


At the end of every month, I slow down for a bit to reflect back on what I have accomplished, haven’t finished, started, or maybe completely bombed on! Not to dwell in negatives, but rather, ask myself what I can learn from it? What can I take away? How can I do “this” better. And more importantly… celebrate!

It’s easy to get in to the DOING but if we don’t watch out, we can miss the life that is happening while we crank the machine.

This is one of the reasons why I loved being a part Plywood People Plywood Presents : Festival of Ideas. Over half of the room had never experienced a sound bath before… as a practitioner this is so exciting! A beautiful opportunity to share something so powerful, yet subtle.

AS Distillery opened their doors as one of the gorgeous host spaces that I had the opportunity to I set up in to provide this experience. The festival was an opportunity for all of us to try something new, of listening to inspiring stories, and out of the box thinking on real issues we all face. If you missed this years, Plywood is preselling tickets for next year at a discounted rate. I know you will be inspired by the energy they pull together.

Next up! THIS Wednesday, Aug 7th , 8 spaces available for Relax in Sound, Sound Bath! Hope to see you soon!

📸 by Jamie Butler ❤️

<3 Danielle

The Love + Service Entrepreneur

The Love + Service Entrepreneur

This post is for you if what you do or what you are wanting to do, is fueled by love + service.

I get a lot of “soon to be” or “desire to be” entrepreneurs asking me how to start in a wellness and energy business. (Hence the face above)Most of you have had a 9-5 most of your career and are stepping into this energy work thing wondering “Who is going to take me seriously?” “How can I make a living out of this!?” “What should I charge?” “Where do I even begin!?”

If this sounds familiar, then my class ‘Sales as a Spiritual Practice’ is a great place to start! It is a Zoom call, and full day workshop designed to guide, support you in community, and know the next action steps specifically for you. You will leave with resources, inspiration, and feeling of groundedness within your passion to love + serve.

Sound Healers, yoga teachers, massage therapists, practitioners, coaches, energy workers... you know what happens when you open your life force channels and begin to align. The same applies to your business.

Sign up now and we will schedule a chat so I can prepare for you.

Happy Monday!

<3 Danielle