sound healing certification

The sign says it all.

The sign says it all.

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing Certification Program starts Monday, August 19th! Can you believe it!? And there are only 2 more spaces available!

Check out the link below so we can schedule a call to answer any of your questions about the program, see if it’s the right fit for YOU, and how you would like to move forward. This is an informational call, NOT a sales call. I want to make sure you feel a 100% YES! If not, at least your questions were answered and you’re not wondering “What if?”

I look forward to sharing more about the program.

📸 by Esteban

<3 Danielle

Competition Driven < Mission Driven

Competition Driven < Mission Driven

I recently talked about the upcoming Sound Healing 101 class in a group and someone asked, “Why would you even consider teaching Sound Healing and share how you do things? Wouldn’t that create more competition?”

We have been so conditioned by society to keep “secrets”, and hoard information. This creates a culture of lack. Of separation. Of fear, anxiety, depression, and mental illness!

I believe strongly in this work. It’s a belief rooted in results, and witnessing of Science and Spirit creating miracles! The only way to elevate the Sound Healing industry is to create an opportunity for education in the field. Otherwise, you are just “dinging” crystal bowls without really knowing what you are doing to people, let alone knowing what to do to create specific outcomes.

Competition… ya know… that’s not even something I focus on or even think about! My focus is on my mission. My mission to support the mental health and well being of our communities though sound healing therapy. And part of that is to create the opportunity for my students to thrive in the communities they are passionate about serving because honestly, I am not going to have as much influence there as they would. My students succeeding is meeting my mission! ❤️

When you go through either Sound Healing 101 or the Sound Healing Certification Program, you feel supported throughout. You gain community, opportunities for collaboration, resources, and support in getting started. You learn how to be a Mission driven business and stay true to your values.

Next Sound Healing 101 is Saturday, July 27th. And if you decide you want to venture into the Sound Healing Certification Program (Starts Aug 19!) Half of your ticket price of SH101 goes towards that balance. (payment plans available as well)

We need you to bring Sound Healing into the community you are passionate about serving.

<3 Danielle
📸 by Miguel Tapia



1. I have committed to an office at The Center for Love and Light where it will double as a 1 on 1 and private healing space, while also being the first Sound Healing Showroom in Atlanta where you can play sound healing instruments before you buy them! (YES!!!)

2. I launched my Sound Healing Certification Program! 
There is NOTHING else like it from what I have seen in my research. This robust program is bridging the gap for practitioners on science and spirituality, taking you from concept to confident application, setting the practitioners body up for success to safely facilitate in Vibrational Medicine, providing resources and discounts on instruments, space rental, marketing and business classes, and SO MUCH MORE!

If you cant tell, this is my baby… I have some exceptional human beings and teachers on board to offer students a great education that will far exceed your expectations. THANK YOU to Dr. James Munro (Progressive Medical Center), Dr. Crystal Jones (Private Practice), and Martina Albano (Mastering Engineer and Governor of ATL Chapter of Record Academy) for being a part of this program!

3. Next month, I will be sharing my case studies at the GA Health Association Conference. This 30 min presentation will be in front of an academic audience who supports the mental health and wellness of all of our neighbors here in Georgia. This. Is. BIG for us in Sound/Vibrational Medicine. I cant wait to share more!

And to Shana Nunnelly, Angelica A-Gurel, Mara Rosaria, Jamie Butler Corey, Nicole Hall, Ian Williams, Ian Schumacher, Ashley Burnett, Gina Devani, Lori Schwilling, Johnny Pearman, STUDIOMIX, Paradigm San Francisco, Resonant People Project, Plywood People, Angela Beaver, Christina Wedge, Carmen Holt, Esteban Rivera, Miss Eddie, Miguel Tapia, Paul McPherson Jr., Amanda Hibbert Parvez, Lillian Gray Charles, Helen McKeon, Jill Gordon Ford, Jessica Murphy, Tony + so many others! Though you may not have played a role in what is happening now, you have played a role in how I got here. Thank you for being on this journey with me! I am so thankful and look forward to what’s to come!

<3 Danielle

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 is back Saturday, July 27th!

SoundEmbrace Sound Healing 101 is back Saturday, July 27th!

This is a great introduction for anyone curious about Sound Healing Therapy, exploring whether this is something you want to bring into your current practice, or create a sound healing practice of your own. You will have the opportunity to play quartz crystal bowls, gongs, drums, and various accessory instruments. It is a great option at a lower price point to explore whether or not you want to make further investment in time or money towards this field.

And if you do want to take it further, half of your class fee from the 101 class can be applied to the SoundEmbrace Certification Program. 🤭 Details to come! 😉
