love life

Sound and First Graders!

Sound and First Graders!

This morning I had the opportunity to share with 4 first grade classes about sound and vibration!

They experienced bringing awareness to the difference of where they felt high versus low frequencies in the body and how lower frequencies are often felt lower and the higher frequencies are often felt higher.

We also breathed together so that they could learn how to be present to what they are feeling. I am blown away by their attention and curiosity. Such great questions! Their eyes literally LIT UP when they connected the dots!

The topper for the whole experience was when a teacher asked me if deaf people are affected and what would their experience be like. I shared with her that from my experience, the person was able to hear sound and feel the vibration as color. Next thing I knew she brought in 2 of her deaf students to experience the instruments! The two girls faces lit up with excitement! They both shared that they could hear and feel the sound. Their shock lingered in their faces until they left and I could see that this brought them so much joy!

This is why I do what I do. Beside the therapeutic benefits, this work brings out curiosity, and awareness so that one can empower themself!

I hope to see you at a sound bath soon! I have one tonight in Buckhead and next week in Virginia Highlands! And remember to sign up for the EPIC SOUND BATH happening in December at the Planetarium!

<3 Danielle


... THIS IS NOT A MUSIC APP!!! This app takes into consideration the epigenetic factors that turn on and off genes that creates illness, stress, and pain in the body; giving you a birds eye view of your wellness story. It helps create awareness’s that you can THEN CHOOSE to empower yourself to make change that will transform your life! If you want or need that extra support, you CAN CHOOSE to work with a coach or practitioner from the app! If you are a coach or a practitioner, you CAN CHOOSE to use the app with your clients having your own dashboard to track client progress! THIS IS A TOOL to help you live a life you actually love waking up to everyday! The Sound Healing aspect is creating the environment for your body to go into its own natural healing state. It is there to support your mind, body, and spirit through these transitions of change. Just 1.5 more days to donate. Link is in the bio. Thank you so, so, so much for your support!

<3 Danielle

As more of you open, speak your truth, and step into your purpose, living authentically aligned and unapologetically you...

As more of you open, speak your truth, and step into your purpose, living authentically aligned and unapologetically you, you are going to face some difficult times. Times of immense stress that if not managed, can manifest in physical ways. With all that is currently happening in the world, I believe we are being challenged to BE more. To DO more. To LIVE purposefully. That is why I feel that I must create this sound healing app. I believe that NO ONE has to live in pain. I believe this so strongly that I am being challenged to BE and DO more. Living purposefully to create a tool that will make this change by affecting the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body supporting the reduction of pain and stress. 
This app is a tool for transformation. There is only 5 days left in my crowdfunding efforts and I need your help. Donating even just $5 is extremely helpful. Asking your friends and family to donate $5 is a game changer!

Thank you for your love and support

<3 Danielle