
Morning Cup Introspection/ Almond Chai Latte / Oct 17th /9:44am /Atlanta, GA.

Morning Cup Introspection/ Almond Chai Latte / Oct 17th /9:44am /Atlanta, GA. //

Deep down everyone wants to be a part of something special. Something that is shaping a better future. Something that gives us purpose. I want to say that this app is just the beginning... but the beginning happened way before me with people like Jonathan Goldman, Bruce Lipton, Dr.Mitchel Gaynor, and John Beaulieu! Heck! Let's also say Thomas Edison and Nicola Tessa! 

As I move forward, "standing on the shoulders of giants", I would also like to acknowledge everyone who donated and shared about the crowdfunding. You are a part of something special. Thank you for lifting me up on your shoulders. Words can't even come close to express the gratitude I feel for you showing up for me in this way. But I also acknowledge that it may not be because of me at all... that it is because you have lived in pain, and have faith that this can be something great! 

I'm going to take a break today...have some ice cream, take a walk, rest for a bit, and allow it all to sink in. Tomorrow, I will wake up refreshed and ready to move through the content for the next stages of app development. This is so exciting!

<3 Danielle