sound healing class

5 more spaces available for Saturday, July 27th Sound Healing 101 class!

5 more spaces available for Saturday, July 27th Sound Healing 101 class!

Who do you want to serve?
What are you passionate about?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give you a foundation in sound healing and provide an opportunity to see if this is something you would like to pursue.

I supply all the instruments, and no experience necessary. It’s a really FUN immersive day of sound! You will take home a binder full of information, a gift bag, and become a part of a community of sound healer’s. ❤️

<3 Danielle



Every Wednesday Jamie Butler Medium from the The Center for Love and Light Atlanta interviews a practitioner who has a space here at the Center who has a topic to teach or share.

Tomorrow, I will be interviewed and will share more on the topic of the “Difference between a performer and a facilitator” as it pertains to a Sound Healing!

You can watch it on The Center for Love and Light Atlanta Instagram or Facebook page! Hope to SEE you at 1pm ! I’d love to give you a shout out! ❤️

<3 Danielle

I LOVE teaching this class!

I LOVE teaching this class!

Sound Healing 101 is only offered twice a year and it is THE PERFECT class for those curious about sound healing or thinking about pursuing. No instruments required! I will have everything you need.

What You Will Learn
1. How to play the Crystal bowls, gong, and shamanic drums. (there will be other smaller instruments as well)

2. The Foundational Principles of Sound Healing

3. What can Sound Healing help with?

4. The Difference Between a Facilitator and a Performer

5. Intro to the History of Sound Healing and how to apply it today

6. Where do you go from here?
*Everyone will get a chance to facilitate a sound bath by the end of class!

Class is Saturday, July 27th

<3 Danielle
📸 Miguel Tapia

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 is back Saturday, July 27th!

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 is back Saturday, July 27th!

This is a great introduction for anyone curious about Sound Healing Therapy, exploring whether this is something you want to bring into your current practice, or create a sound healing practice of your own. You will have the opportunity to play quartz crystal bowls, gongs, drums, and various accessory instruments. It is a great option at a lower price point to explore whether or not you want to make further investment in time or money towards this field.

And if you do want to take it further, half of your class fee from the 101 class can be applied to the SoundEmbrace Certification Program. 🤭 Details to come! 😉


SUPER EXCITED to announce that I am not only offering Sound Healing 101 in San Francisco in December, but also ATLANTA in January!

SUPER EXCITED to announce that I am not only offering Sound Healing 101 in San Francisco in December, but also ATLANTA in January!

Sound Healing 101 will only be offered twice a year and is a prerequisite for my Sound Healing 102 class which will be March 9th! (Save the date!  Details to come!)

Below is a little information about the class!  I cant wait to see you there!

Sound Healing 101 serves to give Sound Healers a foundation in this growing field of Sound Healing, as well as introduce Sound Healing to those who are curious about it. 
Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, or use sound healing for their own personal health and well being.

What You Will Learn
1. How to play the Crystal bowls, gong, and shamanic drums. (there will be other smaller instruments as well)

2. The Foundational Principles of Sound Healing

3. What can Sound Healing help with?

4. The Difference Between a Facilitator and a Performer

5. Intro to the History of Sound Healing and how to apply it today

6. Where do you go from here?

*Everyone will get a chance to facilitate a sound bath by the end of class!

SH101 San Fran : Dec 8th 2018
SH101 Atlanta : Jan 12th  2019
SH102 Atlanta : March 9th 2019
*details to come on SH102!

<3 Danielle

San Francisco Sound Healing 101


You've been asking when I am teaching this class.. well, here it is! Are you ready for a full day intensive that will give you firm foundation for your sound healing practice?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give Sound Healers a foundation to this growing field of Sound Healing, as well as introduce Sound Healing to those who are curious about it.

Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, use in their music recordings, or use sound healing for their own personal health and wellbeing. .

Why am I teaching this? 
Sound Healing is on the rise. The media is talking about it. Hospitals are adopting new frequency technology for treatment. And we are starting to hear about it more and more within our communities.

With this new found buzz, we are seeing a wave of interest in new practitioners to the field. We are witnessing the growth of Sound Healing in classes, coaching sessions, and in music production. The danger, is that a lot of them are untrained and unaware of how sound affects the body and what they may be doing to their clients. .

This class will empower you to create a session that supports your clients on their path to healing. Here are a few reasons why we need you: • On average, there are 123 suicides per day. • Anxiety and Depression affect 40 million adults each year. • 100 million Americans are living with Chronic Pain. • 11.9 million Americans have Cancer • There are 14,000+ substance abuse facilities in the U.S.

With the complexities of health care demands. Sound Healing is a non-invasive healing method that compliments traditional medicine. Sound Healers play a role in setting the body up to go into its own natural healing. Check out more information and Sign Up with the link below.
