sound healing atl

I may never know...

I may never know...

I may never know the depth of the impact from these sound bath experiences for these kids... but still so humbling to be a part of their journey.

Check out Kate’s Club to learn more about their mission. 💕

<3 Danielle

📸 Amanda Meredith

💕See you next week.

💕See you next week.

<3 Danielle

Spaciousness between sound.

Spaciousness between sound.
Spaciousness between words.
Spaciousness between breath.
Spaciousness between thoughts…
is what allows us to feel the life we are living.

Sound exists to create the experience of life while the silence allows you to feel it.

Silence is the most important place to be because it is here that the greatest shifts occur. Silence creates the breadth… it creates the depth, of consciousness. It is in the After Sound, that allows for the dust to settle so we may see clearly.

The next sound bath is tomorrow night, Wednesday Sept 4th. Allow the sound to FILL your being so that it may push everything else out of the way and you may FEEL clearly, in the silence.

<3 Danielle

📸 by Miguel Tapia

I’m honored to be among more than 35 of today’s HIGHLY sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners.

I’m honored to be among more than 35 of today’s HIGHLY sought-after experts, sound-healing pioneers, and practitioners — including Eileen McKusick , Jonathan Goldman, John Beaulieu, Christine Stevens, Chloë Goodchild, Deva Premal and Miten, Barbara Borden, Steve Halpern, Mona Delfino, John Stuart Reid, and others — sharing the latest science and leading-edge techniques in sound healing!

During this FREE groundbreaking 5-day ONLINE event by The Shift Network you’ll discover:
💓Sacred healing chants, breathing, mantras, and sonic meditations to empower you and balance your mind
💓The nature and inter-relationship of sound, healing, and consciousness
💓The role of tone, tempo, and pattern as primary components of therapeutic music and sound
💓The intersection between stillness and sound — for heart coherence and resonance with the field
💓How simple sound and meditation techniques can help you reset your nervous system, boost your immunity, and cultivate compassionate relationships
💓The power of drum-sing-dance… how to de-stress in 15 minutes or less and bring more joy into your life
💓Exactly how sound and vibration work — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
💓Practical tips for expanding your personal sound practice and sharing it with others
💓New science and research uncovering the true potential of music in integrative medicine
💓Conscious listening as a bridge to creativity and connectivity
💓Acoustical bridges to your spiritual self, essential nature, and highest purpose and so much more!

I cant tell you how excited I am to share this with you and be a part of this panel! Please sign up and share the link. .

<3 Danielle

5 more spaces available for Saturday, July 27th Sound Healing 101 class!

5 more spaces available for Saturday, July 27th Sound Healing 101 class!

Who do you want to serve?
What are you passionate about?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give you a foundation in sound healing and provide an opportunity to see if this is something you would like to pursue.

I supply all the instruments, and no experience necessary. It’s a really FUN immersive day of sound! You will take home a binder full of information, a gift bag, and become a part of a community of sound healer’s. ❤️

<3 Danielle