
I love these moments... these “beyond words” moments.. they catch you off guard and make you feel a certain way.

I love these moments... these “beyond words” moments.. they catch you off guard and make you feel a certain way. Surprised. Seen... that feeling like what you do and who you are matters. It gives you a moment of great pause in a world where we are always ON. the times you send me your testimonials of how this work has impacted you 💕
... times where people just show up when they know it means something to you💕
...times where someone calls you out on the story you’re telling yourself 💕
...times where someone calls you out on the bad spelling and grammar for the stories you are telling 😂💕
... the time someone you like calls you “babe” for the first time 💕
... times when someone reaches out because they are inspired by your story and want to interview you on their podcast 🤯💕

Pause. Wow. Episode 18 is Available Now on Thrive Beyond Cancer Summit where I was interviewed by Tekquiree Chenell where we discuss Sound Therapy, Sound Baths, How Sound Therapy helps your body go into its own natural state of healing, how Sound Therapy makes you more aware and connected, how Sound Therapy creates an environment for you to be still, and how the sounds around you influence your well-being. Check out the link in her bio Thrive Beyond Cancer Summit to take a listen.

<3 Danielle

Breaking Old Patterns.

I had to get punched in the boob before I could believe I was capable.

We don’t know what we don’t know and its easy to get stuck in repeating patterns, thought processes, and belief systems. And sometimes it takes something really BIG to shake us up so we can come at from a new direction and perspective.

1. I had a belief that I was always going to be sick.

It took a Doctor saying, “If we don’t find out what’s going on with you, you’re going down a really dark road.” …that made me realize I wanted to  LIVE.

2. I had a belief that because I worked so much I was not able to cultivate deep connections of friendship. 

Then, I was homeless for 6 months bouncing from one friends couch to another, and I had the opportunity to have mirrored the love and depth of my relationships.

3. I had a belief that I didn’t have anything worth sharing that would be of value to people.

Then, I shared my health story with a young woman and 2 months later she reached out to share how it changed her life.

The Universe punches us in the boob to shake us up when we get into that tunnel vision, or spiral of limiting beliefs.  It puts us in a situation to HAVE to think differently so we can TAKE ACTION on seeing the change we want in our lives. It is these moments that we have an opportunity to see what we are capable of.  When I look at all that’s happen I can find strength and know that “I am capable.”

Thank you @artsymarie for today’s affirmation. 💕

<3 Danielle