
Random Pile of Records

Random Pile of Records

I shared with a few people that I had a record player to start doing some intentional listening. The problem... I had no records. 😅

Next thing I knew they gave me a box, bags, piles of random records. 🤗

SO! With this generosity, I am of course going to listen to ALL OF THEM! The good, bad and the ugly! I am going to share them on my IG Story. I would love if you listened with me, if even for the few seconds they play. 👩🏼‍🎤

I’m open to receiving more random piles of records if you have them to give. Should be interesting! 🥰

<3 Danielle

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 15th /9:30am / Atlanta, Ga

Morning Cup Introspection/ English Breakfast / Nov 15th /9:30am / Atlanta, Ga. //

You know that feeling you get when you’ve been running and running and running, and then you stop and look back to see how far you’ve come? You’re a little out of breath, but DAMN! That was a long way! And you can feel that your body, mind, and spirit have been working but you have this serene sense of calm.

Today is the last day in the recording studio. After this session, all of the tracks for the first iteration of the app will have been recorded and will head into mixing, and then mastering. It’s surreal to think about the enormity of this project and that this piece… this pivotal piece, is almost done! 
I’ve had a few “Oh Shit!” moments… some moments based out of fear, but mostly they have based out of excitement and I have been catching myself saying, “Fuck YEAH!” a lot! And right now, stopped, I am looking back, standing in that “Fuck YEAH!” moment. I am looking forward to experiencing how it feels when the app launches!!! What will I be saying then!?!?!?!

<3 Danielle

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//

5 of 5. \\3:00pm//
Started the Relaxation/Stress Reduction section. Here's a peak into "The Zone". 5 tracks down! You would think I would be exhausted after creating 5- 30min sound healing tracks, but quite the opposite! I had so much energy I put it to work catching up on things. Lately, I've been feeling like I just can't catch up. It's all good though! I'm having so much fun learning, creating, and researching it doesn't feel like work! And there is so much to look forward to. OK! Check out the happenings tomorrow!

<3 Danielle

3 of 5 \\10:24am//

3 of 5 \\10:24am//
Maybe I was a little too ambitious this morning... side affect of waking up earlier? I ended up spilling tea all over my shirt, but hey! I had the extra time to change, right!?Well, I also thought I had enough time to pick up some snacks to have in the studio today... last time my stomach decided it wanted to be a part of the recording! And then I decided to go to Lowes Home Improvement to pick up some clamps for an idea I have for the drum setup... Now, I'm running a little late! Ahhhh... ok, on my way!

<3 Danielle

2 of 5 \\8am//

2 of 5 \\8am//
There is something to learn from every person weaving in and out of our lives. Last week I made the time to get away so I could focus on the app. (THANK GOODNESS for friends in beautiful quiet places!) I got so much work done it was INSANE! One of the things I learned from Ari this past week was to give myself more time in the morning. I usually wake up, roll out of bed and start the day's work with crazy "oh shit" energy! Once I get where I need to be or sitting down to do the work, I have to go through a grounding exercise to focus! Or, I am carrying that "oh shit" energy with me all day! Now that I'm back and have this new found awareness of my morning (non) routine, my alarm is going off a little bit earlier, and Im giving myself time to wake up, collect my thoughts, and move my body. Very important for today...

<3 Danielle

1 of 5 \\7am//

1 of 5 \\7am//
Let's see if I can share today's story... Waking up excited! Today, I get back into the recording studio. It's 45 degrees, alarm went off at 7am, and I need to fit in a few things before I leave. The insomnia tracks have already been recorded and mixed by Luke Campolieta , and are now going through the mastering process with Martina Albano, Love these two! When creating something you are deeply passionate about, it's is important to also choose people to work with you who are also passionate about what they do, and believe in your project. Luke and Martina don't just believe in it, they GET IT! Which one of the main reasons I wanted to work with them. More soon!

<3 Danielle