tea time

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 28th / 7:01am/ Atlanta, Ga.

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 28th / 7:01am/ Atlanta, Ga. //

There is the tendency to write about the things that are going well. And.. there are a lot of things going really well! Those are the easy ‘shares’. But these introspection’s are also a way for me to share the frustrating aspects that come into play when running a wellness business, sharing about Sound Healing and events, as well Soundembrace being a real person (ME) who actually lives what she preaches! And btw, not at all perfect.

Like right now. I’m really frustrated. And have been frustrated for about a week. Last night I tossed and turned, wrestling with thoughts that came up from every part of my life. At some point I finally passed out, but journaling about it this morning I realized that there are a few things I had given my power away on and what I’m left with is waiting, wanting, disappointment, a little insecurity, and restlessness.

The more you do your inner work, the faster you can work through moments like this. You identify them quicker. You start to notice the physical manifestations that are wanting to act out. I knew there was something up when my head was flooded with “random” thoughts last night. After sitting with it, I knew what I needed to do and can now take action. I would love to hear your introspection stories! This is a great practice for self reflection and growth. You may be surprised what comes up!

<3 Danielle

2 of 5 \\8am//

2 of 5 \\8am//
There is something to learn from every person weaving in and out of our lives. Last week I made the time to get away so I could focus on the app. (THANK GOODNESS for friends in beautiful quiet places!) I got so much work done it was INSANE! One of the things I learned from Ari this past week was to give myself more time in the morning. I usually wake up, roll out of bed and start the day's work with crazy "oh shit" energy! Once I get where I need to be or sitting down to do the work, I have to go through a grounding exercise to focus! Or, I am carrying that "oh shit" energy with me all day! Now that I'm back and have this new found awareness of my morning (non) routine, my alarm is going off a little bit earlier, and Im giving myself time to wake up, collect my thoughts, and move my body. Very important for today...

<3 Danielle

Evening Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Sept 19th / 6:01pm / Kings Beach, CA.

Evening Cup Introspection/ Almond milk Chai Latte / Sept 19th / 6:01pm / Kings Beach, CA.

There is a study by Santa Cruz University that compared historical views of looking out across an ocean or lake versus looking out across land. The study said that looking across these large bodies of water instilled hope, and that you could see and feel infinite possibility. Having the opportunity to do that this weekend did just that. It alleviated some fear I had over how this crowdfunding campaign would go. (Link in bio) Made me think about what success is for me, and to me. It's was the reset I needed to put a few things in perspective. Little bit of caffeine before I set out on the road back to the Bay. I hope you join me tomorrow in San Rafael for a beautiful Sound + Breath gathering under the stars with Faye Wilder, and then on Thursday in SF at StudioMix SF for a Heart Opening Vinyasa Flow followed by an integrative Sound Experience. Then! Sunday in LA for a sound immersion at JAM .

Lots of opportunities to hug it out!

<3 Danielle

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Darjeeling Tea / Sept 3rd/ 12:24pm (Mendocino, CA.)

Afternoon Cup Introspection/ Darjeeling Tea / Sept 3rd/ 12:24pm (Mendocino, CA.)

In the thick of it! This is a really important month. I am launching the crowd funding page THIS Wednesday! (What?!?!) And I have multiple events in different cities to expose more people to this work. So there is SO MUCH to promote and share! I am finding myself listening to my recordings more and more over the past couple of weeks to help keep my head clear and stay focused. I am learning so much! This project has taken me out of my norm. I am learning more about tech, neuro feedback, acoustics, and how to make the big picture tangible. Going though this process, I have had the opportunity to use sound healing in the way the app will provide. For example, it will have 2 min, 10 min, and 30 minute sound healing sessions to make it easy to integrate into your day. Especially with those 2 min tracks! It has been so powerful for me to listen to before meetings! And I have had A LOT of meetings lately! It’s so cool that in just a few months I will be able to have Sound Healing in my pocket! AND that you will have access to this tool as well! It's just about time to get ready for this wedding. It's important to step away from your work every once and a while so you can go back to it with fresh eyes, feelings, and perspective. That dance floor is not gonna know what hit it!

<3 Danielle

Photo by Miguel Tapia