and not being listened to. 

It's the beginning of a new wave of organizing, a new surge of righteous indignation and activism. It's essential for our elected officials to understand that the people believe survivors. What we have seen goes against the will of the people, but the majority of us know that this is not justice, that it is beneath the constitution and everything it stands for.” "It's not the end, even though it may feel that way today. It's the beginning of a new wave of organizing, a new surge of righteous indignation and activism. I believe our actions in the face of this adversity will set the stage for the next 100 years.”


Evening Cup Introspection/ Malbec / Oct 16th / 11:38pm / Atlanta, GA

Evening Cup Introspection/ Malbec / Oct 16th / 11:38pm / Atlanta, GA. //

Last of the count down. In 3 hours, what is, will be what is. I gathered with some friends to take time, to take some time to sit with what I have accomplished with the app so far and the closing of the campaign. As I take these last sips I acknowledge the journey, I acknowledge what I have learned, and most importantly, I acknowledge all who have supported. Thank you. 3 hours left... and in closing, that link is in the bio to donate... Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

<3 Danielle

Evening Cup Introspection/ Go Green / Oct 16th / 7:00pm / Atlanta, GA.

Evening Cup Introspection/ Go Green / Oct 16th / 7:00pm / Atlanta, GA. //

Here we are... I may even reach $4000! I am already thinking about what I am going to do with the time that frees up from doing this campaign.. MORE RESEARCH! Ha! Tackling the "To Do" list from the design team is the next priority. I may have a celebratory beverage tonight to sit with this accomplishment... Argosy anyone? Link in bio to donate! $5 helps sooo much! Thank you for your support!!

<3 Danielle