san francisco

It’s not about Sound Healing

It’s not about Sound Healing...
it’s about empowerment.

Sound is the tool. 
Sound is the vehicle.
Through different techniques
it creates the environment for
your body to go into its
natural healing functions.

When most people think about being healthy they typically think about the physical body. But they would be missing a few KEY players. It’s also about being healthy mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

In order to truly heal, you must first learn to feel.

Sound creates the environment for you to feel. From there, it is your responsibility to take what comes up and empower yourself to make the change you want to see in your life. It’s an opportunity to see where you have been giving your power away and EMPOWER yourself to take back your life.


San Francisco Sound Healing 101


You've been asking when I am teaching this class.. well, here it is! Are you ready for a full day intensive that will give you firm foundation for your sound healing practice?

Sound Healing 101 serves to give Sound Healers a foundation to this growing field of Sound Healing, as well as introduce Sound Healing to those who are curious about it.

Students will gain the foundation needed to add sound as a therapy in their established health and wellness businesses, start their own sound healing practice, use in their music recordings, or use sound healing for their own personal health and wellbeing. .

Why am I teaching this? 
Sound Healing is on the rise. The media is talking about it. Hospitals are adopting new frequency technology for treatment. And we are starting to hear about it more and more within our communities.

With this new found buzz, we are seeing a wave of interest in new practitioners to the field. We are witnessing the growth of Sound Healing in classes, coaching sessions, and in music production. The danger, is that a lot of them are untrained and unaware of how sound affects the body and what they may be doing to their clients. .

This class will empower you to create a session that supports your clients on their path to healing. Here are a few reasons why we need you: • On average, there are 123 suicides per day. • Anxiety and Depression affect 40 million adults each year. • 100 million Americans are living with Chronic Pain. • 11.9 million Americans have Cancer • There are 14,000+ substance abuse facilities in the U.S.

With the complexities of health care demands. Sound Healing is a non-invasive healing method that compliments traditional medicine. Sound Healers play a role in setting the body up to go into its own natural healing. Check out more information and Sign Up with the link below.
