peachtree street

Summer Solstice opened me up!

Summer Solstice opened me up!

Playing a little catch up today and I am reflecting back to yesterday mornings Summer Solstice event. Flip through to check out some highlights including a short video at the end (check out that gong power 🔥✨)

SOUND has the ability to open us up to depths of our subconscious that are otherwise difficult to tap into. It has the ability to bring to your awareness where you are holding yourself back. What’s so powerful about that is that you can’t go back... we now have a choice. A choice to make the change you want to see in your life or to stay where you are.

This Summer Solstice opened me up to a new community. From sun salutations, a medicine wheel and intention ceremony, we practiced right on Peachtree St at the base of the new mural of Aurora at Colony Square Atlanta.
We invited in the light on the longest day of the year holding the intention that by letting in the light, each person would be supported in connecting to, and taking action on their highest truth.

So much gratitude for the lovely Shelly for leading this beautiful event and Colony Square Atlanta for curating the details, holding space, and being open to hosting events that have the power to deeply touch the lives of the community.

Photo by Jay Yu

Next Sound Bath is July 10th! And Sound Healing 101 is July 27th.

<3 Danielle