
💕See you next week.

💕See you next week.

<3 Danielle

Spaciousness between sound.

Spaciousness between sound.
Spaciousness between words.
Spaciousness between breath.
Spaciousness between thoughts…
is what allows us to feel the life we are living.

Sound exists to create the experience of life while the silence allows you to feel it.

Silence is the most important place to be because it is here that the greatest shifts occur. Silence creates the breadth… it creates the depth, of consciousness. It is in the After Sound, that allows for the dust to settle so we may see clearly.

The next sound bath is tomorrow night, Wednesday Sept 4th. Allow the sound to FILL your being so that it may push everything else out of the way and you may FEEL clearly, in the silence.

<3 Danielle

📸 by Miguel Tapia



Every Wednesday Jamie Butler Medium from the The Center for Love and Light Atlanta interviews a practitioner who has a space here at the Center who has a topic to teach or share.

Tomorrow, I will be interviewed and will share more on the topic of the “Difference between a performer and a facilitator” as it pertains to a Sound Healing!

You can watch it on The Center for Love and Light Atlanta Instagram or Facebook page! Hope to SEE you at 1pm ! I’d love to give you a shout out! ❤️

<3 Danielle

Sometimes you need a reminder of why you do what you do... my day at Kate's Club came at just the right time.

Sometimes you need a reminder of why you do what you do... my day at Kate’s Club came at just the right time. So many of the kids came up after to individually thank me for how relaxed or calm they felt.

Deep breath.
Keep going.
You are doing great work.

<3 Danielle

Thoughts lead to emotions.

Thoughts lead to emotions.
Emotions trigger frequencies that cascade throughout the body telling it how to act, or react.

When we go back to that same thought and dwell in that thought, those same emotions trigger the same frequencies. 
We do this enough times and those thoughts become a mood. We dwell more, and these thoughts become a belief system.

The sound healing work we are doing at Kate’s Club and Paradigm San Francisco , is designed to disrupt that feedback loop of emotions that get stuck in these kids bodies turning into unconscious programs, aka subconscious beliefs that they then start operating from.

Trauma can manifest many thoughts... our mission is to support them in remembering they are loved, to support them in finding empowerment within themselves, and creating an opportunity for them to feel what they are feeling without judgement so they can feel peace within. DISRUPTING negative feedback loops to support healthy, happy, and empowered belief systems.

I design a program specifically for that organization or companies needs and mission, and it is facilitated by a trained sound practitioner. Today was another great day of love and connection... feeling grateful for my practitioners (Resonant People Project and Mara Rosaria) and the organizations we serve with this work.

<3 Danielle

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”

“You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.”

You are expansive. You have the capability of so much. You can do as little or as much as you want, show up as small or as big... you are everything, you are everywhere, and every space...

The weather are your emotions. And your emotions are a record of the past. It’s temporary. It doesn’t define you. It doesn’t own you. You get to decide how you work with it, or against it. How you prepare for it, or evolve through it.

You get to decide what artifacts you keep, what baggage to leave.

Tonight’s Sound Bath at Bar Method Atlanta East Cobb will support you in relieving stress, and quiet that mind chatter. Once in this space, you will feel a deeper connection to self. You will feel more expansive. And you will feel more clarity and empowered. Keep what serves, leave what doesn’t! 💕

See you tonight! Link in bio to sign up! I look forward to seeing you.

<3 Danielle

French Press to Stillness

French Press to Stillness

I am sometimes asked,
“How do you find time to meditate?” My answer, “I make time.” Literally... I put it in my google calendar, make an appointment with myself, and keep that appointment like I would any other appointment. DONE. And it feels really good to check it off my list. (I’m such a list person! 🙃) .

Meditation is not just for meditations sake. It’s an act of self care so I can show up FULLY in all areas of my life. (Or at least give it my best shot!) There is a quote that says, “If you can’t find time to meditate, you don’t have a life.” (Let me know if you know who said this. Thanks!) .

I didn’t believe it until I tried it for 5 days straight. GIRL! (ok... and BOYEEEEE) I started noticing more clarity, calm, and groundedness immediately! And that was about 5 years ago! I MAKE TIME EVERYDAY. Even if just for 5 minutes.

Pacific Yoga Fishtown and I talked about this when I was in Philly a couple of months back. I am naming it:


Check out my IG story to see how it goes. Essentially the idea is that most of us make coffee or tea in the morning. To help you get started with a mediation practice you look forward to, start by attaching it to something you already do and enjoy.

Let me know how it goes for you! Or! Share how you were able to make meditation a regular part of your day. 🥰

<3 Danielle



Wednesday, December 19th

A Site + Sound Experience Fundraiser Supporting Georgia Mental Health + Wellness

Imagine sitting comfortably in reclined seats while immersed in heavenly sounds (played live) that entrain you to a higher state of consciousness. You have a choice in keeping your eyes open while taking a visual journey with sound, touring through space; or choose to relax into the sound with eye masks provided for you as a gift!

Afterwards, enjoy touring the exhibits, chatting it up with our sponsors and vendors, or taking photos at the complimentary photo booth. You will leave with a THANK YOU gift bag and a feeling of peace within your mind, body and spirit for supporting local non profit organizations working in mental health and wellness in Georgia!

See you tomorrow! 💕

<3 Danielle



Last week I had the opportunity to share my story with Shawn Moore, M.S. host of the The Mindful Rebel podcast. We talked about entrepreneurship, how I got into sound healing, legacy, and of course, the fundraiser!

Let me know if you take a listen! I think you will get a better sense of why I do what I do. There is something else that drives me. And it’s NOT sound healing.

Head to or your favorite place to listen (Apple Podcasts , , googleplaymusic) .

<3 Danielle

I like to throw things at you!

I like to throw things at you!

Ok, not literally! If you have ever assisted me then you know you get thrown into things. From day 1, Shana Nunnelly has been able to catch all the curve balls I have thrown at her. I think it’s really the only way to push you out of your comfort zone and gain the confidence to move through the fear.

I am so happy to introduce you to Shana Nunnelly on today’s video podcast. She is one of the practitioners facilitating the experience at the fundraiser on Wednesday, December 19th and I would love for you to get to know her.

Link below to sign up for the EPIC fundraiser event at the Fernbank Planetarium!

<3 Danielle

Calm the mind already!

There are many forms of Sound Healing that can be used as a way to help release ourselves from our obsessive thinking.

When we sing to the songs on the radio, becoming ONE with Bae, or Brushin Your Should Off, we are in a sense, emulating those artists. However, laying down for a sound bath experience can be used as a tool to support in the letting go of the personas we pick up during our day, as well as the one we identify with... it helps you let go of thoughts, bring awareness back to Sound and truly find Stillness. .
A regular practice trains us to have the ability to let go. You can think of sound as the net that captures your thoughts into one place and the stillness diffuses its power over you and releases it. Going back to sound is an empowered action that supports us in the letting go of the things we obsess over. Like... if Kiki really does loves you. DUUUUUUDE! Come on! If you made sound to stillness a part of your everyday practice this THING with Kiki may not take as long to get over!

That goes for all of us. Having a Sound to Stillness Practice supports you in those times you get a blast of negative emotions like when you’re cut off in traffic, have a disagreement, go through a breakup, or someone writes your name wrong on your cup at Starbucks... it may take you 2 months to get over it rather than a year!

September is a special month. I am wrapping up my time facilitating in Philly and road tripping back to Atlanta tomorrow. Just in time to start a series of Sound Baths starting THIS Wednesday night.

These sound bath experiences can be used as a tool to conquer your obsessive mind chatter by training ourselves to let go and come back to a deeper, quieter place within.


From Sound to Stillness

Whenever I feel like I'm not quite sure what I need to do next OR am feeling overwhelmed, I find the peace and clarity I need when I take myself out of what is familiar.

I consider all of this pretty natural. It’s easy to fall into a routine when we are in a familiar space. We fall into a comfortable rhythm. It’s safe. The same words. The same thoughts. The same food. The same people. The same movement. When we do something over and over it becomes a habit and we begin to make unconscious actions. Those actions can sometimes lead to a feeling of “stuck” for me. Have you experienced that?

Taking myself out of my “everyday” disrupts those rhythms and patterns. It introduces me to a different conversation and awarenesses that supports me in finding clarity and focus in my next steps. Sometimes that’s through a road trip. Sometimes it’s by making the conscious decision to do something differently.

But, I didn't always have this level of self awareness. Sound Healing has helped me build this awareness. I use Sound as the vehicle to get me to Stillness.

It is within Stillness, we find awareness and clarity that we can then use to Empower ourselves to make the change we want to see in our lives, and there is so much peace that comes from it. The more you practice Stillness, the easier it is to get there.

I have so many opportunities for you to join me this month. Ive noticed that my facilitation has shifted. I’m starting to use my voice more and it feels like my drums have come alive! Your energy is asking for something different and I am answering the call. I can tell that many of you are starting to find your voice. I hear you.

Choose to do something you haven’t done before, or maybe just a little out of routine. Witness the mind and body align to find peace and clarity. 


Breaking Old Patterns.

I had to get punched in the boob before I could believe I was capable.

We don’t know what we don’t know and its easy to get stuck in repeating patterns, thought processes, and belief systems. And sometimes it takes something really BIG to shake us up so we can come at from a new direction and perspective.

1. I had a belief that I was always going to be sick.

It took a Doctor saying, “If we don’t find out what’s going on with you, you’re going down a really dark road.” …that made me realize I wanted to  LIVE.

2. I had a belief that because I worked so much I was not able to cultivate deep connections of friendship. 

Then, I was homeless for 6 months bouncing from one friends couch to another, and I had the opportunity to have mirrored the love and depth of my relationships.

3. I had a belief that I didn’t have anything worth sharing that would be of value to people.

Then, I shared my health story with a young woman and 2 months later she reached out to share how it changed her life.

The Universe punches us in the boob to shake us up when we get into that tunnel vision, or spiral of limiting beliefs.  It puts us in a situation to HAVE to think differently so we can TAKE ACTION on seeing the change we want in our lives. It is these moments that we have an opportunity to see what we are capable of.  When I look at all that’s happen I can find strength and know that “I am capable.”

Thank you @artsymarie for today’s affirmation. 💕

<3 Danielle